

发布时间: 2023.11.21














清华大学创建于1911年,历经百年发展,其教育及课程设置、课程教学方法、教育内容等方面均处于国内外领先地位。随着计算机、互联网等信息技术的快速发展,清华大学也积极探索信息技术教育与传授,特别是在 21 世纪初,随着互联网技术普及,清华大学也开始致力于将其教育资源数字化,为师生提供更优质的在线学习体验。在此背景下,清华大学开始陆续推出课件资源分享平台,自此诞生了“清华大学课件”。























我们二年级的儿童经过一年的学习,已对识字方法、朗读方法有一定的了解和掌握,因此,这部分内容是儿童原有认知基础上的教学,并且,孩子能够明白在生活中我们要去关爱他人,因为每一个儿童都有一颗博大而纯真的心,儿童充满了想象力、创造力,他们希望认识社会、改造自然。在儿童的心灵里,有着赤子般的真情,有着火山喷发般的力量。在《假如》一诗中,他们的愿望借助“马良的神笔”得到了实现。 虽然他们往往只能“假如”,但是这些“假如”都是他们对生活、对大自然的独特认识,是他们对美好事物的向往和追求。







Nowadays, young people have more choices than any generation before them. They can choose what they want to study, where they want to live, whom they want to marry and how they want to live their life in general. However, having too many choices can sometimes be overwhelming and lead to indecision. In this essay, we will discuss the concept of choice overload, how it affects decision-making and what can be done to mitigate its negative effects.

The concept of choice overload has been extensively studied by psychologists and marketers alike. In the famous jam experiment, conducted by psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper, customers at a supermarket were given a choice between 24 different flavors of jam or 6 different flavors of jam. Interestingly, while more people stopped to sample the jams when there were 24 options, fewer people actually made a purchase compared to when there were only 6 options. This study and others like it have shown that having too many choices can lead to decision fatigue, as well as regret about missed opportunities.

So, how do we mitigate the negative effects of choice overload? One way is to actively limit our choices. For example, before going to a restaurant, we can research the menu and decide what we want to order beforehand. This eliminates the need to choose from a large menu under time pressure. Another way is to categorize and prioritize our options, such as by making a list of pros and cons or ranking the choices by importance.

In conclusion, choice overload is a modern phenomenon that can be both a blessing and a curse. While having more choices can offer us the freedom to live our lives on our own terms, it can also lead to decision paralysis and regret. The key is to find a balance between too many options and too few, and to actively manage our choices to reduce the negative side effects.











2. 自主性:学生可以自主安排学习的时间和地点,学习速度也可以由学生自主决定。

3. 对老师的支持:课件能够帮助老师进行教学,可以让老师提高教学质量和效率。

4. 多媒体性:清华大学课件不仅具有文字和图片,还包括音频、视频等多媒体资料,可以让学生多角度地学习。



2. 内容重复:有些内容可能在课件中和在书中重复,浪费学生的时间。




1. 增加互动性。清华大学课件应该增加与学生的互动元素,使学生能够参与到教学中去。

2. 符合学生成长的需求。清华大学课件应该符合学生的能力水平和知识背景,不应该过于深入或过于浅薄。

3. 增加视听材料的数量和质量。清华大学课件应该加入更多的视听材料,以吸引学生的注意力。

4. 增加知识元素的多样性。清华大学课件应该增加一些新颖的知识元素,以增加学生的兴趣。




The Importance of Learning English in College

English is an international language that is spoken and used everywhere in the world. It is recognized as the global language of communication, business, science, and education. In this context, learning English is increasingly becoming essential for college students who want to build successful careers in the global arena. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of learning English in college and how it can help students achieve their goals.

Firstly, learning English is important to students because it is the language of instruction in most universities worldwide. In order to succeed in their college education, students must be able to understand lectures, read academic texts, and write research papers in English. Moreover, most scientific and academic journals are written in English, making it the language of choice for research and scientific discovery. Therefore, it is essential for college students to have a good command of English in order to excel in their academic pursuits.

Secondly, learning English can improve students’ job prospects and career opportunities. Many multinational companies and organizations require their employees to have strong English language skills. Being proficient in English can open doors to a wide range of job opportunities and career paths that are not available to those who are not fluent in the language. Additionally, English is the language of global business, commerce, and trade. Consequently, having English language skills can give college graduates an edge in business negotiations, marketing, and international trade.

Thirdly, learning English can broaden students’ cultural horizons and enhance their personal growth. English is a language of culture, literature, music, and art. Learning it can expose students to the world’s diverse cultures and help them appreciate different perspectives. English language skills can also facilitate social and cultural interactions with people from different backgrounds, making college life more meaningful and enjoyable.

In conclusion, learning English is a necessary and valuable investment for college students. It can facilitate academic success, career growth, and personal development. Therefore, students should take advantage of every opportunity to improve their English skills, whether it be through language classes, practicing reading and writing, or engaging in conversations with English speakers. By doing so, they will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in an increasingly competitive and globalized world.




l 这个地点在以后我的生涯中总是被我反复回忆咀嚼吟味,我总是无法忘记它。仿佛它是我人生的答案。

l 三条巨流般的黑戈壁,平平地铺向三个可怕的远方。三个方向都像可怕的暗示。

l 汉家寨,如一枚被人丢弃的棋子,如一粒生锈的弹丸,孤零零地存在于这巨大得恐怖的大自然中。

l 老小二人都是汉人服色,一瞬间我明白了,这地方确实叫汉家寨。

l 砦就是寨,都是人紧守的地方。

l 无论我走到哪里,都在不知不觉间,坚守着什么。我只觉得它与汉家寨这地名天衣无缝。














其次,教授们应受重视社交学生之间的相互沟通, 以完善新的传授和评估方法并建立在学生间和教授间的双向沟通和反馈系统,以此并在每一学期调整和优化课堂效果。





















教学目标 1、会认 9 个生字 。




重点难点 1、学生能正确流利有感情地朗读课文,并在品读中能激发学生的同情心、爱心,启发学生关爱他人、关爱生活、关爱环境。


教学过程 一、故事导入,情感铺垫 1、孩子们,你们想听神笔马良的故事吗?(播放视频)故事听完了,有谁知道马良的这支笔有什么神奇的地方呀?(指名说) 2、师:你听得真认真!马良啊就用这支神笔帮助了很多很多的人,实现了他心中的愿望。你想有一支这样的神笔吗?(生:想) 3、师:有一个小朋友啊,也想有一支神笔,她要用神笔画什么呢?我们一块来听听。

(出示课件:师读,配音乐) 4、师:孩子们,刚才我读的这篇课文就是今天要共同学习的第 10 课《假如》(板书课题)。

师:一起读读题目(注意读出诗意) 二、自主学习,整体感知 1、师:这篇课文是一首小诗,那么孩子们你们想不想读读这首诗呀?(生:答)想就拿起书,用你喜欢的方式认真地读一读,读的时候要把字音读准确,课文读通顺,开始读吧!读完的小朋友就可以坐好了。


(课件展示词语:寒冷 袭击 觅食 哭泣 快乐 叹息 饥饿 谷粒 双腿 不幸) 3、师:同学们的表现可真棒啊!表扬自己!现在请大家认真地看看课文,比较一下这四个小节,看看你有什么发现呢?一个小朋友有发现了,好多个小朋友有发现了,谁愿意来说说。(生:答) 课件展示:假如|我|有一支|马良的|神笔 4、好,我们一起把这句话读一遍。(生齐读)我想问问同学们真的有神笔吗?(生:答)没有,这只不过是我们的一种什么呀?(生:想像)那你有过想像吗?(生:答) 5、那这句话你能不能读得让我们感受到你是在想像着能有一支神笔呀?(生:答)能啊,谁愿意读读。(指名读) 6、好,现在同学们听老师来读读,你觉得哪一种读法更容易把你带入到想像的世界中去,听好了,(第一种,第二种) 7、第二种啊,那跟着老师来读读好不好(指名读)对了,如果在假如的后面稍微停顿一下,让我们觉得好像在思考什么就更好了,再试试吧!(齐读) 三、读悟结合,体验情感 1、那么小作者有了马良的神笔要帮助谁呢?(指名回答) 教师板书:出示图画(神笔,小树,小鸟,西西)

谁能用一句话连起来说一说,小作者用神笔帮助谁,谁,还有谁?(指名回答) 3、说得对,让我们先来看看小作者是怎样帮助小树的吧!(出示第一节) 学习第一节 (1)、谁来读读课文的第一小节。(课件展示第一节内容)孩子们,那你们知道小作者是怎样帮助小树的呢?(板书:太阳 云朵)那小作者为什么要给小树画太阳和云朵呢?(用课文的语句回答) (解释:袭击) (2)师:寒冷的冬天来了,大雪纷飞,你觉得小树受到了怎样地袭击呢?(课件展示)(指名回答) (3)(课件展示)孤零零的小树站在外面被北风吹着,被雪花打着,冻得它浑身发抖。孩子们假如你就是这棵小树,你现在的内心有什么感受呀?(指名回答) (4)孩子们你们说的小作者都听到了,所以小作者说(课件出示:我要给窗前----白白的云朵。师指导读这句诗。)好了,有了小作者的帮助,大家快看(出示课件)金色的太阳,白白的云朵,小树呀它得到了温暖。它挺了挺腰,伸了伸胳膊,摆了摆头,多快乐呀! (5)小树变得快乐了,那小作者心情怎样?(很快乐),我们的心里(也很快乐)就让我们快乐地读读小作者的美好心愿吧!(指名读——齐读) (6)有了小作者的帮助,小树变得快乐了,那么小鸟和西西,小作者又是怎样帮助他们的呢?现在我们来看看课文的第二小节和第三小节,男同学来读第二小节,女同学来读第三小节。(教师指导朗读) 学习第二节:

