

发布时间: 2024.10.04



英语站课件 篇1










首先在每节课前的5分钟有一个daily talk,我们根据学号来轮流的,为了防止遗忘,前一天由课代表安排一下,其中因为有一部分学习困难的学生在自己设计一些问题时会遇到一些困难,因在班级中我特意组织了一个英语小组,我请他们对那些学生进行一些必要的帮助和指点。这样让每个学生都有布置一次的机会能开口讲英语。


在整随后的课中我设计了“复习数学题表达,听力训练,阅读理解,一个数学竞赛重现生活中的数学的运用和表达”这样一个层层递进的地教学流程,通过鼓励,指导学生参加各种活动,以pair work,work in groups,face to face。等合作化学习来逐渐完成课堂教学任务,组织一个又一个的活动来让学在参与的过程中逐渐巩固和并且熟练运用本课的知识点。




英语站课件 篇2



1. 学生能够听、说、读出8个家庭成员的单词:( me 、 my cat father 、 mother 、 grandfather 、 grandmother 、 big sister little brother)。

2. 学生能够运用句型:Who’s he?/Who’s she? 来询问朋友的家庭成员。

3. 学生能够运用句型He’s/She’s my father.简单地向朋友描述自己的家庭成员。


1. 教师通过引入动画人物Tutu,再以卡通图片导入Tutu的家庭成员单词,完整地向学生介绍Tutu’s family。力争为学生创设一个相对真实、自然的学习情景,并以完整的句型(Who’s he/she? --He’s /She’s my father.)让学生整体感知8个表示家庭成员的单词和4个句子。

2. 教师通过运用多媒体课件以及单词卡片,以观看动画片、听歌、跟读、哼唱、绕口令、拼读单词及音标等多种形式,让学生能够听、说、读出8个家庭成员的单词:(me 、 my cat father 、 mother 、 grandfather 、 grandmother 、 big sister little brother)。

3. 教师通过跟读、师生、生生问答的方式学习、操练并巩固句型:Who’s he/she? --He’s /She’s my father.

4. 教师通过自编chant、rhyme、song、tongue twister为新单词和句型创造节奏感,让学生能够在轻松、愉快的学习环境中再次巩固新知。


1. 学生通过一系列的英语课堂学习与操练,能够养成良好的学习习惯。

2. 学生通过参与多样性的课堂活动和教学,能够不断体验进步与成功,认识自我、建立自信心,激发出学生学习英语的兴趣与积极性。

3. 学生通过教师创设的相对真实的学习情景,完整地感知与学习新的英语知识,进一步加强学生认知能力的训练。

4. 学生通过本单元简单的对话练习,学生互相交流,切磋,共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及运用英语进行交际的意义。


1. 学生能够听、说、读出8个家庭成员的单词:( me 、 my cat father 、 mother 、 grandfather 、 grandmother 、 big sister little brother)。

2. 学生能够运用句型:Who’s he?/Who’s she? 来询问朋友的家庭成员。

3. 学生能够运用句型He’s/She’s my father.简单地向朋友描述自己的家庭成员。


1. 注意字母a 在闭音节里的发音。如:grandfather /?/

2. 注意字母组合th 在单词里的发音方法。如:father / e/


1. 教师自制一套多媒体课件、8张词卡。

2. 学生事先准备的全家福照片。

3. 教师事先准备20份阅读材料。




第二个步骤: Revision

教师通过复习自编chant(How are you!),让学生再次巩固已学人称代词:(I、he、she)。

第三个步骤: Presentation


《大耳朵图图》,引导学生整体感知大耳朵图图的Family。并且让学生联系动画回答问题(How many people in Tutu’s family?),借此依次引入8个新单词。


a. 教师通过运用多媒体课件和单词卡片的呈现,以跟读、唱歌、拼读单词及音标、游戏操练等多种练习形式,让学生能够听、说、读出8个家庭成员的单词:(me 、 my cat father 、 mother 、 grandfather 、 grandmother 、 big sister little brother)。

b. 教师通过跟读、师生、生生问答的方式学习、操练并巩固句型:Who’s he/she? --He’s /She’s my father.


a. 教师通过自编song(Tutu’s family)为新单词创造节奏感,让学生能够在轻松、愉快的学习环境中再次巩固新知。

b. 教师通过使用事先准备好的部分学生全家福照片,让学生用句型He’s /She’s my father.向全班同学介绍自己的家庭成员。




第七个步骤: Extension

a. 教师通过播放背景音乐(You and me),让学生在音乐的带领下欣赏各种类


b. 最后,教师以句子(You and me one world.We are family!)结束整节课。


1. 请你跟着磁带大声朗读英语书21页的单词和句子;

2. 同学们,你能用句子Who’she?/Who’s she?询问朋友的家庭成员吗?

