

发布时间: 2024.08.20



1、Let’s work towards a better future for our country on National Day!

2、Happy National Day to the home of the Great Wall!

3、Let’s cherish our freedom and democracy on National Day!

4、May the love, peace, and harmony that our nation stands for continue to unite us on this National Day. Happy Birthday, China!

5、A toast to our great nation on National Day!

6、Let us cherish the bond of brotherhood that unites us on this National Day!

7、Happy National Day! Let's take pride in our country's accomplishments and rededicate ourselves to its challenges and opportunities.

8、国家蒸蒸日上,人民幸福万分!The country is prospering and people are extremely happy!

9、Happy National Day to the land of heroism and sacrifice!

10、Let’s honor our country and its people on National Day!

11、May the red flag with the golden stars always fly high! Happy National Day!

12、Happy National Day to the land of mountains and rivers!

13、I'm proud to be a citizen of China on this National Day!

14、Enjoy the festive spirit of National Day with your loved ones!

15、Let's come together to celebrate the freedom and unity of our great nation on this National Day.

16、Let’s work towards a brighter future for China on National Day!

17、Let’s unite and build a stronger China together!

18、Happy National Day to all who proudly call themselves citizens of our beloved country.

19、Let's celebrate the glory of our nation on this National Day! 让我们一起庆祝我们伟大的国家在国庆节绽放的辉煌!

20、Let's honor the brave men and women who serve and protect our country on this National Day!

21、May this National Day be a time to renew our commitment to our country and its people!

22、Wishing you all a joyous National Day filled with love, peace, and happiness.

23、Happy National Day to the land of the Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai Expo, and the Hangzhou G20 Summit!

24、Best wishes for a brighter and more united China on National Day!

25、Let's take this special day to remind ourselves of the courage and bravery of our country's founders. Happy National Day!

26、May the National Day be a time of celebration, unity and hope for all!

27、May the spirit of freedom continue to guide us on National Day!

28、Happy National Day! Let's honor the sacrifices of our ancestors, the bravery of our service members, and the resilience of our people.

29、Let's raise our flag with pride and honor on this National Day!

30、Let’s respect diversity and inclusivity on National Day!

31、Let’s take a moment to appreciate the blessings of our country on National Day!

32、May this National Day be a celebration of the limitless potential of our nation and its people.

33、Let's celebrate our rich cultural heritage on this National Day. Happy National Day!

34、Let’s renew our commitment to our great country on National Day!

35、Celebrating the beauty and culture of our great nation – happy National Day!

36、Happy National Day to the land of pandas, the Silk Road, and the Yangtze River!

37、Let's celebrate the National Day with pride, respect and gratitude for all the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the sake of our country. 让我们以自豪、尊重和感恩之心,在国庆节上纪念我们的先辈为了祖国的未来所作出的牺牲。

38、Wish you a happy National Day! 祝你国庆节快乐!

39、Let’s unite and strive for a better China on National Day!

40、May we continue to achieve great things and inspire others on this National Day!

41、Celebrating the richness and beauty of our nation on National Day!

42、Wishing everyone a memorable and happy National Day celebration!

43、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with laughter, joy, and friendship.

44、May this National Day be filled with love, peace, and happiness for all.

45、Happy National Day to the land of friendship and cooperation!

46、Happy National Day to all those who have served our country with distinction and honor!

47、May this National Day bring happiness and prosperity to our nation and its people.

48、On this National Day, let us come together as one to honor our country and those who fought for our freedom. 在这个国庆节,让我们团结一致,纪念我们的国家和为自由而战的人们。

49、Happy National Day to all the proud citizens who make our country great!

50、Happy National Day! May we all strive towards unity, peace, progress, and prosperity for our nation.

51、Wishing you and your family a wonderful National Day!

52、May the spirit of freedom and independence shine bright on this National Day!

53、On this National Day, let's honor the spirit of our forefathers and their struggles for independence.

54、Happy National Day! Let’s keep the flame of patriotism burning bright!

55、Celebrating the peace and stability of our country on this National Day. Best wishes to you!

56、May China continue to shine as one of the world's greatest nations on National Day!

57、Happy National Day to all my friends and family in China! Let's celebrate the greatness of our nation together! 祝我在中国的所有朋友和家人国庆节快乐!让我们一起庆祝我们伟大国家的伟大!

58、祝愿我们国家人民富裕、国家繁荣!Hope for our country's people to be prosperous and the country to be prosperous!

59、Happy National Day – a day to cherish our national values!

60、Here's to the most amazing nation in the world! Happy National Day China!

61、Celebrating the uniqueness and beauty of our country on National Day!

62、Happy National Day to the greatest nation in the world!