(1)小作者是怎样帮助小鸟的呢?你们知道吗?(生:谷粒)(课件出示第二节诗) (2)那么小作者为什么要给小鸟画谷粒?用课文中的语句回答(课件出示第二节诗),(解释:“觅食”) (3)如果现在你就是饿坏了的小鸟,在等妈妈找食回来,你在窝里饿得喳喳地直哭,那你会喳喳地说什么呀?(指名回答) (4)假如我们看到了小鸟,你愿意帮助它吗?愿意关心它吗?请把你对小鸟的爱护和关心读出来吧!(学生推荐读,你们最想谁来读?谁能读得更好呢?(指名读)我们拿起书一快来表达出对小鸟的爱——齐读)(师指导:带着想像的翅膀去读) 学习第三节诗 (1)得到大家的帮助以后,小树和小鸟都变得开心起来,那么小作者又要用神笔给不幸的朋友西西画什么了?(板书:好腿) (2)对呀,西西没有一双健康的好腿,他不能和我们干什么?(一起跑步、一起跳舞、一起做游戏)他只能坐在哪儿?(指导读)哎!他多痛苦呀!可是现在他有了一双好腿,西西可以和我们一起赛跑、可以和我们一起打球,还可以和我们一起干什么? (3)看到西西这么快乐,大家开不开心?(生:开心)好,女生来读读第三小节,表达出对西西的祝福吧!女生读得真有感情,把对西西的祝福融入了朗读中,我看男生们也跃跃欲试了,那你们也带着对西西美好的祝福来试试吧。(课件展示第三小节) 四、自主积累,提升情感 1、小作者真是个有爱心的孩子。她不但给空前的小树画了个金色的太阳,给树上的小鸟画了许多好吃的谷粒,还给西西画了一双好腿。这三个愿望是多么美好啊! 2、小作者的愿望只有这三个吗?(生:答)你从哪里读出来的?课件展示)(感悟文末的省略号)对,小作者还有很多很多的愿望。


自己)假如你也有一支马良的神笔,你要给谁画什么呢?你能用上像我们小作者诗一样的语言来说说吗?把想说的话写下来吧!课件展示:假如我有一支马良的神笔,我要给( )画( ),让( ) 4、你们和小作者一样都是很有爱心的孩子,接下来带着你们的爱,带着你们的祝福,再来读读这首小诗好不好?(学生站起读)老师给你们配上好听的音乐。(齐读) 【结束语】(课件展示)帮助别人就是快乐自己,假如老师有一支马良的神笔,我要给善良的小朋友画一对翅膀,带着你的爱,带着你的情,飞向蔚蓝的天空,飞向地球的每一个角落。

五、作业 1、背诵诗歌。





一、 清华大学课件的发展历程

清华大学的课件发展可以追溯到上个世纪90年代初期。当时,清华大学电子工程系的教师陆继明博士自行设计开发了一套讲义和实验指导书。这套指导书基于Windows 3.1平台,采用了菜单式界面和图形化操作,可以方便地查看课程内容和实验指导。在陆教授的指导下,电子工程系的多名教职员工开始使用这套课件进行教学。



二、 清华大学课件的特点

1. 图形化界面设计


2. 多媒体教学形式


3. 互动性强


三、 清华大学课件的应用与优势





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































茁()捧()吩( )栋()

拙()棒()纷( )拣()


家乡( )观赏( )认真( )

担忧( )赶忙( )时期( )





⑴.一山的桂花树开花时,那才是香飘十里( )

⑵.我一摇,桂花纷纷落下,真像下了一阵桂花雨( )

⑶.笨笨地桂花树可惹人喜爱了( )

















这段文字描写的是作者童年时代( )的场景




























































2、 抓住语言训练点,想象课文描写的情景,体验摇花乐和思乡情。

3、 揣摩文本语言,并学会运用来表达自己的情感。





二、 品味香气迷人.




三、 学习摇花乐。

























































每位老师不可或缺的课件是教案课件,因此教案课件可能就需要每天都去写。 教案和课件是实现教学目标的基础。这份“礼仪课课件”是我精益求精的结果期待得到您的赞赏,希望这些信息能够为你的决策提供一些有用的帮助和支持!

礼仪课课件 篇1




































礼仪课课件 篇2

















礼仪课课件 篇3






















礼仪课课件 篇4

















班主任:中国是一个有着几千年文明历史的古国,文化源远流长。作为礼仪之邦,中国历史上有很多故事至今仍深深的教育着我们,下面请听一听历史故事:“孔融让梨” “黄香诚心敬父母”。





悄悄走进父亲的房里,给他铺好被,然后脱了衣服,钻进父亲的被窝里,用自己的体温,温暖了冰冷的被窝之后,才招呼父亲睡下。黄香用自己的孝敬之心,暖了父亲的心。黄香温席的故事,就这样传开了,街坊邻居人人夸奖黄香。 夏天到了,黄香家低矮的房子显得格外闷热,而且蚊蝇很多。到了晚上,大家都在院里乘凉,尽管每人都不停地摇着手中的蒲扇,可仍不觉得凉快。入夜了,大家也都困了,准备睡觉去了,这时,大家才发现小黄香一直没有在这里。 “香儿,香儿。”父亲忙提高嗓门喊他,




9岁的小黄香就是这样孝敬父亲,人称温席的黄香,天下无双。他长大以后,人们说,能孝敬父母的人,也一定懂得爱百姓,爱自己的国家。事情正是这样,黄香后来做了地方官,果然不负众望,为当地老百姓做了不少好事,他孝敬父母的故事,也千古流传 。





同学们,都知道,礼貌用语记得牢。对待长辈要用您,早晨见面说声早,平时互相问问好,分别再见别忘了,若求人请字先, 最后别忘说谢谢,影响别人对不起,回答请说没关系,文明做个好孩子,人人夸我数第一。











礼仪课课件 篇5









1、创设进餐情境:教室正前方摆放 2 张桌子,桌子上放着若干已倒好的饮料,和人数一样多的小盘子、水果拼盘、牙签。请几个幼儿分别到桌前坐好,让他们进餐,并请幼儿观察他们进餐的情境。



幼儿举手回答,以前在教室进餐空间小,老师听到哪个小朋友讲话,就请他 (她)不要讲话,我们就静下来,从来没有大声讲话或吵闹的现象。而现在餐厅里人很多,也很吵。你们以后要怎么做呢?









通过活动,幼儿知道了进餐过程中的一些基本礼仪,如进餐时不讲话,不能一心二用,不能挑食,吃完自己的一份食物后再离开餐桌。 正确使用餐具,爱护卫生,进餐时保持自己、桌面、地面的清洁,进餐后会收拾自己的餐具并及时进行漱口和擦嘴。 本次教学活动中,我虽然抓住了幼儿的心理特征,但是在材料的准备上,还不够充分,不能够给幼儿更多的提示。





I. 汉英翻译

1、发生……,结果…… 6、占有,占领

2、在世界的另一端 7、查询,提出

3、对……乐观 8、庆祝教师节

4、身体健康 9、由…组成构成

5、自求之路 10、开始干某事


1 .It was very (大方) of you to lend them your new car for their holiday.

2.T he man (威胁) the little girl with a knife.

3.He was (极度) angry at the news.

4.They set out for the (远征) to the south pole.

5.Afrer (毕业),he took a job as a typist.

6.When he woke up, he found some people (包围)him.

7. (农业)has been playing an important role in our country. .

8.In the end , the city was taken (拥有)of by the Red Army.

9.Active (山水)may empty at any time.

10.There are a lot of (埋葬)grounds at the foot or middle of the hill.


1.It will be two months Jane leaves school.

What will of her ?

She is going to be a teacher.

A. when, happen B. before, become

C. after, take place D. since, instead

2. I saw her, I was struck by her beauty.

A.When the first time B.During the first time

C.For the first time D.The first time

3.I was having my supper he called on me without any appointment made me unhappy.

A.before, as B.while, it C.as, that D.when, which

4.It was dark; we decided to for the nigt at a farmhouse.

A.put away B.put dowm C.put up D.put out

5.Hard work success while failure laziness.

A. leads up; lies to B. leads to; lies in

C. leads on; lies of D. lead down; lies by

6.I can guess you were in a hurry, you your sweater inside out.

A.would wear B.wore C.had worn D.are wearing

7.I had an accident a car and I was woozy hitting the car door.

A.of; by B.with; by C.with; from D.on; from

8.Mary, I didn’t recognize you at the party.

I my hair and sunglasses.

A.have cut ; wear B. had cut; was wearing

C.cut; put on D.was cuttimg; was putting on

for women seems men ,due to the tradition and the society.

A. twice difficult as B. as difficult as

C. twice as difficult as D. twice as difficult than

10.I can’t get the book on the top shelf, for it is my reach.

A. within B.beyond C.out D.from

11.Huang shan is famous its landscape and known a place of interest the world.

A.for; as ; to B.with;for; by C.to; for; wifh D.by; as; for

12.Girls one third of the total student population in our school, which 5678 students.

A.make of; is made up B.make up ; is made up of

C.make from; make up D.made into ;make up of

13.China has a population of 1.3 billion, _____are Han Nationality.

A. most of it B.two thirds of whom

C.70% of which D.mainly of them

14._____of the city lies a lake.

A.To east B.In east C.On east D.East


1.It has often been_____that life is difficult as it is.

2.What has______her?

3.On November 12th the storm died______.

4.I couldn’t ______my left leg and my head was woozy from hitting the ground.

5.I did so______regret.

6.He lives in a town ______the east coast.

7.Hainan Island is ______the south of Guangdong province.

8.Henan province lies _____central china.

9.The ship hit a rock _____the west coast of the pacific.