3. 同学们,你能自己画一张全家福,并用句子He’s my/She’s my…向朋友介绍你的家庭成员吗?

英语站课件 篇3

Period4 ReadingIII and Word Study

I Teaching Objectives:

1. Enable the students to learn more language points.

2. Enable the students to learn more words and one sentence pattern.

II Teaching Methods: translation and task-based teaching

III Key Points and Difficult Points:

Key Points: Enable the ss to some language points and new words.

Difficult Points: Enable the students to master a sentence pattern.

IV Teaching Aids: slide, radio

V Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Learn the language points in the rest paragraphs.

Activity1. Greeting and lead-in.

T: good afternoon, girls. Tomorrow is National Day, and you’ll have a golden week for holiday, right?

S: yes.

T: I see some of you have packed your luggage and are ready to go home. So are you very excited?

S: yes.

T: I’m very excited too, seven-day holiday! But, before the holiday, we must finish today’s work,right?

S: yes.

T: so please listen to me carefully for another 45 minutes, I’ll really appreciate your cooperation.

S; ok, yes.

T: thank you very much. Now, let’s begin our study. This morning we didn’t have time to deal with the last two paragraphs, so, now, let’s see it together.

Activity2. Language points.

Task1. paragraph 7

T: first, I want one of you to read this paragraph out. Who can?


T: good. When she is reading the other students please find how many attributive clauses in this paragraph and what are they. Are you clear?

S: yes.

T: ok. You can start now. despite the fact that……

S: ………….

T: your pronounciation and intonation are both very good. And you read fluently. Just good. Sit down, please. Ok, how many attributive clauses can you find?

S: 2,3,………….

T: is there an attributive clause in the first sentence?

S: no.

T: what about the second sentence? **, do you know?

S: ….. who use designs from nature when they….

T: good. And what does thin attributive clause modify? 这个从句修饰哪个词呢? 先行词是什么?

S: other modern architects..

T: right. Very good. Sit down, please. And in the third sentence, which is the attributive clause? **, please?

S:…who built an art museum in New York……

T: good. 先行词是?

S: Frank Lloyd Wright.

T: yes. Right. Sit down, please. What about the last sentence? The whole class please answer me.

S: …..that people think of seashells…

T: good. 先行词呢?

S: another famous building.

T: great. I think most of you are very familiar with the attributive clause. Now, let’s see the first sentence. What does “despite” mean here?

S: 虽然,尽管

T: yes. Despite means尽管. It is a preposition. It must be followed by a noun. So in this sentense “the fact” is followed. Right?

S: yes.

T: then after the fact, there is a that-clause. What clause is it? It is not an attributive clause, you’ve just said. It is the content of the word “th fact” , right?

S: yes.

T: ok. We call this kind of clause appositive clause. Are you clear?

S: yes.

T: good. Ok, the next sentence. What does “in fact” mean?

S: 事实上

T: yes. Do you know another phrase that hai the same meaning with it?


T: it is as a matter of fact. It means the same thing. And it’s longer, right? When you are writing a composition you can add more words.

S: yes.

T: there’s another verb in this sentence that I should say something. Create, 创造。Do you remember another two verbs which have similar meanings? What’s English for 发明?

S: invent.

T: and what’s for 发现?

S: discover.

T: yes. We have three verbs now. invent, discover and create. Invent means 发明,指通过学习、思考或实验而发明了新的有用的物品。比如说,爱迪生发明了电灯。

How to translate this sentence?

S: ………….

T: Edison invented the light bulb. Ok, what about discover?

S: 发现

T: yes. 发现原本已经存在的事物。This is easy. Then what about create?

S: 创造

T: yes. Create 可用于创造抽象事物,也有培养的意思。

For example, Shakespeare created many famous characters. 莎士比亚创造了许多有名的人物。这里当然是说文学上抽象的人物,而不是具体的人,否则莎士比亚不成上帝了。Create也有培养的意思,培养社会主义新人,怎么说?

