

发布时间: 2024.04.24




1、bright days filled with cheer,warm days filled with happinessto last throughout the year! 充满愉快的明朗日子,充满幸福的温馨日子!


3、fun! Hope it‘s lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween! Wishing you a happy Halloween!



6、your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween pight andglowing as you are!

7、girl: (a little shy from the touch) yes.

8、In my eyes, you mitted heinous crimes, Zhennan life! But you Jiuhaola both right dead crimes, really envy you!

9、Roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say,May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Have a happy birthday!送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,她对你说今天的喜庆分外美妙,每时每刻都同样幸福,令人陶醉。祝你生日快乐!


11、May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures. 愿你在不平凡的人生事业中健康幸福功绩卓著。



14、You never know what might happen on halloween. Wait untill dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!


16、I'm fine, too. 我也很好。


18、Grandma means sunshine filled with blessings from above, Grandma means kindness because it's another name for love May this be a special birthday for you. 奶奶是充满祝福的阳光,照耀我身;奶奶是慈祥和蔼的别名,爱的象征。愿您的生日特别快乐!



21、It is hard to avoid stormy waves when you are sailing in rivers;and it is hard to avoid brambles when you are climbing rugged mountains.We hope you can fearlessly fight the stormy waves and hack your way through the jungle. 在江河中航行,很难不遇上风浪;在崎岖的山路上攀登,很难不遇到荆棘。希望你能无畏地去搏击风浪,披荆斩棘。


22、Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。


24、Remember to always cherish the memories and hold onto your dreams. 记住珍惜回忆,坚持追逐梦想。



27、.Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success. 祝贺你毕业,并致以最美好的祝福。愿这一天成为你不断取得更大成就的新的开始。

28、The beautiful season, the beautiful day, send you a strong love, give you a good blessing.。



31、Let your heart be filled with love and joy today and always. 今天和以后,让你的心充满爱和喜悦。


33、Wish them tons of joys with this bright card.


35、May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes. 愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欢喜的日子。祝福你。

36、Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation. 祝贺你毕业,并致以良好的祝愿。

37、Here's to a wonderful future, filled with love and laughter. 祝福美好的未来,充满爱和笑声。




41、I'm grateful for the special love you show in different ways-- love that gives a special touch to ordinary days, love that's always filled our home with beauty, warmth and cheer--I'm grateful for the special love you give to me all year. 我感谢你特别爱你以不同的方式显示——爱给了一个特殊的触摸到普通的日子里,爱总是充满了我们的家的美丽,温暖和快乐——我很感激你给我的特别的爱一年。

42、Capable sailors are not trained on calm lakes;comfortable life cannot create great figures of the age.May you go beyond your plain self and struggle bravely against the giant waves in your life!May you make progress in your studies in the coming year and be joyous always! 平静的湖面,练不出精干的水手;安逸的环境,造不出时代的伟人。愿你能超越平凡的自我,与生活的巨浪勇敢拼搏!祝你在新的一年,学习进步,笑口常开!


43、In five, I have to eat a meal, today if you don't ask me out to dinner, I


45、rom majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。

46、"Indomitable willpower can conquer the world on any one peak," when you teach Lietu Pingci Today, I manage to life. Teachers, your hard!("顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何座高峰",当年您凭此教导劣徒,今天我以此驾驭人生。老师,您辛苦啦!)

47、your dreams come true, you do not believe, don't believe it.

48、With every passing year, may your love for each other continue to grow stronger. 随着岁月悠长,愿你们之间的爱情越来越坚固。

49、Sit down, please. 请坐。

50、preacher: you mean like this? (the guy did it.)

51、May friends give you strength at this time of sorrow. May faith give you hope for every tomorrow. 愿朋友们在你悲痛的时刻给你力量,愿信念给你的每一个明天带来希望。

52、Good luck, good health,hood cheer.I wish you a happy New Year. 祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。

53、thank you for your very special wish. happy halloween! My Halloween's happy when I freak out with you! Happy halloween to you … my friend!

