

发布时间: 2024.10.18



1、平安夜满天星,是我求圣诞老公公给你的祝福。当每一丝星光接触到你的眼光,都将化作轻柔的情呵护你甜梦到天明!愿你度过一个快乐的圣诞节! On Christmas Eve, the sky is full of stars, which is my wish to Santa Claus for you. When every glimmer of starlight comes into contact with your gaze, it will turn into a gentle affection to protect you, sweet dreams until dawn! May you have a happy Christmas!





6、我相信:祝福,就是我们需要的;能够祝福的,都是可爱的!在至爱的圣诞节里祝福所有人快乐! I believe that blessings are what we need; Those who can bless are all lovely! Wishing everyone happiness in this beloved Christmas season!


8、Blessing on a safe day, and peace on a safe night. Peace and tranquility will last forever, and peace and tranquility will lead to long dreams. May an apple bless you and wish you peace throughout your life. On Christmas Day and Christmas Eve, blessings float over! 平安夜,请闭上眼,我把礼物悄悄送:送你一盏圣诞灯,照亮你的好前程;送你一个小铃铛,一摇快乐在身旁;再送一声祝福话,愿你幸福美佳佳。

9、圣诞节快乐,幸福永远! Merry Christmas, happiness forever!

10、用祝福的言语编织成一顶圣诞帽,用温暖的问候裁剪出一双圣诞袜,用满满的希望打造成一颗圣诞树,用甜蜜和快乐营造出一个圣诞节。用最真挚的心情送你一句:圣诞节快乐! Weave a Christmas hat with blessings, cut a pair of Christmas socks with warm greetings, create a Christmas tree with full hope, and create a Christmas with sweetness and happiness. With the most sincere heart, I send you a message: Merry Christmas!

11、随着对圣诞夜的到来,又想起远方的好友,愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖你一年中的每个日日夜夜,就如我的笑容时时刻刻充满你的心田!圣诞快乐! As Christmas Eve approaches and I think of my friends from afar, may the bright and festive Christmas candlelight warm every day and night of the year, just like my smile always filling your heart! Merry Christmas!


13、圣诞树上挂满着我最真切的思念,圣诞颂歌飘扬着我最美好的心意,圣诞钟声中传递着我最真挚的祝福。圣诞节,让快乐的氛围永远围绕你,让幸福的味道永远追随你! The Christmas tree is filled with my most sincere thoughts, Christmas carols are fluttering with my best wishes, and the sound of Christmas bells conveys my sincerest wishes. Christmas, let the joyful atmosphere always surround you, let the taste of happiness always follow you!

14、轻轻的风,送来淡淡的钟声;激扬的钟声,见证祥和的欢庆。温馨的圣诞夜,点亮华丽的圣诞树,许下久久的愿望,祝愿朋友圣诞快乐,一生幸福。 The gentle wind brings a faint bell sound; The resounding bell bears witness to the peaceful celebration. Warm Christmas Eve, light up the magnificent Christmas tree, make long wishes, wish friends a happy Christmas and a lifetime of happiness.


16、清清的风吹来悠悠的云,悠悠的云含着纷纷的雪,纷纷的雪缠着绵绵的浪漫,绵绵的浪漫陪伴你渡一个浪漫的平安夜。圣诞快乐! The clear wind blows leisurely clouds, which contain numerous snowflakes. These snowflakes intertwine with the endless romance, accompanying you on a romantic Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

17、预祝你:平安夜美梦绵绵,圣诞节快乐连连! I wish you a long christmas dream and a happy christmas!


19、有些人难以忘掉,有些事常常萦绕;相逢是如此奇妙,相知是那么美好;工作虽然很重要,但心情也要调好;偶发个祝福短信,向你圣诞节问好! Some people are hard to forget, and some things often linger; Meeting is so wonderful, knowing each other is so beautiful; Although work is important, one should also adjust their mood; Occasionally send a blessing message to say hello to Christmas to you!

20、The romance of winter, like snow. The words in the wind, like a vine lingering. Wish you a merry Christmas. 寒冬里的浪漫,如雪花飞舞。风声里的心语,似藤蔓缠绵。祝你圣诞快乐。


22、烟花的一瞬是快乐,流星的一瞬是祈愿,思念的一瞬是感动,而我只想让你在看到短信的一瞬间能够明白:我是真心的祝你一生幸福!圣诞节快乐! The moment of fireworks is a moment of happiness, the moment of shooting stars is a prayer, the moment of missing is a moment of emotion, and I just want you to understand at the moment you see the text message: I sincerely wish you a happy life! Merry Christmas!