S: ……

T:….create new socialist men. Are you clear?

S: yes.

T: ok, now let’s move on. Look at the last sentence. Here is a phrase. What’s English for “使。。。想起”?

S: make sb think of

T: yes. This is the phrase of make +n.+do, 一般含有强制的意义 translate this sentence: 她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手。

S: ……..

T: yes. She made her children wash their hands before eating. Good. Ok, this is the 7th paraphgraph.

Task2. paragraph 8

T: Now let’s move on to the last paragraph. Also I want one of you to read this paragraph. I have asked you to read the whole passage so in this way I can check your homework and see if you have read the passage after class. Any volunteers?


T: good. I believe you have read the text after class.


T: very good. Your pronounciation and intonation are both excellent. Sit down, please. There are not many language points in thin para. Let’s translate it into chinese together. 北京奥林匹克体育场又是一个另人联想到大自然的设计。 从顶上看,仿佛体育场覆盖着灰色的钢网。Here, many of tree branches is pastparticiple used as attributive and modify the word nest. 过去分词做定语修饰nest. As if means好象,仿佛 Let’s move on.鸟儿用松软的材料在树枝间搭建鸟巢. Here’s a phrase. Fill up … with…用。。。填满 how to say 用水填满这个杯子。

S: fill up the cup with water.

T: good. Fill up the cup with water. Right. Let’s move on. Just so,….与此相仿, 体育场够家中的空间也将布满充气的大塑料袋。Here is a phrase, be filled with…这是被动语态, 被。。。填满。Ok, the last sentence. Although….尽管体育场用钢筋水泥建造,但流畅的线条和圆形的结构使建筑物显锝温暖,另人感到亲切。

Task3. paragraph1

T: Well, so far, we have learned all the paragraphs except one, right? That’s the first para. I leave it to the last because it is the conclusion of the whole text . now let’s see the first para. there are 3 sentences in this paragraph and give us three points about archtecture. The first sentence, architecture looks at the man-made living environment. 建筑学所关注的是人造的生活环境. So what is man-made living environment? 什么是人造的生活环境呢?


T: opposite to man-made environment is the natural living environment, right?


T: is there architecture in natural living environment?

S: no.

T: so architecture only exists in man-made living environment. Actually, the man-made living environment here just refers to cities. We can say that everthing in cities are more or less changed or made by man. Right?

S: yes.

T: so the first sentence tells us the point that architecture relates with cities. And the second sentence relates architecture with what?

S: culture.

T: yes. It says that architecture can express the culture of a country. We have said that the Temole of Heaven expresses the ancient belief of “heaven is round and earth is square” right?

S: yes.

T: ok, so what does the third sentence tell us?


T: it says that different architectures have different styles.

Task4. the whole passage.

T: Well, we have learned the content and the language points of the reading text. Now, listen to the tape , you can read the whole passage by yourself quietly and see if you have any questions.

(listen to the radio for 4 minutes and the teacher walks around the classroom)

t: do you have any questions?

S: no

T: ok. That’s all for our reading text. Please read it until you can read fluently after class by yourself. Now open your book to page 21. Let me see if you have finished your homework.

Step3. Word Study

Activity1. check the homwork.

(teacher walks around and check homework for about 1 minute)

T: well, I am glad to see most of you have done it and there’s only one or two ss haven’t. I hope these ss will deal with their homework carefully next time.

Activity2. Exercise1

T: now, I want one of you to give me the answers for exercise1.

S: ….

T: yes. Good. What’s the answers?

S: E,F, B, C, D, A

T: do you agree with her?

S: yes.

T: yes. I agree too. She’s right. Now, look at the blackboard, don’t look at your books. I give you the explanations and you give me the correct words. Ok?

S: yes.

T: well, not beautiful?

S: ugly.

T: easy to do and easy to reach

S: convenient

T: a person who designs buildings

S: architect

T: a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young.

S: nest

T: the structure that covers or forms the top of a building

S: roof.

Activity3. Exercise2

T: very good. You have mastered the words indeed. Now let’s come to exercise2. there’s a sentence pattern. Let’s see the example first: a nest is to a bird what a house is to a man. 巢对于鸟而言就如房子对于人一样。鸟巢和房子的作用是一样的,都是躲避风雨、栖息的地方,对吗?

