

发布时间: 2024.09.30



国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇1

On the National Day holiday, I can travel, I like traveling very much, but because I am busy studying at school, I have no time to travel around during the holiday. National Day gives me time and energy to realize my dream. The National Day holiday is a good time for me to learn some new things.

Our students are always crammed with all kinds of courses and homework. I also have a lot of interests. I want to learn some new things.

I am free during the national day. I want to learn something I want to learn, such as swimming, driving and so on. The National Day holiday is the most relaxing time of the year when I go to school.

I have a lot of homework to do, and I seldom have time for entertainment. But during the National Day holiday, I can watch movies, listen to music, read books, and I can do whatever I want to do. This is really good, so for me, the National Day holiday is the best time.




国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇2

Autumn day, day blue, green, and wind weather; Osmanthus fragrance, harvest in the prosperous; Flowers, birds singing beautiful days, splendid home. People rejoice YingHuai, decorating, festive red lanterns hung high - celebrating the National Day, celebrating the 54th birthday of the motherlands birthday.

Our country has a long history, is humongous, rivers beautiful, she has experienced extraordinary ordeal, her unyielding national spirit and attention. Since liberation, the wise leadership of the central committee and the joint efforts of people all over the country, the motherland prosperity step by step, she stood in the world powers with a new gesture. The scene spectacular magic of nature, that is the light of hope, if we are wise, bringing light to our life. We did not have such stability and happy life environment.

We like love the sun, love the party and the motherland, for her hard work and effort dedication. Strong national wealth and the people, lets wish: bless you, our motherland!




国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇3

We went to Kaifeng during the National Day holiday, my aunt came, and so did our other relatives.

In the morning, we ate some rice rolls in a store selling rice rolls. It was so delicious that I was full of praise. I ate two bowls at once and burped.

After a bumpy ride, we arrived at Henan University, my grandfathers alma mater. The facilities here are very complete, including a library, a canteen, and so on. The scenery here is also beautiful, and there are many trees. If it is in spring, it will be full of flowers.

We ended this pleasant journey and returned to our warm little home.





国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇4

Autumn day,day blue,green,and wind weather; Osmanthus fragrance,harvest in the prosperous; Flowers,birds singing beautiful days,splendid home。 People rejoice YingHuai,decorating,festive red lanterns hung high — celebrating the National Day,celebrating the 54th birthday of the motherlands birthday。

Our country has a long history,is humongous,rivers beautiful,she has experienced extraordinary ordeal,her unyielding national spirit and attention。 Since liberation,the wise leadership of the central committee and the joint efforts of people all over the country,the motherland prosperity step by step,she stood in the world powers with a new gesture。 The scene spectacular magic of nature,that is the light of hope,if we are wise,bringing light to our life。 We did not have such stability and happy life environment。

We like love the sun,love the party and the motherland,for her hard work and effort dedication。 Strong national wealth and the people,lets wish:bless you,our motherland!





国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇5





Do you guess what Im going to write about this celebration? Haha, yes! Is to go to the beach to catch crabs, picking shells, view the scenery! Haha.

Blue sky and white clouds: I am eating leisurely snacks, looked up and looked at the sky, wow! So beautiful! Blue sky floating a few white clouds, like a sail boat sailing, leisurely floating.

The sea: I went to the sea to pick up the shell! Also picked up a live shell it Haha, haha, what s itch at my feet? I reached out and touched, haha, the original is only a small crab ah It was an accidental prey.

Ah, the sea is really beautiful, really fun ah! I really can not bear to leave you!

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇6


National Day is coming. Im going to give myself a day off.


Ive always wanted to travel and buy a down jacket I like. Of course, I cant just think about playing, but I have to finish my homework. Ill make up all my homework, and then Ill go shopping with my mother. But when I go shopping, Ill be good at shopping. My mother may not agree, but I really want to be the master in this respect. You always dont let me. Im very aggrieved. Ive been thinking about this problem So, which day will be the Lord?


Mom, please give me this chance!

国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇7

During the National Day holiday, my parents and I went back to our hometown, and it was just the time when ginkgo was harvested. My father and I worked together. He beat ginkgo with a bamboo pole, and I picked up ginkgo under the tree with gloves. Why do you need gloves? Grandpa said that if you dont wear gloves, the juice on ginkgo will peel off your hands.

Grandma praised me for growing up and being sensible. I was so happy ...



国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇8

Today is the birthday of our motherland and a happy day for our 56 nationalities. Because today is National Day.

In the morning, my parents and I came to Yan an. The streets and alleys were full of people wearing colorful clothes. We followed the crowd to Baota shan. First, we came to the Star Tower. Standing on the starry building and looking down, wow!