The Key

I :

1.to become of 2.at the opposite end of the world

3.to be oppotimistic about 4.to be in good health

5.the way of self rescue 6.to take possession of

7.to refer fo 8.to celebrate Teachers’ day

9.to be made up of 10.turn to doing something


1.generous 2.threatened 3.extremely 4.expedition 5.graduation 6.surrounding 7.Agriculture 8.possession 9.volcanoes 10.burial


1--5BDDCB 6-10 DCBCB 11---14ACBD


1.said 2.become of 3.dowm 4.stand on 5.without 6.on 7.on 8.in 9.off






Add more hot water to the soup – it is too salty. 在汤里多加点热水 – 太咸了。

Add a few more names of laborers to the list.




If you add 4 to 3, you get 7. 四加三得七。

Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。

(3)表示“补充说; 又说”。


I should add that we are very pleased. 我要补充的是我们非常高兴。

I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.



●add something to something: add fuel to the fire: 火上浇油

●add up/together: 加算;合计He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up/together all the weights.


The various facts in their report just don't add up.


●add to: 增加

Our coming added to your trouble. 我们的到来给你们增加了麻烦。

●add up to:总计达到…,总和为…,总数达…:

His debts added up to 40,000 dollars. 他的债务总计达到40,000美圆。

2.remind用法小结:remind作为及物动词,常与of, to infinitive, that连用,意思是“使想起;使记起;提醒”。


Remind me to write to Mother. (后接somebody to do something )


This reminds me of last year. (后接somebody + of + something)


In case I forget, please remind me about it. (后接somebody + about + something)


He reminded me that I had done it before. (后接that从句)



(1)wonder既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词使用。常与at, that连用,意思是“觉得奇怪;惊奇;纳闷;想知道”。


I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language.


I wonder at his rudeness. 我对他的粗鲁感到奇怪。

He wondered why people built ugly homes, when they could have beautiful ones.


He was just wondering how to do it. 他只是想知道怎么做这个。

Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday.


I wonder why James is always late for school.




The boy looked at the stranger in wonder.


They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship.


He has visited the seven wonders of the world. 世界七大奇观他都参观过了。

He's a wonder. 他是个奇才。


● It's a wonder:难得;奇怪的是

It's a wonder you recognized me. 难得你还认得我。

● (It's) no wonder 难怪;并不奇怪;当然

No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.



1.last, latest 与newest的区别:



She was the last to arrive. 她是最后到的。

He was the very last to leave the office. 他是最后一个离开办公室的。

He would be the last man to do such foolish things. 他决不会干这种蠢事。

He won the last election. 上次选举他获胜了。



Everyone wants to read the latest news, no one wants yesterday’s newspaper.




The man put on his newest clothes to attend the party.


2.whatever 与no matter what的区别:

两者都表示“无论什么,”但是在用法上有所区别:whatever既可以引导让步状语从句,又可以引导名词性从句;而no matter what只能引导让步状语从句。


No matter what you say, I’ll still do it alone. (让步状语从句)

=Whatever you say, I’ll still do it alone. (让步状语从句)


Whatever we said, he'd disagree. (让步状语从句)

College students are seen doing whatever work they can find. (宾语从句)


Do whatever she tells you and you'll have peace. (宾语从句)


Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. (让步状语从句)


You may do whatever you want to do. (宾语从句)


Whatever we do is our own business. (主语从句)



1.Cellphones, or mobile phones, make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.



We found it important to complete our task on time.


2.I don’t dare to use the phones in school, because they will take it away from me.



He dare not drive the care on expressways, as all the other cars are going so fast. (情态动词,注意其形式)


I didn’t dare (to) do it in class because the teacher might scold me. (及物动词,注意to的问题)


3.Some parents worry that their children will spend too much time and money on phone calls.

此句的worry后面接宾语从句。Worry后面还可以接about 构成词组,表示“对…担心”,强调动作;另外,词组be worried about 也表示“对…担心”,强调状态。


Where have you been? We’ve been worried about you.


Parents always worry about their children.


【考点透视 考例精析】

[考点] 考查谓语动词被动语态的用法。

[考例1] --Have you moved into the new house?

--Not, yet, the rooms _______________.

A.are being painted B.are painting

C.are painted D.are being painting

[解析] A 本句的意思是“因为新房子正在粉刷,所以我还没有搬进去”。用现在进行时的被动语态。

[拓展] 除了现在进行时的被动语态,过去进行时的被动语态也是值得注意的一点。


The lost children were last seen playing by the side of the river.


[考点] 介词短语的语义辨析。

[考例2] I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ___________.

A.at last B.in case C.once again D.in time

[解析] B 本句前面的分句已经说明“主语认为自己不需要钱”,所以but后的分句说明“带上点钱以防万一”。

[拓展] in case与in case of的用法要注意。再如:

Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.


In case of danger he was always standing in front of me.


In case of fire, you should always stay calm.


[考点] 考查turn构成的词组的用法。

[考例3] The children are always _________ practicing playing football when they have PE lessons.

A.taking turns B.by turns C.in turns D.at turns

[解析] A 本句的空白处缺少谓语。因而用take turns doing something结构,意思是“轮流做某事”;by turns和in turn都可以表示“轮流做某事”,但都是介词短语,只能作状语。

[考点] 考察动词的时态。

[考例4] Mr. Smith searched the Internet for nearly two hours before he _________.

A.was decided well B.had made a good decision

C.made a good decision D.has made up his mind

[解析] C 本句的主句用了一般过去时态,因此也决定了从句的时态。排除了B、D项;make up one’s mind意思是“做出决定”,但是时态不对。



1.As a great scientist, he is famous t___________ the world.

2. Please r________ me of my interview with Mr. Smith again tomorrow.

3.Those small factories are causing a lot of e_____________ pollution with all their noise and smoke.

4. They've r__________ the prices in the shop, so it's a good time to buy.

5. Jane o_________ the party. She a bought the food and drinks and asked people to come .

6. I made an ___________ (约定) to see the doctor yesterday.

7. She is a very ________________(有吸引力的) girl. Everyone likes her.

8. As a reporter, he is very _____________(成功).

9. They took strong _________(措施)against dangerous drivers.

10. The patient was asked to ring the bell in an ____________(紧急情况).


1.The coat ________ you well, but I don’t think the color _________ you.

A.dress, suits B.is fit for, fits on C.fits, suits D.is dressed, fits

2.She’s a bit shy and __________ answer teacher’s questions in class.

A.not dare to B.dare not to C.doesn’t dare D.dares not

3.Imagine that you are one of the volunteers __________ the foreigners, what should you do?

A.to choose serving B.choose to serve

C.choosing serving D.chosen to serve

4.Because of human being’s keeping killing, some kinds of animals are __________.

A.in danger of B.endangered C.dangerous D.in endanger

5.Someone called up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _________ I could answer the phone.

A.as B.since C.until D.before

6.It is generally considered unwise to give a child __________ he or she wants.

A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever

7.The police found that the house _________ and a lot of things _____________.

A.has broken into, has been stolen B.had broken into, had been stolen

C.has been broken into, stolen D.had been broken into, stolen

8.What surprised me was not what he said but ___________ he said it.

A.in the way B.in the way that C.the way D.the way which

9.Our guests were expected at 8 o’clock, but they didn’t ________ till 8:30.

A.turn on B.turn up C.turn over D.turn down

10.Mr. Li made up his mind to devote all he could _______ his oral English.

A.improve B.to improve C.improving D.to improving



When a rather dirty, poorly-dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg for a few coins, do you hurry on, not knowing what to do, or do you feel sad and hurriedly hand over some money? What should our attitude to beggars be? There can’t be no question that the world is full of terrible sad stories. It must be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from. It seems cruel not to give some money to beggars..

Certainly, most of the world’s great religions order us to be open-hearted and share what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves. But has the world changed? Maybe what was morally(道德方面) right in the old days, when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help, is no longer the best idea. Quite a few people will not give to beggars. Let us look at their arguments.

First, some believe that many city beggars dress up on purpose to look pitiable and actually make a good living from begging. Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil(恶行). Secondly, there is the opinion that there is no real excuse for begging. One might be poor, but that is no reason for losing one’s sense of pride and self-dependence..

Related to this in the opinion that the problem should be dealt with by the government rather than ordinary people . Some people think beggars should go to the local government department and receive help.

It is hard to come to any final conclusion; there are various cases and we must deal with them differently. A few coins can save a life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.

1.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A.Moral deeds of people. B.Religious activities of the church.

C. Moral goodness of the giver D.Arguments on giving to beggars.

2.What can we infer from the sentence “But has the world changed?” in the second paragraph?

A.People no longer know who was morally right in the past.

B.Some people will not do what was morally right in the past.

C.We don’t meet with those who need help any more.

D.Now it is the government’s duty to help the beggars.

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Some people dress up to pretend to be beggars.

B.Some beggars want money to help their children go to school.

C.Some beggars use the money to buy drugs.

D.Some beggars have no excuse for begging.

4.In the last paragraph, the writer thinks that it is hard to come to any final conclusion, because ___________.

A. the cases can be so different B. there are so many beggars

C. there is so much money wasted D. there are so many different arguments



Units 9-10 (B1)


一、1.throughout 2.remind 3.environmental 4.reduced 5.organized 6.appointment 7.attractive 8.successful 9.measures 10.emergency

二、1-5 CCDBD 6-10 BDCBD


1-4 DBBA

1. D 这是一个主旨题。本篇文章主要讨论了是否给乞丐钱的观点。

2.B 这是一个细节推断题。根据第二段的句子“Maybe what was mortally(道德方面) right in the old days, when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help, is no longer the best idea.”可知答案。

3.B 这是个判断正误题。第三段讲述了“假装扮成乞丐”、“用乞讨来的钱买毒品”、“没有行乞的理由”。只有B项(乞讨来的钱送孩子去上学)没有在文章中提到。

4.A 这是一个细节题。原因在于作者说“there are various cases and we must deal with them differently”。说明作者是想告诉我们情况是各种各样的。


示范教案一(Unit13Healthy eating 4th)

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by making sentences with them.

2.Review how to use some Modal verbs to give advice or opinion about something.