S: 是

T: 所以我们就把这样一种关系用what 连接起来 let’s see other groups of words

(write on the blackboard: ① honey-----bee milk--- cow) honey is to a bee what milk is to a cow. 蜂蜜对于蜜蜂而言就如牛奶对于奶牛一样。 蜜蜂能产出蜂蜜,奶牛能产出牛奶,两者的关系也是一样的。Let’s see other examples: (② ____----nose taste-----tongue) what can be filled in this blank?

S: smell

T: yes. 鼻子的嗅觉与舌头的味觉 so how to say the whole sentence?

S: smell is to the nose what taste is to the tongue.

T: another one: (③ net---fisherman ____-----hunter) what can be filled in this blank?

S: gun.

T: yes. How to say the whole sentence?

S: net is to a fishierman what gun is to a hunter.

T: good. Can you make other sentences?

S: water is to fish what air is to man.

T: good sentence. Any more? I know you all have rich imaginations.

S: hair is to girls what ball is to boys

T: really? Maybe some boys don’t like balls and some girls like to have their hair cut. I’m sorry. Anything else?

S: fur is to animals what clothes is to man.

T: great. Ok, now, there are some sentences on the book. Let’s see it together on page 21, exercise2.

(check the answers)

Step4. Homework

T: ok, it’s time for our homework. You’ll have a long holiday, so the homework will be a little more. Please preview the grammar and finish exrcises on page 96 and 97 and do the exercise ont the exercise book A and B from unit1 to 3. See you. Have a happy holiday!

Blackboard work:

1. despite prep. 尽管

2. in fact=as a matter of fact A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.

3. invent 发明 Edison invented the ① honey-----bee milk----- cow

light bulb ② ____----nose taste-----tongue

discover 发现 ③ net---fisherman ____-----hunter

create 创造 create new socialist men

4. make+n.+ do 含有强制的意思

5. fill up…with 用。。。填满

英语站课件 篇4





















英语站课件 篇5



我今天要说的是初中牛津英语7A第二单元(My day)中的Integrated Skills这一部分。本部分将听, 说, 读, 写糅合在一起进行综合操练, 以提高学生综合运用语言的能力。在内容上谈论“A school trip”是对本单元主题”My day”的深化与拓展,也联系了实际谈论学生感兴趣的话题。



1、知识目标: 正确拼读本课四会单词和句型,能流利地用所学句型进行情景会话。

2、能力目标: 锻炼做听力练习时记录有效信息的能力。

3、情感目标: 通过口语练习询问有关学校生活学会关注生活关注细节。













告诉学生初中生活中会有school trip,问学生想去哪里,为什么?以这种方式充分把学生们的积极性调动起来后将其分成6个小组,进行分组讨论。



英语站课件 篇6



● Good morning, my dear judges. I am number_______. I’m glad to interpret my teaching design here.

● My teaching content today is Part of Unit of PEP Primary English, Book This unit is mainly about Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects.

1. 教学内容 (Contents)

Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. The lesson is a new one of Unit .

It includes , ____ and . In section 1, it mainly deals with these key words,

2. 教学对象(talk about the students)

Secondly, it is about the students. Our students are in Grade

They are active and curious, interested in new things.

After learning English for years, they have some basic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language.

They have learnt English for years, and have already known

It is not difficult for them to understand and use the language

3. 教学目标 (Teaching aims)

So, I set the following aims.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words:

And, these sentences:

By the end of the lesson,

①Ss can understand the and get useful information from the through attentive listening / reading.

②Ss are able to talk about

③Ss can use to give suggestions on

④Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking will be developed.

(Affect; Learning strategies; cultural awareness.) In this lesson, the emotional aim is

①to help students cultivate and foster their abilities of working in groups.

②to foster Ss’ consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition.

③to help Ss cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problems independently.

④to foster Ss’ initiative and creativeness.

⑤to help Ss to recognize and identify the differences between Chinese and English cultures on

⑥to help Ss know some and comprehend the

①to make sure that Ss can useCorrectly and skillfully. to develop Ss’ interest in English. ②The difficult point is:

The pronunciation of

4.教法学法(Teaching methods)

Fourthly, it talks about teaching methods.

In this lesson, I will mainly use “Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method”, and so on.

