

发布时间: 2024.10.21



1、一分平安,二分祝愿,三分关心,四分想念,五分感谢,六分祈盼,七分真诚,八分信任,九分坚持,十分想说:平安夜快乐! One is peace, two is wish, three is care, four is miss, five is thanks, six is hope, seven is sincerity, eight is trust, nine is persistence, I really want to say: happy Christmas Eve!

2、 雪花飘飘装饰美奂纯净世界,是我送给你最美丽的风景;悠悠钟声点缀夜的宁静,是我对你深情的祝福;平安夜将至,用短信将我的心意发送,愿你幸福快乐!

3、愿你将平安珍藏,与快乐为伴;愿你将平安相传,与健康为伴;愿你将平安分享,与幸福为伴。平安夜送平安,愿大家平平安安! May peace be treasured and accompanied by happiness; may peace be handed down and accompanied by health; may peace be shared and accompanied by happiness. I wish you all peace on Christmas Eve!

4、 用看透内心的眼神,因才施教,成就学子,人生辉煌;用激情不怠的精神,展示人性,无怨无悔,作为榜样;你的形象,高大明亮!平安夜到,祝老师健康!




8、 当流星划过夜空,为你默许了一份心愿,当平安的钟声响起,为你悄送了一份祝福,当喜庆的节日来临,为你轻声送去问候,平安夜,愿老师幸福平安!



11、平安夜,你有一种健康将会永久,圣诞节,你有一种快乐将会保留,狂欢夜,你有一种幸福将会来到,我真诚的保佑你,如意顺心,天长地久! Christmas Eve, you have a kind of health will be permanent, Christmas, you have a kind of happiness will be retained, carnival night, you have a kind of happiness will come, I sincerely bless you, as you wish, forever!


13、如果你是圣诞,我就是元旦,你是圣诞老人,我就是驯鹿道夫,你是圣诞老婆婆,我就是圣诞老公公,老婆,祝你圣诞乐! If you are Christmas, I am new years day, you are Santa Claus, I am reindeer doffer, you are Santa mother-in-law, I am Santa father-in-law, wife, I wish you a merry Christmas!

14、 在平安夜里,向星星许了个愿,希望你生活甜甜蜜蜜;向天空祈了个祷,希望你事业顺顺利利;向圣诞老人要了份幸福,汇成一条温馨的短信送给你,希望你一生平平安安,幸幸福福!平安夜快乐!

15、圣诞节飘落的雪花,是我真真的牵挂;平安夜亮起的彩灯,是我深深的思念;寒气中流露的气息,都有我满满的祝福。祝节日快乐! The snowflakes falling on Christmas day are my real concern; the colorful lights on Christmas Eve are my deep thoughts; the breath in the cold air is full of my blessings. Happy holidays!

16、 送你大红的苹果,祝你事业红红火火,爱情甜甜蜜蜜,一生平平安安、平安夜又到,愿你一切顺利,一生美丽。

17、不敢对你说,雪花飘去我的思念,不能让你知,有你才有冬日暖阳的眷恋,圣诞节会带给你平安幸运的一年! Dare not say to you, the snowflake drifts away my missing, cannot let you know, has you only then to have the winter warm sun attachment, Christmas will bring you a safe and lucky year!

18、平安钟声响,祝福身边傍。万事都顺畅,成功任徜徉。爱情喜洋洋,甜蜜心中漾。身体都健康,幸福万年长。祝平安夜快乐欢唱! The bell of peace rings, and I wish you all the best. Everything is smooth and success is free. Love is joyful and sweet. All of them are healthy and happy. Happy Christmas Eve!

19、 阳光普照,园丁心坎春意浓、甘雨滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红、敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似润雨,永铭我心、值此平安夜,我虔诚地祝福您安康,如意!

20、 夜晚静悄悄,雪花飘洒洒、烟花多灿烂,照亮美容颜、乐声悠扬传,带我入仙界、举杯邀共饮,情真意又切、平安夜里祝平安,顺顺利利每一天!

21、平安夜送你一个红苹果!红:代表你的事业红红火火;苹:代表你的生活平平安安;果:代表你的梦想开花结果。愿你的每份努力都有成果! A red apple for you on Christmas Eve! Red: on behalf of your career, apple: on behalf of your life, fruit: on behalf of your dream. May every effort of yours be fruitful!



24、平安夜到,愿你删去昨日的烦恼,确定明天的美好,储存身体的强健,复制幸福在身边,粘贴平安无界限,升级美好到永远。 On Christmas Eve, may you yesterdays troubles, make sure tomorrows beauty, store your bodys strength, copy happiness around you, paste peace without boundaries, and upgrade your beauty to forever.


26、 驯鹿跳跳,带给你快乐;铃儿叮当,带给你美好;钟声敲响,带给你祝愿、平安夜,愿我最爱的老师事事都能如愿,笑容天天灿烂!


28、千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福。妈妈,节日平安快乐! How about a thousand miles? And miss each other. Love and care, love and blessing. Mom, happy holidays!