国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇9

During the National Day holiday, father, mother and I went to the Yellow River three gorges and tourism royal residence. We will talk about the Yellow River in the three gorges for first!

Huang Hechang 5464 km, cathay Pacific ship, we sat on the visit of the three gorges project, the Yellow River three gorges first valley called lone. The valley is like a man wearing a small hat, holding a book in his hand. Solitary in the three gorges and many grotesque mountains: some call the rhinoceros full moon, some YuHe called the Yellow River, some banana hill, some call cui screen peak, there are mountain peaks think we took a boat, very realistic. Next, we"re visiting is eight in the gorge, gorge also includes several mountains in eight: nine lotus lamp, and a mountain called frowning. The third canyon, that is, the last Long Fengxia. Start to 16:00 us on a tour of the Yellow River in the three gorges, already 7:30, royal residence here at night is a real beauty!

The next morning, our tour group come to the front door of the royal show. After watching the show, we enter the phase mansion. To know is the royal residence, qing kangxi dynasty wenyuan chamber, pound, emperor kangxi of the teacher, "the kangxi dictionary" always read officer, names of this generation"s former residence. Is rare in China"s residential group of official of Ming and qing dynasties, the inner and outer urban, xishan courtyard, ziyun Qian, etc. This place makes me know the origin of the royal residence, also learned knowledge.

This year"s National Day long vacation is so meaningful, I am very happy. Looking forward to the next outing.


黄河长5464千米,坐上国泰号游船,游览黄河三峡的第一道峡谷叫孤三峡。这个峡谷像一个人戴着一顶小帽子,手里捧着一本书。孤三峡还有许多奇形怪状的山:有的叫犀牛望月,有的叫黄河玉河,有的叫芭蕉山,有的叫翠屏峰,还有的山峰想我们坐的游船,逼真极了。接下来,我们游览的就是八里峡,八里峡也包括几坐山:有九灯莲花山,还有的山叫望夫台。第三道峡谷,也就是最后一个龙凤峡。我们游览完黄河三峡 ,16:00时出发到达皇城相府已经19:30了,这里的夜景可真美啊!



国庆节英语作文带翻译5句 篇10

Finally ushered in the annual National Day, this is a great mother's birthday, the whole nation is jubilant, everywhere is full of warm, festive holiday atmosphere.

Today I go out to play with mom and dad. We go to the mall, there are all busy, bustling, packed full of flowers, outstanding displays. Thousands of potted flowers spelled formed a colorful flower beds. People, people are buying clothes, some in eat delicious barbecue and exquisite snacks, some people appreciate the wonderful show, has everything! Think back in the 60 years of our motherland has experienced many ups and downs, to switch back to today's good life! In the evening, I returned to the cultural square, saw the inlaid in the Chinese knot lights up, Chinese knot is more beautiful than during the day, that the light like a dragon coiled the pole, in the light and night light, like a fly in the sky... Sudden boom 'a sound, I got a fright, between a lot of children, pointing to the sky Shouting: "fireworks, fireworks, come and look at! ' 'I like their refers to the direction of a look, wow! How big a fireworks, like a lion mouth to swallow us into the belly, and then a few fireworks fly into the air at the same time, the boom of a few, are the heavens and the earth was shaking.

Friends, their ancestors to say well: young wisdom, the Chinese wisdom, young rich or wealthy Chinese, young strong a strong China. Hope is on us, we can't forget our life now is to rely on the older generation of people to come, so we can't afford to waste time, we should study hard, sets up the lofty aspirations and ideals, to serve their country in the future. Again, I wish our motherland forever young, I wish our motherland more prosperous and strong!


今天我和爸爸妈妈一起出去游玩。我们先到商城,那儿全是热闹的人群,熙熙攘攘、人流如织,到处是花团锦簇、姹紫嫣红的景象。千万盆鲜花拼组成了一个个五颜六色的花坛。人来人往,有 的人在买衣服,有的人在吃美味的烧烤和精美的点心,有的人在欣赏精彩的表演,真是应有尽有哇!回头想想我们的祖国在这60年里经历了多少风风雨雨,才能换回今日的美好生活啊!傍晚时分,我又来到文化广场,看到了中国结上镶嵌的灯都亮起来了,中国结比白天更美丽,那条像龙的灯盘绕在柱子上,在灯光和夜景的照耀下,像在夜空中腾飞。突然轰’得一声,把我吓了一跳,之间很多小孩儿指着天空喊:’’放烟花了,放烟花了,快来看哪!’’我像他们指的方向一望,嗬!好大一个烟花,像一个狮子张开口想把我们吞进肚子里,接着又有几个烟花同时飞到空中,轰轰轰的几声,正的天地都在抖。