5. 教学过程

① 具体steps 根据具体内容定;

一般分为:warming up lead inpresentationconsolidationhomework

②板书steps + purpose 说明; ③如有可能,同时完成layout设计;

Next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures. I will finish the lesson in steps.

It will cost about mins.

After greeting with the Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing the song

together with the Ss. Purpose:

The purpose of this is to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss, and, at the same time, it provides situations to review the learnt

knowledge for the next step.

It will cost about mins.

With the help of the PPT, I set a situation of

by to stimulate the Ss’ interest of the lesson.

By playing the PPT, IAnd then, (板书layout)

The purpose of this is to present the new words and sentences in the situation, which relates to the Ss’ real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally.

After presenting each new word (by the guessing game), I will impart the knowledge of pronunciation rules in teaching the new words.

It is called Phonics.

It can facilitate the Ss’ abilities to pronounce the words, and help them to remember the spelling of the words.

(机械上口; 有意义操练; let’s do; 课文对话表演;)

It will cost mins, including

Due to the Ss’ age, I make

The purpose of this is to draw the whole Ss’ attention to the spelling of the words.

It is to help Ss to learn through a true situation.

In this step, I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.

I will Then,

Task-based teaching method and Communicative language teaching are used here.

The activity is to develop Ss’ ability of communication, and also, their ability of cooperation will be well developed.

Making a new dialogue is to check if Ss can use correctly and skillfully.

(总结上课内容; 德育渗透; 作业布置;)

In this step, I will guide the Ss to conclude the key words And sentences

And also, I will

The purpose of this is to stimulate Ss’ interest of learning English and wide their knowledge about communication across cultures.

6.板书再次介绍(Talking about the blackboard design again)

And, this is my layout design.

That’s all for my teaching design. Thank you a lot for listening. 

英语站课件 篇7

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

justice,murder,go down on knees,punishment,immediately,order,sword,conflict,complex

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Train the students’ ability to write a play.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students understand the text exactly and master the following words and phrases:

shall,at the mercy of,go down on knees

2.Help the students finish the task of writing a play.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students write a play.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening before reading to get the general idea of the text.

2.Asking-and-answering after reading to make the students understand the detailed in formation.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

4.Performing to make the class lively and interesting.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-in

T:Yesterday,we read the first part of 玊he Merchant of Venice.獳ntonio’s trial was taking place at the court.Do you still remember what happened at the court?Wang Hai,could you please retell the story in the first part?

S1:Yes.At the court,the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio,but Shylock insisted on having a pound of his flesh.Even if Bassanio would pay him double the money Antonio had borrowed,Shylock would not change his mind.While the Duke was wondering what to do,Portia arrived,pretending to be a famous lawyer.At first,Portia also tried to persuade Shylock to have mercy on Antonio and take more than three times his money.But Shylock still refused to give up his demand for a pound of flesh from Antonio,so Portia said he might take his knife to prepare to do the deed.

T:Well done.Sit down,please.Will Shylock get his pound of flesh?Let’s go back to the court.First,listen to the tape of the second part of the play.Try to find out what will happen to Antonio and Shylock at last.Begin to listen!

(Teacher plays the tape and checks the answer at the end.)

T:Have you found out the answer?


T:Who’d like to have a try?

S2:Shylock will not get Antonio’s flesh.He has to give half of his money to the city of Venice and promise to leave the other half of his money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.

T:(To the other students)Is that right?


T:OK.Now let’s learn the new words.Then read the play.Look at the screen,please.

(Teacher shows the new words on the screen and deals with them as usual.)

justice/dstIs/ n. 公正;正义

murder/′m:d/ vt. 谋杀

go down on knees 跪下

punishment/′pnImnt/ n. 惩罚

immediately/I′mi:dItlI/玜dv. 立刻;马上

order/′:d/ vt. 命令;下令

sword/s:d/ n. 剑;刀

conflict/′knflIkt/ n. 冲突;战斗

complex/′kmpleks/ adj. 错综复杂的;难解的

△tragedy/′trddI/ n. 悲剧

Step Ⅲ Reading

T:Now,please open your books at Page 71.Read the second part of the play carefully and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Show the screen.)

1.How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonio’s flesh?

2.What does Portia say when Shylock finally agrees to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?

3.What is the result of the trial?Does the story have a happy ending?

(Teacher allows the students some time to read the play and prepare for the questions.At the end,ask some students to answer the questions.)