54、Here's to the happy graduate for the job you have already done.And here's a happy future that is a most successful one.I pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world. 今天,你是学有所长的快乐毕业生;明天,你将会是众人瞩目的成功者。我为你祈祷,愿你早日名扬天下。

55、No matter what unhappy things you encounter in a day, as long as you remember that I am happy, then you can get happiness.。

56、Blessings to you!May all the best things be around you forever! 祝福你!愿世间最美的事物永远陪伴在你的左右!

57、Today we are intimate classmates;tomorrow,we will be rivals.May our friendship be more deepened in the rivalry. 今天,我们是亲密的同学;明天,我们将是竞争的对手。愿友谊在竞争中更加深厚。

58、tice: April Fool's Day approaching, on April 1 you receive text messages are bogus, meaning exactly opposite, please pay attention. Folloe things can not reluctantly, not some distance beyond, like yesterday, I could not believe that in order to root bones tell people you go!


60、第四只说:我们一起跑吧!Thank you for your very special wish. Happy Halloween!



63、Wishing you a successful future, filled with prosperity and abundance. 祝你未来成功,充满繁荣与丰盛。


64、Tian Dixia the teachers, you are not responsible for the dazzling stars, with your bright star that lit up each student's soul, and bless you, thank you!(天底下的老师们,您们是天上耀眼的星星,用您们那明亮的星光照亮每位学生的心灵,祝福您们,感谢您们!)

65、Your diligent combined with your innate talent indicates a dynamic future.I wish you all the best in your college years. 你的勤奋加上你的天才为你展示了广阔的前程,祝你在大学期间一切顺利。

66、Return when the teacher is not tomorrow, not yesterday but is now - today. "Happy holidays, my teacher!"(回报老师的时候不是昨天也不是明天而是正在此时--今天。"节日快乐,我的老师!")



69、My warmest congratulations to you on receiving the scholarship to the university with all my best wishes for your further progress and continued success. 衷心祝贺你荣获大学奖学金,并祝你不断取得进步和成功。

70、May the light of hope shine bright on your path to success. 愿希望之光照耀你通向成功的道路。


72、May your life be filled with joy and happiness. 愿你的生活充满喜悦和幸福。




76、girl: but he also took off my cloth.


78、run, walk out of a door, pause for a second,facing the sky, make a wish, all


80、It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.Whatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future. Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe. 祝贺你毕业真是一件快事。在未来的岁月中,你的努力会使你的梦想成真,请记住:有志者,事竟成。

81、May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card.I sincerely wish you happiness,cheerfulness and success. 愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你幸福快乐成功!



84、girl: he touched my breast.



86、Hello, teacher! Sabian is your painstaking efforts of the broad masses of students, your hard work cultivating a new generation of Tianzhijiaozai, I wish you happy holidays and good health.(老师您好!是您的'心血撒遍了广大莘莘学子,您的辛劳培养了新代天之骄子,祝您节日快乐,身体健康。)


88、But it's nice to mention it again when special days are here. 逢寿辰当然要把这话再说一遍。


90、Clouds in the sky and water in the river are my thoughts of you,my love for you.The clouds float to you,the water permeates your heart,so that you will know my thoughts and my love. 蓝天上片片白云,江河中悠悠流水,那就是我对你的思念,我对你的情愫。白云飘向你的身边,流水渗透你的心田,让你知道我对你的思念,我对你的深情。

91、Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!

92、May success and happiness follow you wherever you go. 愿成功和幸福伴随你的每一步。


94、Sending you warm thoughts and best wishes on your special day. 在你特别的日子里,我送上最温馨的祝福。


96、May the beauty and joy of New Year remain with you throughout the new year! 愿新春美景与欢乐常伴随你新年新年!


98、We may grow old together, but as long as we are together, I feel young. 我们也许会一起变老,但只要我们在一起,我就觉得年轻。


100、preacher: (evil laugh...) you mean like this? (and you-know-what)

101、girl: (after a few minutes...) ugh... yeah, that“s what he did...


103、Along the way, accompany me with joy, accompany me with worry, this sincere friendship, I will cherish all my life.。

104、I am glad to hear that you have passed the examination with a good record.And wish you the best of everything in the future. 很高兴听说你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,祝你在未来的日子里一切顺利。

105、Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time. May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's sorrow. 珍爱的记忆与时光同在且日益珍贵,愿那些美好的昨天帮助你减轻今天的悲哀。



107、The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.Happy Birthday! 世上如有诤友,那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友。祝你生日快乐!