29、带上诚挚的祝福,装上甘甜的苹果。载着每时的思念,托着每刻的想念。送去内心的问候,以表对你的牵挂。平安夜快乐,一生平安。 With sincere wishes and sweet apples. Carrying every moment of missing, holding every moment of missing. Send greetings from your heart to show your concern. Happy Christmas Eve, safe life.

30、平安夜的雪花飘落,带着我的祝福飞进你的心窝。我按动快乐的钢琴键,用真诚为你弹奏圣诞赞歌,愿你在新的一年里无忧无虑,天天快乐! The snow falls on Christmas Eve, flying into your heart with my blessing. I press the happy piano key and play Christmas Carols for you sincerely. I wish you a happy and carefree life in the New Year!


32、清晨因雄鸡报晓而美丽,正午因烈日当空而绚丽,黄昏因晚风习习而惬意,夜晚因我的祝福而平安。平安夜到了,祝你身体健康,一生平安! The morning is beautiful because the cock announces the morning, the noon is gorgeous because the sun is burning in the sky, the evening is cozy because of the evening wind, and the night is safe because of my blessing. Christmas Eve is here. I wish you good health and a safe life!

33、 平安夜里送份平安,愿你人生路上都温馨平安;平安夜里送份快乐,愿你无时无刻都心情唯美;平安夜里送道祝福,愿你一生一世都洋溢幸福、平安夜,祈愿你一生平平安安,日子过得幸福美满!



36、平安夜的歌声,响起祝福不断:一福健康平安,二福荣华富贵,三福四季发财,四福梦想成真,五福双喜临门。祝福无限,祝愿朋友一生平安。 On Christmas Eve, the song rang with blessings: one blessing of health and peace, two blessings of prosperity, three blessings of four seasons, four blessings of dreams come true, five blessings of double happiness. I wish you all the best.

37、 时间悄悄的在流淌,寒风不能阻挡思念的心跳,烟花在绚烂的绽放,想用祝福把你围绕;在这美好的平安夜,深深的祝福你,愿你永远平安,快乐。

38、平安钟声多悠扬,传遍四面和八方。送来如意和吉祥,人人身体都健康。欢声笑语歌儿唱,幸福生活万年长。祝平安夜快乐! The sound of the Peace Bell is melodious and spreads all over the country. Bring good luck and good luck. Everyone is in good health. Happy life is a long life. Happy Christmas Eve!


40、 圣诞树上挂满吉祥,团圆饭里饱含如意、圣诞老人赐予幸福,我的祝福佑你平安、平安夜,送大礼,祝你阖家欢乐,幸福安康。

41、 平安夜里钟声传,吉祥如意都来临,平安夜里祝福送,真心真意真情感、祝我亲爱的老师平安夜里快乐至,幸福美满万万年!



44、平安夜上,温暖的炉火,浪漫的雪花,满是星星的圣诞树,屋内满是温馨的气息,燃亮烛光,许上愿望,圣诞星光从此为你而闪亮。 On Christmas Eve, warm fire, romantic snowflakes, a Christmas tree full of stars, warm breath in the house, light candles, make wishes, and the Christmas stars will shine for you.

45、 平安夜到了,怎么少得了我的祝福、我特此发来短信,别看这短信短小,但祝福精炼、希望你以后的生活,平平安安,快快乐乐!平安夜好梦!


47、锦绣前程(合同范本网 jht868.COM)


49、在这无雪飘零的冬日,在这无你陪伴的平安夜,请允许我对你说声:圣诞快乐,我永远爱你! In this snowless winter, in this silent Christmas Eve, please allow me to say to you: Merry Christmas, I love you forever!

50、 人这一辈子,最珍贵的是什么?不是财富,不是地位,而是平安、生活平安,事业平安,身体平安,一切平安、平安是福、平安夜,愿你平安一生!

51、平安夜祝你,人缘不打折,浪漫不打折,温馨不打折,快乐不打折,福气不打折,幸运不打折,平安更加,更加,更加,更加不打折! On Christmas Eve, I wish you, no discount for popularity, romance, warmth, happiness, luck, peace, more, more and more!


53、 几分教诲,几分得意,几分辛劳,几分收获、没有您的付出,就没有我的收获、没有您的教诲,就没有我的得意、亲爱的老师,祝您平安夜快乐!

54、 平安夜到了,小时候是送自己画的画、上中学的时候,开始流行送贺卡、大学了,学会了给老师送花、现在工作忙,发个短信表示问候、祝老师平安夜快乐!





59、平安是福,健康有福,平安夜里更享福,我已许下平安愿,愿您身体健康精神爽,快快乐乐享太平,人旺运旺事业旺,心顺气顺百事顺! Peace is bliss, health is bliss, and peace night is more blissful. I have made a wish for peace. I wish you good health, good spirit, happy enjoyment of peace, prosperous people, prosperous career and smooth heart!

60、 平安夜送你件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉祥是领子,如意是袖子,快乐是扣子,口袋里满是温暖、穿上吧!让他相伴每一天。

61、 您像树木的根一样,埋头于书本之间,将知识源源不断传授给我们;您像辛勤的园丁一样,不停的浇灌裁剪,让我们生长得缤纷灿烂、老师,您辛苦了、在平安夜来临之际,祝您平安夜快乐。