Suggested answers:

1.Portia allows Shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio,no more,no less.She also tells Shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall.So Shylock gives in.

2.She says that Shylock must give half of his money to Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice according to the law.

3.Antonio is saved.Shylock gets punished.The story has a happy ending.

(After checking the answers,teacher deals with some language points.)

T:Well done.You’ve understood it better.Now let’s learn some useful words and phrases in it.Look at the screen.(Show the screen.)


e.g.We shall start for Beijing tomorrow.(future use)

You shall have a nice present for your birthday.(promise)

You shall be sorry for what you have done,I tell you.(warning)

When he comes in nobody shall say a word.(order)

Nothing shall stop us from carrying out his plan.(decision)

2.at the mercy of

e.g.They were lost at sea, at the mercy of the winds and the waves.

3.go down on one’s knees

e.g.They will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


e.g.The prisoner begged (the judge) for mercy.

(Bb:shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for)

Step Ⅳ Writing

T:Well,we’ve read The Merchant of Venice.It has a happy ending.Can you tell me whether it is a tragedy or a comedy?


T:Why do you think it is a comedy?

Ss:Because the Good wins,and the Bad loses.

T:You are right.Now,please turn to Page 72 and look at the tips of getting the main point of a play.

(Teacher and the students read through the tips and writes some key words on the blackboard.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:Today,another trial took place between two women.They are arguing about a baby.How did the story occur?And what would they do?Please read the passage in Writing at Page 71 and find out who wins the trial,the Good or the Bad?You can begin now.

(After the students finish reading the passage.Teacher checks the answer.)

T:OK.Everyone,have you found out the answer?Who wins?

Ss:Yes.The Good wins.

T:Quite right.Now,please work in groups of four or five to write a short play based on this story.Give names to the King,the two mothers and the children.There is also a character to play the role of the soldier.If you like,you can also have a few other characters who are friends of the two mothers.Can you follow me?


T:Besides,find a good title for your play.Do you remember?


T:OK.Begin to prepare now.Five minutes later,I’ll ask one group to act out your play before the class.

A sample play:

Clever King Charles


Sarah(Sa):the woman whose baby is living

Deborah(D):the woman whose baby is dead

Charles(C):the King

Emma(E):a friend of the two women

Simon(S):a soldier of the King

(Inside King Charles’ palace)

C:What is your quarrel?

Sa:O King!I have a baby.And Deborah has a baby.One baby is dead.The dead baby looks like Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took my baby when her baby died.

D:O King!Sarah is angry because her baby is dead.She came to see my baby.When she saw my baby she wanted it because her baby is dead.

E:O King!I saw the two babies.I think the dead baby is Deborah’s baby.I think Deborah took Sarah’s baby in the night,when Sarah was asleep.

C:Call the swordsman.Tell him to bring his sword.

(A man comes in.He has a big sword in his hand.)

S:O King!Here is the swordsman.

C:Bring the baby here.(A servant takes Deborah’s baby and brings it to the King.)I am a just King.I do not know whose baby this is.I do not know if this is Deborah’s baby or Sarah’s baby.But I must be just to each of you.I will take this baby and cut it into two halves.Then Sarah can have half of the baby,and Deborah can have half.

D:Yes,yes,the King is a good King.Cut the baby in halves.

Sa:But the baby will die!

C:Yes,the baby will die.But you shall each have one half of the baby.So you will not quarrel any more.

Sa:O King!Save my baby.Do not cut the baby.Give the baby to Deborah.Let the baby live.

C:Give the baby to Sarah.Sarah wants the baby to live.So I know that Sarah is the mother.Deborah is a bad woman.She took Sarah’s baby.

(Two men take Deborah away.)

E:The King is a just King.O good King Charles!Clever King Charles!

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we read the second part of The Merchant of Venice and learned to write a play.By doing this,we’ve learned some useful words and phrases,and our skill in using language has be well developed.After class,practise more and revise what we’ve learnt in class.That’s all for today.See you next time.