3.Let students know how to write recipes for their favourite dishes by reading“SNACKS”and two examples of recipes.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to master Modal verbs-had better(not),should(not),ought(not)to.

2.How to let the students understand the text“SNACKS”better and learn to write a recipe.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students' integrating skills.

Teaching Methods:

1.Asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a projector 2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ. Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ. Revision

T:Yesterday we learned the grammar-Modal verbs:had better,should,ought to and their negative forms.We know we can use them if we give advice or opinion about something.And we also know“had better”is less strong than“should”or“ought to”.Now let's do some exercises to see if you have mastered them.Look at the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Translate the following into English.






T:You are given five minutes to translate them.Then I'll ask some of you to read your translation.

Suggested answers:

1.You had better get some rest.

2.You had better not eat fruit that isn't ripe.

3.You should/ought to be careful with fruit.

4.You should not/ought not to eat so much junk food.

5.You should study harder and make greater progress.

Step Ⅲ. Test

T:Yeah.In this unit we have also learned some useful expressions.Maybe you still remember them.Yeah?


T:OK.Now let's review them together.I speak Chinese,you speak English.

(Teacher writes the following on the Bb when students say them.)

all the time,in the future,plenty of,advise sb. to do sth.,too much,keep up with,be harmful to,go for,lose weight,be prepared for,be short of,have a fever

T:Now let's have a test to see whether you've mastered them or not.Take out a piece of paper.Write the answers on it and then hand it in.Look at the screen,please.

Complete the sentences using the expressions on the blackboard.

1.What he said about you__________(对我也适用).

2.What do you want__________(将来做个什么样的人)?

3.She was laughing__________(一直)just now.

4.His parents__________(劝他不要再吃)chocolate any more.

5.During this month of hard work,many of us__________(降低了体重).

6.There are__________(许多书)on the shelf.

7.He was often ill because he__________(饮食过量).

8.Jack was not good at maths and he__________(跟不上)the rest of the class.

9.Smoking can__________(对……有害)your health.

10.Yesterday evening he__________(发高烧)and was sent to hospital.

11.It's going to rain.It doesn't matter;he__________(已有准备)it.

12.I__________(这周钱不够开支);can you lend me some?

Suggested answers:

1.goes for me too

2.to be in the future

3.all the time

4.advise him not to eat

5.have lost weight

6.plenty of books

7.ate and drank too much

uldn't keep up with

9.be harmful to

10.had a high fever

11.was prepared for

12.am short of money

Step Ⅳ. Pre-reading

T:OK.As we all know,people have to have food in order to live.In our country,corn and wheat are the main crops in the north,while rice is the main food in the south.In western countries,bread is very important.Bread to western is just like rice to Chinese in the south.It is westerners' most widely eaten food and is often called “the staff of life”.But in actual life,snacks are also very important for chinese and foreigners.Do you often eat snacks?


T:Do you know what snacks are good and how to prepare a delicious snack?


T:Yeah,today we'll learn a passage about snacks.Let's learn the new words and phrases.

(Show the following on the screen and explain them to the students.)

Step Ⅴ. Reading

T:Now open your books on page 6.Look at reading and writing.Now you are given four minutes to read the three passages.Then answer some questions.

(Students begin to read.After a while,teacher checks their comprehension.)

T:OK.Now from the text we know even if we choose nutritious food for our main meals,we still need to refud now and then.Who knows by what we can give our body and brain more energy?

S1:(One student stands up)I know.We can give our body and brain more energy by eating snacks.

T:Yeah.Sit down,please.What snacks are good?Can you give us an example?(Teacher comes up to another student.)

S2:Good snacks should not have too much fat or sugar.Fruits and vegetables are best snacks.Because they can give our body and brain much energy and much vitamins.

T:Very good.Sit down,please.Attention,please.Another question:Is it difficult to prepare a delicious snack,then?

Ss:No.Snacks are usually easy to make.

T:Is there any good for us to make a snack?

S3:(Another student stands up.)Yes,it can give us a chance to practise our cooking skills.

Step Ⅵ. Writing

T:OK.You are right.The text also shows us two recipes.We've known the ingredients of shaomai and Chicken Rooll-ups and how to do them.Now please write alone the recipe for your favourite dish or fast food,then you can exchange to check your writing in pairs.I'll collect your papers in eight minutes.Of course,when you write the recipe,you need to explain what ingredients will be needed and how they will be used.You must also be careful to explain each step carefully and in the right order.Are you clear?


T:OK.Please do it.

Suggested recipe:

A Recipe of Wonton

Wonton Ingredients:Pork,Chinese Chives,Salt,Gourmet Powder,Wonton skins.Cut the pork and Chinese Chives into pieces.Mix the pork and Chinese Chives in a bowl.Put half a spoonful of salt and a little gourmet powder into the bowl and stir them with chopsticks.Fill and fold the skins.Boil Wonton in boiling water for 3 or 4 minutes.

Step Ⅶ. Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we've reviewed the useful expressions and the modal verbs in this unit.And we've also learned something about snacks and recipes.We practise how to write a recipe.After class,go over all the important points learned in this unit and try to write more recipes.Prepare for next unit.Class is over.

Step Ⅷ. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 13 Healthy eating

The Fourth Period

all the time,in the future,plenty of,advise sb. to do sth.,too much,keep up with,be harmful to,go for,lose weight,be prepared for,be short of,have a fever

Step Ⅸ. Record after Teaching






作者:贺 莉 自:本站原创 点击数:581 文章录入:helen

Teaching plan for SB1A Unit 9 Technology

Teaching goals: Talk about science and technology

Describe things and how they work

Express agreement and disagreement

Use the present Continuous Passive Voice

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

Write a letter to Q12 about love and friendship

Time arrangement:

Period 1 Warming up, listening, speaking

Period 2 Pre-reading, reading, post-reading

Period 3 Intensive reading

Period 4 Language study

Period 5 Integrating skills

Period 6 Workbook (Talking and Reading)

Period 7 Test

Period one ( listening and speaking )

Warming up

Step I Brainstorming about Technology

1. Is technology important to us? What will you think of when talking about technology?

2. What qualities shall we have if we want to have advanced technology?

( to be creative , good at solving problems and thinking in new ways )

Step II Activity

( Bring the items of a toothpick, plastic bag and left-handed glove if possible)

(Hold a competition of creativity among groups of students if necessary)

1. Students work in groups to solve the problems

2. Compare different solutions and talk about creativity.


Step I Introduction

1. Describe an everyday object for Ss to guess. (color/ size/ shape/ use etc.)

Step II listening

1. First-listening: what is being described?

2. Second-listening: what can the things be used for?

3. Discussion in pairs: what are the new uses for the objects in addition to the “normal” uses?

Step III A riddle-guessing competition

1. Read the instruction and the guided questions

2 Do a demonstration with a student.

Teacher: You seem to have something in your pocket. What does it look like?

Student: It looks like … ….

T: What is it made of ?

S: It’s made of …….

T: What is it used for ?

S: … … …

3 Ss practice in pairs

4 Competition--- Who can guess it ?

One student thinks of or hides an object in his pocket, while the rest raise questions to guess what it is.


Step I Brainstorming

1. Present the situation

2. Brainstorming about the advantages and disadvantages about cellphones

Step II Expressions of agreement and disagreement

Teach new expressions

1) Absolutely= Definitely= Exactly

2) It depends.

3) That’s a good point.

4) That’s worth thinking about.

Step III Activity

1. Ss works in groups and prepare a role play.

2. Ss present their dialogues.

3. Debate: Players from different groups debate the advantages and disadvantages of a cellphone.

Homework: 1. Listening : Workbook P133 Listening Ex 1&2

2. Speaking: Interview your parents the way of life 30 years ago ( Were there telephones , TVs or computers ? )

3. Thinking : P60 Ex 3 Design your cellphone--- to be creative!

Period Two ( extensive reading )


Check the listening homework on page 133.


Step I Discussion (Question 2 of Pre-reading )

1. Check the speaking homework of interview

How did people live 30 years ago?

What did people do at night without electricity?

How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?

2. Talk about the title---Life on the go

Life on the go refers to a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go---rushing from one place to another, doing many things at once, and using cellphones, computers, etc.


Step I Presentation

1. Talk about the cellphone and present the new vocabulary.

( Ask Ss to bring cellphones of different brands to class if possible)

Questions: What functions does a cellphone have?

What features does your cellphone have? etc.

Vocabulary: function, feature, image, an electronic calendar, remind ,appointment

2. The top question:

Why are cellphones so popular with teenagers according to the passage?

Step II Reading

1. Skimming for the top question.

2. Some T or F statements to check the general understanding of the passage.

3. Scanning for the main idea of each paragraph, comparing general statement and specific statement. ( Post-reading Ex 2 on Page 60 )

Step III Activity

1. Discussion in pairs ( Post-reading Ex 1 on Page 60 ).

2. Design your own cellphone in groups.

Homework: 1. Read the text after the tape, marking the difficulties.

2. Reading comprehension: WB page 136.

Period Three ( intensive reading )


Revise the text .

Language points


1. depend v. dependent adj. independent adj.

1) That depends. = It depends. = I’m not completely sure.

2) depend on 依赖,信任,取决于

e.g. His family depends on him.

We’re depending on you to finish the job by Friday.

Happiness often depends on your attitude to life.

2. add v.

1) 增加, 相加, 补充说

e.g. Add a few more names to the list.

If you add 5 and 3 you get 8.

I should like to add that we are pleased with the result.

2) add to = to increase something

e.g. The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties.

3) add up to = amount to

e.g. These numbers add up to 100.

3. remind v.

remind sb to do sth.

of sth.

that –clause

e.g. Remind me to write to Dave.

This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.

She reminded me that Sue was in Paris.