109、It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you! happy halloween to you! Hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun … just as mine.



112、Wish you a spooktacular halloween. Have a groovy Halloween!! Wish them tons of joys with this bright card.

113、To you, sweetheart, with all my love.There's someone who loves you far more than you know with a love that keeps growing as days come and go.Have a very happy birthday! 我把全部的爱都献给你,心上的人儿。你可曾知道,有一个人爱你至深,这爱情无日终止,与日俱增。祝你生日格外快乐!

114、It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you! Happy Halloween to you!



117、Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness. 请允许我为你毕业表示祝贺,愿你未来前程似锦,生活幸福!

118、May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness. 愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。

119、Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination.I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir. 恭贺高考旗开得胜,奉上这份小礼物以作纪念。

120、A letter contains bitterness,taking away yearning and leaving loving thoughts behind.Another letter is another expectation,and my love for you will never change in the following years. 一封信笺一份辛酸,留下了相思,带走了怀念。又一封信笺又一次期盼,此情此意岁岁年年!

121、Friendship is a tranquilizer and a stimulant; friendship is a beacon in the sea and an oasis in the desert.。


123、愿你一路阳光向前方,美丽心情总芬芳!May the sun shine all the way ahead and the beautiful mood always fragrant!

124、I hope you can find a little comfort in the knowledge that your grief is shared by so many friends who are thinking of you. 你知道吗?很多思念你的朋友在分担你的悲伤,希望你能感到安慰些。


126、Little woman, but I like it very much. I will never make you angry again. I miss you, miss you, and wish I could gnaw you!


127、The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments. 学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。不断求知,持续进取,才能使我们提升到一个更高的台阶。

128、You never know what might happen on halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling halloween! Trick or treat what it will be? Wishing you a happy Halloween!


130、girl: yes, that“s what he did.

131、May every day be filled with peace, love, and happiness. 愿每一天都充满和平、爱和幸福。

132、Teachers, consumption is at your own efforts have done our growth. Two years later, Who is your shoulders Fuqu the Fenbi Hui ?(老师,是您不惜耗干了自己的心血才有了我们的成长。后的今天,是谁为您拂去双肩的粉笔灰?)


134、girl: and he put his you-know-what into my you-know-what...

135、Hearty congratulations on your passing the examination with excellent result.It is a well deserved reward for the hard effort you have made during the past year. 衷心祝贺你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,这是过去一年中你努力学习所应得的奖赏。


137、When I entered the gate that day, you have given me endless care, when I take the school that day, you have to pay you all. Fortunately, the expense of the teachers you!(当我踏进校门的那天,你给了我无尽的关怀,当我踏出校门的那天,你已经付出了你的全部。老师你幸苦了!)


139、During the years we study,you have sowed the seeds of friendship in my mind.I will take it with me,water and cultivate it carefully so that it may blossom in the future. 同窗几年,你在我的心中播下了友谊的种子。我将带着它,精心浇灌培育,以使其日后开出芬芳的花。


141、I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness. 我与你的朋友们共同祝贺你毕业。今日世界正需要你这样有眼光有勇气的年轻人为人类谋福利,愿你万事顺利,愿你的事业带给你巨大的快乐和幸福。

142、Teacher, the gift table like a token of the students: I hope that when you turn the invigilators a blind eye; Panjuan paper when Gaotaiguishou; write reviews, a lot of kind words.(老师,这份礼物略表学生的点心意:希望您监考时睁只眼闭只眼;判卷纸时高抬贵手;写评语时多多美言。)

143、the most,so I let you go. I wait for.


145、Every day is birthday time when thinking of you,and I shall keep one sublimehoping your many dreams come true. 每当想到你我好似天天都在过生日,可我特别珍视其中的.一天,祝愿你在这天美梦都能实现。

146、May you be an ashtray, I am a lit cigarette, I burned all my life in order to be able to throw into your arms!
