

发布时间: 2024.09.13



圣诞节作文40词初一 篇1




I'm sure you all love Christmas. Everyone must have a wish, I also have a wish, is to want a color change apple. I hang up my socks on the bed, and my mother says, "go to sleep, and in the morning you can see the presents in your socks.

In the evening, I heard someone coming into my room, and I quickly closed my eyes. My mother put the presents in the stocking. I said to my father and mother happily in the morning, "I have a Christmas present."

It was a merry Christmas.

圣诞节作文40词初一 篇2



Today is Christmas day, my mother bought me a gift, I happily open on see, is a Santa Claus, he has a long beard, wearing a long red hat, hat engraved with "merry Christmas" four word, I like.

I hope every student will receive a Christmas present as happy as I am.

圣诞节作文40词初一 篇3


妈妈还装扮了我的房间,只见上面写着“marry Christmas”几个醒目的大字。我想在圣诞树下许愿:我想要一盒饼干和一个游戏机。


It was almost Christmas, and my mother helped me buy a little Christmas tree and decorated it with a lot of decorations. It was beautiful.

My mother also dressed up my room, which read "marry Christmas" in bold words. I want to make a wish under the Christmas tree: I want a box of biscuits and a game machine.

I believe everyone is ready, let's meet Christmas!

圣诞节作文40词初一 篇4

This is yet another age-old tradition of Christmas. A crib refers tothe Nativity Scene that is prepared using small statues. The first crib ever was made outside a church of St. Francis of Assisi f or children to show them how the Nativity scene was like. Since then, this tradition became very popular.


圣诞节作文40词初一 篇5

Today is Christmas Eve, because mom and dad are coming to our class today and we spend the holidays together on Christmas Eve, mom and dad for the classroom dress nicely, we have our way in the morning is so happy, so excited!

Noon father mother finally came, they brought us many many gifts, we also and teachers to play the game, our Mr. Liu also came to our class our special enthusiasm, mr.liu enjoy our class, say we are "perfect" class. I think the present of Santa Claus is delicious!

What a great Christmas!

圣诞节作文40词初一 篇6

Christmas for the first time


That was the first time that I celebated Christmas Day. My friend aksed me to take part in Christmas party. At the party we danced and celebrated with carols. I knew some new friends. We exchanged gifts and said best wishes to each other. I had a pleasant time.