4. touch n.

get in touch with sb. lose touch with sb.

stay in touch with be in touch with

keep in touch with be out of touch with

5. call v.

call for = to demand sth. , to collect sb.

call at some place = visit some place

call on sb. = to visit sb., to ask sb. to do sth.

call in = to ask sb. to come in{

e.g. Students are calling for more spare time and less homework.

I'll call for you at 8 o'clock.

I think we'd better call in a doctor.

I called on my uncle while I was in London.

6. case n.

in case in this case

in case of + n./pron in any case

in case --clause in no case = never

e.g. The meeting will be put off in case it rains.

In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.

In case of fire, ring the bell.

I don't think I need any money, but I'll bring some in case.

In no case should we give up dreaming about a better future.

7. need n.

[U] 缺乏; 需要

[C] 需要得东西; 必需品

in need of sth.

no need for sth.

e.g. There’s a growing need for new housing in big cities.

She didn’t earn enough money to satisfy all her needs.

We’re collecting money for children in need.

Please come to me if ever you’re in need of help.

There’s no need for you to say sorry to me.

Sentence patterns

1. Cellphones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

e.g. I think it necessary for her to stay in touch with her parents .

He found it possible for them to improve the working condition.

Our school makes it a rule for us to have an English Corner every Friday.

2. We have a need to stay in touch with friends no matter where we are or what we are doing.

e.g. Nobody believed him no matter what he said.

No matter where he goes, the thief can’t escape being caught.

She always goes swimming no matter how cold it is.

3. She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.

e.g. Whatever you do, wherever you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you.

She always goes swimming, however cold it is.

Homework: 1. WB page 134-135 Vocabulary Ex1,2,3&4

Period Four ( Language study )

Word study

Step I Page 61 Match the words with their meaning

Step II Check the homework on page 134-135.

Step III Reading for meaning ---guessing the words from the clues.

Page 63 Tips Are you a smart reader?


The passive voice (3) --- The Present Continuous Passive Voice

Step I Study the examples

am/ is/ are + being + done

Step II Practice ( page 61 )

Step III Activity

Two students put on a performance of “双簧”.

The door is being pushed open slowly and quietly. A chair is being taken into the room and put at the desk. A piece of paper is being taken out of his pocket. The chair is being cleaned. Now he is sitting down. And some books are being moved to the side of the desk. The schoolbag is being opened, and an English book is being taken out…….

Homework: 1. WB page 136 Grammar 1&2

Period Five ( integrating skills )


Step I Reading

What is the computer Q12 like ?

How does it control human beings?

What other suggestions will you make to solve the problem?

What will the earth be like if Q12 understands love and friendship?

Step II Language points

1 take over 接管

e.g. The company has been taken over by a American firm.

Sarah will take over my job when I leave.

2 break down (机器)不运转;失败;

break up 结束; (关系)破裂

e.g. The car broke down on the motorway.

The peace talks between the two countries have broken down

The meeting broke up after only half an hour.

Their relationship wasn’t working, so they decided to break up.

3 come up with = to think of or suggest an idea 想出办法,提出建议

e.g. He couldn’t come up with an answer.

How have you come up with such a good idea?

4 success in manage to do sth.

sucessful in

succeed in doing sth. fail to do sth.

e.g. We had no success in finding a new flat.

Jane finally succeeded in passing the her driving test.


Step I Study the outline of the letter

Step II Students have a discussion in pairs.

Step III Ask a student to give a sample letter orally.

Homework: 1. write a letter to Q12

Period Six ( WB talking and reading )


WB page 134 Talk about modern technology.

Step I Read the situation

Step II Activity

Ss work in groups

First list the advantages and disadvantages of the inventions of cellphones, robots and computers.

Then Ss have a debate in groups.

Step III Debate

Have 3 debates between groups.

( There are speakers representing each group, and the rest are judges)


WB page 136 Reading Future travel: teleportation

Step I Fast reading and skimming

What does teleportation mean?

Step II Scanning

How is teleportation different from normal transportation?

Why is it so difficult to teleport human beings?

Step III Reading for words

Match the words with the best strategy on page 137.

Step IV Activity

Discussion : Will teleportation be realized?

Think of more impossible things that may be possible in the future.





(1)to know again (somebody or something ) that one has seen (or heard, etc) before 认出

I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.


I don't recognize this word -- what does it mean?


Many fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of denied.


(2)to accept as a fact; to admit承认;认可常用于以下结构:

recognize + object

recognize somebody to do something

recognize somebody as …

recognize + that从句

to recognize a new government


We all recognize him to be clever.


We recognize that country as an independent state.


He didn’t recognize that he was wrong.


(3)be prepared to admit or be aware of (something.); realize. 认清(某事);认识到

He recognized his lack of qualifications/that he was not qualified for the post.


2.marry的用法小结:表示“ 结婚;娶;嫁”的意思。



I am going to marry John. 我要和约翰结婚了。

(2)词组 somebody be married to somebody表示已婚的状态,这时可以与一段时间连用。例如:

Mary has been married to John for two years. 玛丽与约翰已结婚两年了。

(3)词组somebody get married to somebody表示的是瞬间的动作,不可与一段时间连用。

She got married to him last year. 她去年与他结婚了。

(4)词组 marry somebody to somebody: 使结婚;嫁(女);把…嫁给…

He married his daughter to a businessman. 他把女儿嫁给了一个商人。


The priest married them. 牧师主持他们的婚礼。


marry a man with a lot of money

marry a rich man

marry a fortune

marry well




How much is this bicycle worth? It's worth £50.




This book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。

This watch is worth repairing. 这只表值得修理。



The film is very exciting. It is well worth seeing again.


(4)it可以作be worth的形式主语。

It isn’t worth getting angry with him.

=He is not worth getting angry with.


注意:(1)worthy后面要用“介词of + 动词-ing形式的被动式”或者“不定式的被动式”,表示“值得…的”。


This novel is worthy of being read a second time. = This novel is worthy to be read a second time. (这本小说值得再看一遍。)


It is worthwhile reading the novel a second time. ( 这本小说值得再读一遍 )

4.“祈使句 + and /then /or /otherwise + 陈述句”结构的用法:



Work harder and/then you will succeed in your studies. (注意:此句中and和then只能用一个,不能一起使用。)

=If you work harder, you’ll succeed in your studies.


Study hard, or/otherwise you’ll fail in your exams.

=If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail in your exams.



1.accept, receive与take的区别:

receive, accept, take这三个词都有“接受”的意思。



Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra £100 a year!


If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!


A baby can only receive sense impressions, but it does not understand them.




Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的歉意。

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the inn even if he gives it away.


She has received his present, but she will not accept it.


There is no accepted theory to explain the phenomenon.




Did you take his advice? 你接受了他的建议了吗?

He takes anything he is given. 给他什么他就要什么。



The hotel is now open to receive guests. 这家旅馆现在开业接待客人了。

2.after all, above all, at all, in all

(1)after all: 置于句首时表示提醒对方注意,常翻译成“别忘了”;置于句末时表示“与预料的情况相反”。


Don’t be too strict with him. After all, he is only a child.


I thought I would fail in the last exam, but I passed, after all.


(2)above all: 首先,重要的是。


Above all, I love taking a walk every evening.


(3)at all:常用于否定句和疑问句,表示加强语气。常翻译成:“根本、丝毫”等。


I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad! 我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。

There was nothing at all to eat. 根本就没有什么东西吃。

Are you at all worried about the forecast? 你对这项预报不担一点心吗?

(4)in all: 意思是“总计”。


There were twelve of us in all for dinner. 我们一共12人吃饭。


1.I’d rather not tell you.

注意:somebody would rather do something表示“某人宁愿做某事”;它的否定句表示“某人还是别…”。


I would rather go there by bus. (我宁愿坐公共汽车去那里。)

I would rather not sit there doing nothing. (我不愿坐在那里什么都不做。)

2.on’t touch anything, unless your teacher tells you to.

unless引导的从句有时可以和if引导的否定条件句互换,此句可以改成:…, if your teacher doesn’t tell you to. 另外要注意句末的to后省略了touch something。


I won’t go with you unless you tell me who will be with us.


3.here’s no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken of.

此句中There’s no doubt that…为固定句型,意思是“毫无疑问”。


There is no doubt that he is our model in work. 毫无疑问,他是我们工作中的模范。


情态动词must, can/could, may/might表示推测、猜测、可能的用法。



The new term has just started. She must be very busy preparing her lessons.


They can’t be at home now. It is now 10 o’clock. They must be in the office.




It can be true.


Watching TV for a long time can damage your eyes.




George hasn’t come yet. He may/might/could busy today.


I can’t see clearly. There may/might/could a person in the darkness.


【考点透视 考例精析】

[考点] 考查情态动词can的用法。

[考例1] How ______ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? (上海,29)

A.can B.must C.need D.may

[解析] A can用于疑问句或否定句中表示惊异、不相信等,意思是“可能、能够”。在此句中,can表示惊异的感情色彩。

[拓展] “can”表达一定的感情色彩的句子在口语中是很常见的。


How can you say that? After all, you are a student now, and you should study hard.


[考点] 考查表“发生”的词组的用法区别。

[考例2] An accident ___________ in the street. ____________ happened to me that I was on the spot.

A.took place, It B.happened, That C.happened, It D.broke out, That

[解析] C 本句牵扯到表示“发生”意义的词组的区别。Take place表示“必然、自然地发生”;happen表示“意外发生”;break out表示“(火、战争、瘟疫等)爆发”。从第二个句子的结构来看,that引导的从句为真正的主语,前面用形式宾语it来代替。所以选择答案C。

[考点] 本题考查推测结构的否定用法。

[考例3] –I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.(NMET北京,31)

--It ________ true because there was little snow there.

A.may not be B.won’t be C.couldn’t be D.mustn’t be

[解析] C couldn’t be true表示“这件事不可能是真的”。“There was little snow”说明了原因。

[考点] 本题考查否定转移时反意疑问句的用法。

[考例4] Maybe you’ve made a mistake. I don’t think he knows you, _________?