Ss:See you next time.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboard

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

The Third Period

Ⅰ.Words and phrases:

shall,at the mercy of,go down on one’s knees,beg…for

Ⅱ.Tips of getting the main point of a play

a conflict between the Good and the Bad

→complex problems and relationship

→struggle between them

→a higher,wise character to find the solution

→the Good wins,and the Bad loses

→a comedy

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

英语站课件 篇8





































































英语站课件 篇9


















重视学生的语言积累是《语文课程标准》中一个重要的指导思想。《语文课程标准》多次提及“语言积累”这个问题。例如在第一学段的“阶段目标”中提到 “在阅读中积累词语。”在第二阶段的“阶段目标”中提到“积累课文中优美词语、精彩句段,以及在课外阅读和生活中获得的语言材料。”我在本课中既重视文中词语的积累,又适时地向课外拓展。





英语站课件 篇10

1)玩比大小游戏:每组、每轮各派一名选手参赛,在讲台上抽出一张图片,根据图义说句子。This is my……说对的奖励小组小礼物一件,抽到爷爷、奶奶的加3分。抽到爸爸妈妈的加2分,抽到daugter, son ,sister, brother 加1分。几轮后统计得分,为获胜队颁奖。

2)玩猜谜游戏:教师说:This is my father′s father 学生抢答;答对的奖励小礼物一件。学生也可说出This is my mother′s father.这个游戏可以让学生懂得英语中的gand father即表示爷爷也表示外公,grand mother 既可以表示奶奶也可以表示外婆。

3)学生拿出自己准备的全家福玩听音指图游戏,教师发出指令,mother 学生即指出自己的妈妈并说:This is my mother.等等,每组都有必备答题和抢答题。


英语站课件 篇11


各位老师,大家好!今天我所执教的是小学英语四年级课,这是一节由五年级的一课经过一定的增减而设计的,我自设课题为We`re good friends。主要由人类的好朋友—动物而展开的。本课的教学内容是单词funny,clever,pretty,kind和句型This is… It`s… It has…。的综合运用。因此我设定本课的教学重点是三会单词funny,clever,pretty,kind,难点为单词和句型在生活情境中的综合运用。新英语课程标准指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。根据内容我还要求同学们编歌谣。同时我采用了听、说、学和编的四步教学方法,利用先进的教学设备(电脑多媒体),增强教学的趣味性和新颖性。通过在“玩中学,学中玩”的愉快教学思路,将快乐贯穿于课堂教学中。




在导入阶段以师生互相问候开始本节课,教师与同学们一起复习一些学过的单词,并和同学们一起做游戏,如教师说大嘴巴(big mouth),学生说小嘴巴(small mouth)。创设了一个轻松的学习环境,激发了学生的学习兴趣。接着教师出示课件是一个由许多小动物组成的兔子来复习一些学过的动物,引出句型It has…。

在新授环节中从一个猜和找的游戏开始,这也是一个我要尝试的地方,用小短文的形式来学习新词汇,体现了词不离句的原则。而且让同学们去猜,这样能激发他们的学习兴趣。猜出了动物后学习要新授的单词。在巩固新词汇上我尽量让同学们自编歌谣来激发他们的学习主动性。接着出示课件,一头外形比较突出的大象来运用本课句型This is… It`s… It has…。在同学们基本掌握的基础上再次出示课件,发挥孩子们的主动性,选择自己喜爱的动物去描述。为了检验同学们的学习效果,我设计了一道听力题,由此让他们感知He/She has…。在拓展延伸部分为了提高学生的生活运用能力,采用了人物练习,特地让学生感受运用句型He/She has…并能把新学词汇pretty,funny,kind,clever。用到身边的人身上,能做到关心他人。整节课我以小组奖励为主,培养了学生的小组合作意识,同时还增强了学生们的竞争意识,提高了教学效果。最后由学生总结本课所学。家庭作业是一项有关本课新知的口语练习。



We`re good friends。This is…

It`s funny,clever,pretty,kind

英语站课件 篇12

一. 说教材

1. 教材简析

本课位于人教版八年级上10 单元的第一部分。主要是通过学习动词的一般将来时态,讨论人生理想和将来打算,计划。目的是通过对人生理想的讨论使青少年在这个如花的季节不仅对未来有美好的憧憬,而且要从现在做起,为健康的理想而奋斗。

2. 教材地位


3. 教学目标

(1) 知识目标


(2) 能力目标


(3) 情感目标


4. 教学重点。难点。




5 本课学情








三个调查— 整个课的展开围绕三个调查—(父辈梦想,成功故事,我的理想);

三条主线— 在对比中发展—(父辈经历,成功人生,我的道路,)


一个中心— 学生中心:课前备学生,课堂任务型。