23、短信早一点迟一点,收到就好;礼物有大有小,诚心就好;朋友不在乎多少,有我就好;平安夜无聊,找我就好!只愿你的圣诞节,快乐就好! Send the text message earlier or later, as long as you receive it; Gifts can be big or small, sincerity is good; Friends dont care much, just have me; Christmas Eve is boring, just come find me! May your Christmas be happy!


25、May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness. 愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。


27、祝你圣诞节快乐,生活有滋有味! Wish you a happy christmas and a wonderful life!

28、愿你的圣诞光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐! May your christmas be bright and your new year brilliant! Happy holidays!

29、冰雪飘,白茫茫,温馨关怀暖心房;风儿吹,寒气涨,朋友真情莫忘掉;手机响,问候暖,情真意切早送上。祝你圣诞佳节快乐无恙,朋友关怀心中藏! Ice and snow drift, white and vast, warm care warms the heart; The wind blows, the cold rises, never forget the true feelings of friends; Phone ringing, warm greetings, sincere and heartfelt early delivery. Wishing you a happy and safe Christmas, with friends caring and hidden in their hearts!

30、今年你愿意做我的圣诞老人吗,在圣诞的晚上将礼物放在我的床头。 Would you like to be my santa this year, and put the presents on my bed at christmas night.



33、我已经派我可爱的小麋鹿,驮着送你的礼物已经出现在你家窗户外,快点打开窗户接收吧。咦,你要知道为什么?好吧,圣诞快乐!呵呵。 I have sent my lovely little elk, carrying the gift for you, to appear outside your window. Open the window quickly to receive it. Hey, you need to know why? Okay, Merry Christmas! Hehe.

34、Christmas Eve, Night of Peace, Tonight Winter Breeze, Ming Dynasty Spring Breeze, Outdoor Cold, Indoor Warmth, Blessing Sounds, Gift Flies. Tonight is Christmas Eve, wishing you all the best in the coming year and a happy day. Merry Christmas! 平安夜,夜夜平安,今夜冬风,明朝春风,室外寒气,室内暖意,祝福声起,礼物飞来。今夜是平安夜,祝君来年事事如意,天天美满。圣诞快乐!

35、我收到过最好的圣诞礼物,是穿越风雪为我而来的你。 Ive received the best christmas gift. You came for me through the snow.


37、Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas. 祝福您及您的家人圣诞快乐。

38、May the bright and festive glow of christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞




42、圣诞节真的觉得好寂寞,因为没你在身边;其实我真的想你了,好想好想有你陪我渡过这个浪漫的平安夜。宝贝,圣诞节快乐。 Christmas really feels so lonely because without you by my side; Actually, I really miss you. I really want to have you accompany me on this romantic Christmas Eve. Baby, happy Christmas.


44、圣诞到,许个愿吧,让圣诞老人带给你好运与平安,带给你幸福与快乐,健健康康,开开心心,舒舒服服,乐乐呵呵的享受生活,祝圣诞快乐! Christmas is here, make a wish, let Santa Claus bring you good luck and peace, bring you happiness and joy, be healthy, happy, comfortable, and enjoy life happily. Wishing you a happy Christmas!





49、A christmas wish for my best friend! 给我最好的朋友一个圣诞祝福!


51、Wishing you a blessed christmas and a new year filled with happy surprises. 祝圣诞平安,新年中有意想不到的收获!

52、Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年里充满快乐。


54、No matter how many greetings you have received, I still offer my sincere blessings to you. No matter how much happiness you have, I still silently pray for you: your dreams come true, your dreams come true, and I also wish you a happy Christmas! 无论您已收到多少问候,我依然为您献上我真诚的祝福,无论您拥有多少快乐,我依然为您默默祈祷:心想事成、美梦成真、同时也祝你圣诞快乐!

55、Merry Christmas! Beautiful days, may the light of Christmas illuminate every day of your life. Merry Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!美好的日子,愿圣诞之光普照你的每一个日子。平安夜快乐,圣诞快乐!

56、献上最诚挚的祝福, 祝您新年恰愉快。全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。The most sincere blessings, I wish you a happy New Year. Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy Christmas.


58、没有雪花飞舞,没有驯鹿踟蹰,圣诞依然光顾;有了祝福,虽是寒冬冷酷,温暖依旧如故。圣诞节,我祝福:愿快乐从此为你停住! No snowflakes dancing, no reindeer hesitating, Christmas still comes; With blessings, even though it is cold winter, warmth remains the same. Christmas, I wish: May happiness stop for you from now on!