A.don’t you B.do I C.does he D.doesn’t he

[解析] C I/we don’t think后面跟宾语从句时,出现了“否定转移”现象,其反意疑问句应该根据从句来变。



1.They c_______ you just to get in the night club.

2.The operation p_______ a complete success.

3.The work is so important that you must be careful enough not to make any mistake. Even a small one may c______ you your job.

4.All schools are under the c_______ of the Ministry of Education.

5.He earned 200,000 dollars in only one month. Of course he was a s____________ businessman.

6.Sometimes a few words of c_____ to the one who has just failed may encourage him to stand up.

7.This new model is of high _________ (质量)and is not expensive either.

8.According to the weather report, the weather will ________(继续) fine till this weekend.

9.At the end of an hour's play the ________(优势) lay definitely with him.

10.I am ________(肯定) that I gave you his address.


1.Let’s keep to the point or we _______any decisions. (NMET I)

A. will never reach B.have never reached

C.never reach D.never reached

2.–Isn’t that Ann’s husomebodyand over there? (NMET 2004 I)

--No, it __________ be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glassed.

A.can’t B.must not C.won’t D.may not

3.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ________ by . (北京卷 2004)

A.has been completed B.has completed

C.will have been completed D.will have completed

4.–Who’s that speaking?

--Mathilde Loisel.

--Mathilde! Oh, yes. Sorry. I __________ your voice.

A.didn’t know B.don’t know C.didn’t recognize D.don’t recognize

5.Of all the books on the desk,________ is of any use for our study. [06 四川卷]

A.nothing B.no one C.neither D.none

6.Listen! There’s a lot of noise from next door. They _________ a party.

A.could have had B.must be having C.should have had D.can be having

7.“Put that away _________ it’s broken.” Mum said angrily when Johnny played with the precious vase.

A.unless B.before C.once D.until

8.______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

A.Founded B.Founding C.Being founded D.It was founded

9.The police tried to find the _______ child. But without ________ luck, they didn’t find him.

A.lost, a B.missing, / C.losing, a D.missing, /

10.It started _______ and I was beginning _______ how important his decision was that I should take an umbrella.

A.to rain, to realize B.raining, realizing

C.raining, to realize D.to rain, realizing



George Pickens had been making a wish daily as a worker at Central Bank.

All over the country banks were being (1) . George thought, (2) this bank? Didn’t robbers hear of its four-million-dollar (3) ? Were they afraid of Mr. Ackerman, the old (4) guard, who hadn’t (5) his gun in twenty-two years?

Of course George had a(an) (6) for wanting the bank to be robbed. (7) , he couldn’t simply take bills that were under his (8) all day long. So he had thought of another (9) to get them. His plan was (10) . It went like this:

If Bank Robber A holds up Bank Teller B…

And if Bank Teller B gives Bank Robber A a certain sum of money…

What is to prevent Bank Teller B from (11) all the money left and (12) that it was taken away by Bank Robber A?

There were only one (13) . Where was Bank Robber A?

One morning George entered the bank. “Good morning, Mr Burrows,” he said (14) . The bank president said something in a (15) voice to George and went into his office.

At two o’clock Bank Robber A walked in. George (16) he was a bank robber. For one thing, he stole in. For another thing, he wore a mask(面罩).

“This is a holdup,” the man said (17) . He took a gun from his pocket. The (18) made a small sound. “You!” the bank robber said, “Lie down on the floor!” Mr Ackerman lay down. The robber stepped (19) to George’s cage.

“All right,” he said. “Hand it over.”

“Yes, sir,” George reached into his drawer and took all the bills from the top part close to six thousand dollars. He passed them through the window. The robber took them, put them into his pocket, and (20) to leave.

Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top part of the drawer and got the bills from the bottom part into his pockets.

1. A.repaired B.broken C.robbed D.built

2. A.Why not B.What about C.How about D.How is

3. A.money B.capital C.note D.bill

4. A.door B.body C.safety D.bank

5. A. pulled out B.got C.carried out D.kept

6. A. chance B.eason C.excuse D.time

7. A.Of all B.In all C.Above all D.After all

8. A.hands B.desks C.drawer D.control

9. A.man B.day C.way D.robber

10. A. perfect B.complete C.easy D.simple

11. A.robbing B.stealing C.keeping D.taking

12. A.telling B.thinking C.insisting D.imagining

13. A.secret B.problem C.thing D.puzzle

14.A.cheerfully B.calmly C.anxiously D.eagerly

15. A.loud B.low C.big D.worrying

16. A.trusted B.recognized C.supposed D.knew

17. A.angrily B.roughly C.firmly D.politely

18. A.robber B.manager C.guard D.customer

19. A.on B.above C.through D.over

20. A.turned B.decided C.signed D.drew



Units 15-16 (B1)


一、1.charged 2.proved 3.cost 4.control 5.successful 6.comfort 7.quality 8.continue 9.advantage 10.positive

二、1-5 AACCA 6-10 BBABA



1-5 CABDD 6-10 BDACD 11-15 CCBAB 16-20 DBCDA

1.C 从全文看来,整篇围绕着抢银行而展开, A. repair修理;B. “破坏”;D. build,建立,均不合题意。

2.A George作为Central Bank的一个员工,所惊奇的是在全国的银行都被抢劫时,为什么独独他所在的银行没有被抢。

3.B capital “资本,资金”,与题意相符。

4.D 在银行,明显为 bank guard,与前文一直提到的rob相照应。

5.A pull out “掏出,拔掉”。这家银行没有被抢劫,难道是因为他们害怕这个二十年没有掏出枪的老保安?

6.B reason 原因;上文说George想让银行被抢,下文便介绍他这种想法出现的原因。

7.D after all “毕竟”; B. in all 总计;C. above all “首先”。George 想得到所有的钱,显然是不可能的,表示退一步来说的,只有选择D。

8.A under one’s hand “在某人指示下,受某人支配、掌握”。

8.C 靠正常工资难以满足George,所以他想到另一条获得大钱的方法。所以是another way。

10.D 从后面的意思看,他的计划应该是“simple”。

11.C “keep something + done”“使…处于某种情况下”。

12.C insist“坚持”,表示强调。

13. B “万事俱备,只欠东风”。George所考虑的步骤有一个仅有的“问题”,即“Where was Bank Robber A?”

14.A cheerfully “欢悦地,高兴地”,与George当时的心情相配,他考虑了整个计划,想着马上就能实现多钱的梦想,自然高兴异常。

15.B in a low voice“以极低的声音”。

16.D 从下文,那个人破门而入,并戴着面罩,他“知道”是个robber,是断定。

17.B roughly“粗鲁地,粗暴地”,正符合robber的身份,符合语言环境。

18.C 显然与robber相对的,guard的作用突显出来。

19.D step over to 表示动作的趋向。

20.A turn to “转身”。Robber抢了钱,肯定是转身离开,扬长而去。


I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求:


1>Talk about science and technology

2>Describe things and how they work

3>Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

4>Talk about new inventions


Agreement and disagreement 同意和不同意:

Absolutely. I disagree. / Well, yes, but …

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m afraid I don’t agree.

That’s a good point. You can’t be serious.

That’s just how I see it. Well, it depends. That’s worth thinking about.

I would have to disagree with that. Well, I’m not so sure about that.


toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, press, teenager, throughout, add, latest, calendar, remind, appointment, behaviour, obey, dare, emergency, whatever, dial, according, unexpected, particular, negative, clone, interview, department, electricity, planet, wonder, defeat, force, peaceful, succeed, skip

stay in touch with, call for, in case (of…), according to, take over, break down


The Present Continuous Passive Voice (3) 被动语态:

1>用英语描述事物正受到某种影响或某种处理-使用现在进行时被动语态(is/are being + 过去分词)。例如:

New functions are being added to the phones.

Michael is being interviewed for the job.

Modern cellphones are being used as camera and radios.

2>用英语描述人物正受到某种影响或某种处理-使用现在进行时被动语态(is/are being + 过去分词)。例如:

The new student is being introduced to the class.

Look! The children are being led into the garden.

5.language usage语言运用

运用所学语言,围绕新科技、新技术和新发明这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Life on the go” 并联系生活中的实际,书写一篇目短文。

II. Difficult points 难点

III. Main teaching aids教具: A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards

Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:

1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.

2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the 限listening material.

3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class

Ⅴ. Periods: 7-8 periods.

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures 教学过程

Period 1


Talk about the teaching plan for this unit and at the same time tell the students the teaching aims and demands. During this period, do WARMING-UP, LISTENING, SPEAKING.


Introduction This activity provides a good opportunity to talk about creativity and to practise problem-solving skills.

Instruction When the students have solved the problems, ask them how they did it and compare different solutions. Ask the students what creativity is and if it is possible to learn how to be creative.


Useful Things Various answers are possible. Encourage the students to think of as many uses as possible. It is not important if the new use is useful in the conventional sense, the emphasis here is on having students explain why / how it will be useful.

Talk box Various combinations are possible. Examples: 1st row left to right: stop, side, soot, stem. 2nd row left to right: coat, code, cram. 3rd row left to right: aide, atom. 4th row left to right: pram, poor. Students can also go right to left and diagonally - the more ways the better. Again, the emphasis is on having students explain their choices and solutions. The activity is not about getting the “right” answer.

True or False Answers: T-F-T. Ask the students how they came up with the answer and encourage them to think of more true or false questions.

Extension Ask the students to come up with more creativity tests.


Introduction The students will hear descriptions of everyday objects and are asked to try to guess what is being described. The exercise will be more useful and interesting if you encourage the students to move beyond the obvious uses of the objects described.

Instruction Tell the students to listen to the tape and try to guess what is being described. Before they listen to the tape, you can ask them to describe an everyday object (or you can bring two or three objects and describe them). When the students have listened to the tape and guessed what's being described, they can work in pairs or groups to discuss how the objects can be used. Encourage the students to think of new uses for the objects in addition to the “normal” uses.

Extension Ask the students to think about other objects that either fit the description or can be used for the same things.


1 These are very simple. Two sticks, about 20 centimetres long. They are usually made of wood. You hold the two sticks in one hand. You put one stick between two of your fingers, and you hold the other one with your thumb. These things can be difficult to use at first, but you will soon learn how to pick up even small pieces of food.

2 This thing is very popular and useful. Almost everyone has one these days. You can see people using this thing on the bus, when they are walking, or at home. It is usually small, about the same size as your hand, and it comes in many colours. There are several buttons on it, some for numbers, others for other things. It can be put in your pocket or in a small bag. With it, you can talk to people far away.

3 This is a large box with a big door. If you open the door, a light comes on and you can see what's inside. You'd better not leave the door open for too long, because it is not good for the things inside. You might catch a cold, too, if you stand in front of the open door. There are several shelves inside, some in the box itself, some in the door. You usually find this large box. in the kitchen.

Answers to Exercise 1:

Object described Possible uses

I Chopsticks Eating, opening a bottle. Students can think of more creative uses.

2 Cellphone Making phone calls, sending pictures, sending e-mails. Students think of more.

3 Refrigerator Keeping food fresh, keeping drinks cool. Students think of more.

Answers to Exercise 2:

Various answers are possible.


Introduction This group discussion is an opportunity for the students to practise their ability to express, support, and challenge an opinion. Jane wants to buy a cellphone, but before she buys one she wants to know what her parents and her friend think. The students will role-play the discussion.

Instruction Divide the students into groups and explain that they are going to prepare a role play and have a discussion. Each group member will play one of the roles and must prepare a role card. If necessary, you can use one of the role cards as an example. Explain the “rules” of the discussion to the students and remind them of the basic classroom rules.

1 Decide who will play which role. The student who plays Jane will be the group leader.

2 Give the group enough time to prepare the role cards.

3 Check that all group members are ready. Before the students begin the discussion, remind them that Jane should open the discussion and that they should take turns introducing themselves and stating their opinion as outlined in 4 and 5.

4 Jane opens the meeting by welcoming everybody. She also explains why they are meeting and asks everyone to help her make her decision.

5 Each group member introduces himself / herself and states his or her opinion and reasons.

6 When all the group members have introduced themselves and stated their opinions and reasons, the students can continue the discussion as they see fit. They can ask questions, give more examples and reasons, explain their opinions, and debate and challenge other views.

7 Remind the students that each group member must try to make the others agree with him or her.

Possible answers:


1 I can use a cellpho_e to call my parents if I am late.

2 I can use a cellphone to call for help.

3 I can use a cellphone to stay in touch with my friends. Jane's best friend

1 we don't really need cellphones.

2 we are not allowed to use cellphones in school.

3 it is better to use the money for something more important.

Jane's mother

1 cellphones are too expensive.

2 Jane should not spend too much time on the phone.

3 Jane is too young to have a cellphone. Jane's father

1 if Jane has a cellphone, I can always find out where she is.

2 a cellphone will help Jane feel safe.

3 Jane can use a cellphone send messages to her friends.

Sample discussion:

JANE: Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Mum, Dad, you know I have told you before that I want to buy a cellphone. I would like to tell you why I want to buy one, and I would like your advice.

DAD: OK, why don't you start and then we will all tell you what we think.

JANE: Thanks, Dad. I think a cellphone is very useful, because I can use it to let you know where I am and when I will be back home. For example, if I have to stay late at school, you might get worried and wonder where I am. If I have a cellphone, I can call you and tell you that I will be late. .

MUM: Well, that's true, but I don't think you should buy a cellphone. In my opinion, a cellphone is too expensive. Besides, if you have a cellphone I think you will spend too much time talking on the phone. You'd better use your time to study instead.

CINDY: I agree with Mrs Collins. Some of the other students in our class have cellphones and they talk on the phone all the time. I don't see how they ever have time for anything else. And it is expensive. One of my classmates said that she spent 110 yuan in one month!

DAD: Jane, I think you are right. I often worry about where you are and I never know when I will be home from work. I remember last year, when you were at the supermarket and I had promised to pick you up. I was late and couldn't find you when I got there. If you have a cellphone I can just call you.

JANE: Thank you for telling me what you think. I will take some time to think about what you have said. Now let's have some fun. How about playing some cards!


1. Preview the reading text

2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.

3. Get ready to be examined in the speaking activities.

Period 2


1. Ask some pairs to act out the speaking activities.

2. During this period, do some reading.


Introduction The questions are designed to get the students to think about the cellphone as an example of inventions that have changed our way of life.

Instruction Encourage answers and comments that help students think about the way technology affects our life and thinking. The second question will help: students are likely to mention what we do today and compare to what people did in the past. Big inventions would include cars, computers, electricity, etc. The third question will help the students reflect on why some inventions are more popular than others.

Extension Ask the students to think about what “big” inventions have in common. Encourage students to think more about question 3. What are the consequences of “popular” science - will it lead science in the wrong direction?



Introduction The reading discusses the increasing popularity of cellphones in Chinese society. Cellphones are everywhere and have positive and negative effects on our life. Encourage the students to take a critical view of the cellphone culture, or life on the go, and think about how trends and life-styles are related to science and technology. Note that Wang Mei (the girl in the text) says that cellphones are useful and repeats the reasons we encounter in ads and the media - but in the last paragraph we also learn that she (like most people) actually uses the cellphone for other, perhaps less grand purposes. .

Note Life on the go refers to a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go-rushing from one place to another, doing many things at once, and using portable phones, computers, etc.


1 Ask the students to read the rust paragraph quickly to get the main idea of the text.

2 Ask the students to do the following (without reading the text).

A Try to guess what the next paragraph will talk about.

Ask the students what they think and why they think so. Compare different answers.

B Try to guess what the whole text will talk about. Ask the students what they think and why they think so. Compare different answers.

3 Ask the students to use the answers from 2A and 2B to write a simple outline of the text. The students can work in pairs or groups to write the outline.

4 Let the students read the whole text. Ask them to compare their outline with the text and note any differences.


Answers to Exercise 1:

1 The title refers to the high pace of modem life and to the fact that portable devices, like cellphones and laptops, are becoming popular.

2 The text lists a couple of reasons: cellphones can distract students in class, cellphones may make students spend more time talking on the phone than doing homework.

3 The text lists two reasons: safety and the cool factor, i.e. the desire to be like others. Students may add other reasons.

4 Students are of course free to agree or disagree. Make sure that the students give reasons for their opinion.

Questions 2 and 3 can be answered by skimming or scanning. For question 1, students may use the pre-reading discussion and their own thinking. The text does include the phrase life on the go, so additional help is available. Question 4 is perhaps best answered after a pair or group discussion.

2 Sample Outline

1 Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cellphones.

2 Cellphones can be used for many things.

For example: talking to people, sending mes5ages and pictures, .playing games, listening to music, keeping appointments

3 Cellphones also cause problems.

1 In school, cellphones may disturb lessons.

2 At home, students may spend too much time and money on phone calls.

4 There are several reasons why teenagers like cellphones.

1 Cellphones help us stay in touch with friends and family.

2 Cellphones make us feel safer.

3 Cellphones are fun and cool.

5 Wang Mei explains why she likes her cellphone and what she uses it for.

3 Various answers are possible.


1. Read the text fluently.

2. Get LANUAGE STUDY ready.

3. Go on remembering the new words and expressions in this unit.

Period 3


1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions.




Word study

Answers to the exercise:

1G 2C 3B 4A 5F 6I 7E 8D 9H


The Present Continuous Passive Voice:

To form the present continuous passive voice, use is / are being done, which gives the idea that an action is in progress at the moment.

e.g.: Money is being collected for the broadband project.

A report is being written about the negative effects of 'Cellphones in school.

Answers to Exercise 1:

1 Money for the broadband project is being collected.

2 A report about the negative effects of cellphones in school is being written.

3 A computer center for the students is being built.

4 The test-tube baby is being taken good care of by its parents.

5 Human cloning is being studied by some scientists.

6 The laws to protect the rights of women and children are being revised.

Answers to Exercise 2:

1 How much money a month is being spent on their cellphones?

2 What is being produced by this company?

3 Who is being interviewed for the job?

4 What is being sent to his friend's phone?

5 Whom are some programmes being developed for?


1. Grasp the language points in the reading text.

2. Finish all the exercises in the Student’s Book.

3. Learn to use the Grammar in this unit.

Period 4


1. Check the students on the grammar points.

2. Ask the students to translate some sentences.




Instruction Writing this letter can be difficult as the students will have to struggle with the abstract concepts. Most of them will find it difficult to capture the essence of the abstract terms, but in the process of doing so they will discover useful techniques for conveying their ideas, e.g. giving examples. Acceptable essays should include a rough definition of the two terms (love and friendship), with examples, within the framework of a letter to Q12. Advanced essays should use the definitions / examples to show Q12 that love and friendship are necessary, i.e. advanced essays should use the expository parts to support a persuasive thesis. These are important criteria for assessment. Let the students read the story about Q12 and then write the letter. The students can work individually or in pairs or groups.

Sample writing:

April 3 2374

Dear Q 12,

My name is Xiao Hong and 1 am a middle school student in Dalian. I would like to tell you about two things that 1 think are very important. Please read what 1 have to say, because 1 think it may be helpful to you. 1 want to tell you about love and friendship.

Love is difficult to explain, but 1 will try. Love is a feeling between two people. It is a very happy and warm feeling. When two people love each other, they almost become one person. For example, if a father loves his child, he will feel sad when the child is sad and happy when the childis happy. There are many different kinds of love: you can love your parents or children, you can love your husband or your wife, or you can love someone outside your family.

Friendship is also a kind of love. When two people are friends, they try to understand and help each other. A good friend will be there for you even when you are having a difficult time. Friends do things together and share thoughts, feelings and ideas.

Love and friendship are necessary if we want a happy world. If there is love, people will not do bad things to each other; if we have friends, we won't have to feel lonely or afraid. When people feel lonely and afraid, they often get angry with others and do mean things. If we learn to love and be friends, we can live happily together and solve the problems and difficulties we must face in life.

Your friend,

Xiao Hong

The words “chelyabinsk” and “Irkutsk” may be new to us, but the sentence tells us that they are examples of large Russian cities.


Answers to Checkpoint 9:

A computer centre is being built for the students.

The phones are also being used as cameras and radios. The phones are being used everywhere.




1. Write a clear and beautiful short passage in the Exercise-book.

2. Preview WORKBOOK.

Period 5


1. Have a dictation of some phrases.

2. Say something about the students’ writing.


Instruction Tell the students that they will hear about the International Space Station. Ask the students what they know about it and then let them listen to the tape I and complete the informati0n chart.


The International Space Station

As you are listening to this, the International Space Station is moving around the Earth. The International Space Station is an international project to build a small city in space. Sixteen countries are working together to build a space station where scientists can conduct experiments and learn more about space and the earth. The sixteen international partners are the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and the European Space Agency. The United States and Russia are leading the effort but every country is making an important contribution to the ISS.

The International Space Station is made up of several parts and will be about the size of two soccer fields when completed. The different parts will be added one by one. Some parts are laboratories, some are for power sources, and others are for people to live in. The parts will be put together in space. When the new parts have been put together, space station astronauts will perform space walks to connect the parts to the station. The space walks are very dangerous and astronauts must be very careful one small mistake could be deadly! A total of 46 flights

will be necessary to connect the more than 100 parts. If all goes well, the station will be completed in a few years.

Note: The Europen space Agency involves 11 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK.

Answers to the exercises:


What is the task of the ISS? It is an international project to build the Internationals Space Station, a small city in space.

How many countries are building the station? 16

How big will the ISS be when finished? About the size of two soccer fields.

How many parts are needed? What will they be used for? More than 100.

Some parts are laboratories, some are for power sources and others are for people to live in.

How is the ISS being built? First, the different parts will be put together in space. Then, the people who work at the space station will take space walks to connect the parts to the station.

How many flights are needed to connect the parts? 46.

When will the project be finished? In a few years.

2 Various answers are possible.


Instruction Help the students prepare the lists of advantages and disadvantages. You can use one of the examples and let the whole class think of advantages and disadvantages and then write them on the blackboard. If necessary, you can also model one or two “turns” in the debate.

Technology Advantages Disadvantages

Cellphones ●Cellphones help us keep in touch withour friends and family.

●Cellphones help us send e-mails.

● Cellphones help us send photographs and messages.

. ● Cellphones help us… ●Using a cellphone is expensive.

●Overusing it may disturb our work.

●Spending too much time making phone calls. . Cellphones ...


●Robots can work in dirty and dangerous places.

●Robots can do boring things that humans do not want to do.

● Robots can work without sleep and food. ●Robots can't think or make decisions.

● People may become unemployed if robots are used instead of humans.

●Robots need electricity.


●Computers help us work faster.

●Computers can help us study and learn.

●Computers can help us solve difficult problems. ●Computers are expensive.

●Computers can't think or make decisions.

●Computers are sometimes difficult to use.

Sample Dialogue:

A: I think that cellphones have many advantages. They help us keep in touch with our friends and family and we can use them to get important information, like news and weather reports.

B: Well, maybe, but there are many disadvantages, too. Cellphones are expensive to buy and use, and people may use them where they shouldn't, like in the classroom. Many people call their friends just for fun and may end spending too much time on the phone.

A: That may be true for some people, but that's not really because of the phones. You could say the same about TV or computers. People shouldn't do too much of anything. Think about all the other advantages. For example, if I'm meeting my Mum at the bus station and she is late, she can call me and let me know so I won't have to worry or get lost. And if I do get lost, or if I'm in danger, I can call for help.

B: ...


1. Get ready to be examined in the talking activities.

2. Preview all the exercises in the workbook.

Period 6


1. Ask some pairs to act out the talking activities.



Answers to the exercises:

1 1 toothpick 2 Teenagers 3 calendar 4 appointment 5 behaviour 6 emergency

7 interview 8 planet

2 1 answer (n) 2 changes (n) 3 defeat (v) 4 touch (n) 5 hand (n) 6 handed (v)

7 change (v) 8 phone (n) 9 forces (v) 10 phoned (v) 11 force (n) 12 answer (v)

13 defeat (n) 14 touch (v)

3 1 C 2C 3B 4A. 5A

4 1 You may do whatever you want to do.

2 I'll teach whoever wants to learn.

3 We can start whenever you're ready.

4 Life won't be easy whichever road you take.

5 He makes friends wherever he goes.

6 It rained throughout the night.

7 In case of rain, they usually go travelling with an umbrella.


Answers to the exercises:

1 done, completed, built, have, collecting, planned, collected, spent, made, being improved, planted, painted

2 National day is coming and People's Park is being prepared for it. Look! By the lake, one boat is being repaired and the other one is being. painted. Beside the boats, the trees are being planted and the flowers are being watered. Not far away, the building is being painted and its roof is being repaired...




Introduction The text states that the concept of transportation has remained the same despite advances in science and technology. However, recent discoveries suggest that we may be able to change the way we view transportation. The text defines and explains teleportation and reports advances. in science that have made teleportation seem possible. The discovery is an example of how something once believed to be science fiction (or impossible) is becoming science (or reality). It is important to note that while the discovery described in the text is significant, the teleportation of human beings does not seem possible.

Extension Encourage the students to think about what a concept is and how it changes - or, in other words, how the way we think about the world interacts with what we know about it. Use the Adventure Travel reading in the student's book as an example of another conceptual change.

Answers to the exercises:

1 1 Teleportation is a combination of sending information through telephones or the Internet and transportation.

2 With normal transportation, a person or thing is moved from point A to point B. With teleportation, a person or thing is taken apart at point A and put together again at point B.,

3 Teleporting a human being would be very difficult since there are so many parts in a human body.

4 Various answers are possible. The text does make it clear that it. is very unlikely that human teleportation will become possible.

2 The students are asked to match each new word with the correct strategy. Ask them to scan the text for the word and then decide which strategy they could use to guess the meaning of the word.


Strategy: Some words are made up of two parts. We can use the meaning of each part to guess the meaning of the word.

The text emphasizes the mix of telephone and transportation and the students can use this to conclude that tele has been added to -portation to make up teleportation, meaning a combination of regular transportation and telecommunication.


Strategy: Some words are explained in the sentence. The explanation is often between commas (,), dashes (-), or brackets ( ).

The explanation is given in brackets in the text (particles that carry light).


Strategy: We can use words we already know to guess the meaning of words that mean the same or that have the opposite meaning.

The students are already familiar with the phrase put together and can use this knowledge to conclude that apart means the opposite of together.

3 1 People used to think it was impossible to use machines to talk to each other, but it has become possible with the invention of the telephone. In the future, we may even be able to use machines to send our thoughts to other people.

2 People used to think it was impossible to make a copy of a living thing, but it has become possible with the invention of cloning. In the future, we may even be able to clone human beings.

3 People used to think that it was impossible to make a machine that could do math, but it has become possible with the invention of the abacus and the computer. In the future, we may even be able to use machines that can think.


Instruction Ask the students to think of inventions that have changed the way we live, e.g. the steam engine, electricity, the telephone, the computer, the Internet etc. What will the next big invention be and how will it change our life? The students are free to come up with their own ideas. Remind the students that they should give the new invention a name, explain (roughly) how it works or what it is, how it will be used (or what it will be used for) and how it will change our life.

Sample writing:

The Thinkuter

I think that the next big thing, the next important invention, will be a computer that can actually think. I don't mean that this computer will be like a human being - it will not be able to come up with its own ideas

but it will be able to help us think. The computers we use today can only do very simple things, like adding and subtracting, or storing and recalling information. The new machine will be able to do things that we do when we think. Since it is a computer that can think, I will call it a thinkuter.

If we have thinkuters, we can do things that used to be impossible. For example, today, with normal computers, only a few very smart people can solve important problems. And even these experts can only solve the problems in the same way. With a thinkuter, we would be able to think in new ways and change the way we understand life, science, and nature. A thinkuter would give us more thinking power and we would be able to do more with our ideas. Everybody has lots of good ideas, even children do, but it is difficult to turn one's ideas into reality. If people had thinkuters, they could use their ideas better - no idea would be wasted.

With thinkuters, we would also need to spend less time in school. We could learn more and faster. School is good for us and we need it, but if we could learn more and faster, we would have more time to do other things that are also important.


1. Finish all the exercises in this UNIT.

2. Finish the supplementary exercises given by the teacher.

Period 7




Period 8





on Australia’s famous beaches 在澳大利亚著名的海滩上

explore the amazing Brazilian rainforest 探索令人惊异的巴西雨林

6. think of想到, 考虑;

8. be busy doing sth忙于做…

14. my supplies of food and water 水和食物的供给

18. can’t wait to do sth. 等不及做某事

27. remember to boil the water 记得去烧开水

34. three pieces of information 三条信息

35. be filled with the wonders of nature 充满了大自然的奇迹

36. at the foot of the mountain 在山脚

45. in perfect harmony with协调一致; 相配

1. on Australia’s famous beaches


2. explore the amazing Brazilian rainforest


3. in detail _________________________

4. go travelling _____________________

5. challenge yourself _____________________

6. think of _____________________

7. so long _____________________

8. be busy doing sth____________________

9. go to university _____________________

10.through the Sahara _____________________

11. in case_____________________

12. take six days _____________________

13. in advance_____________________

14. my supplies of food and water

15. even though _____________________

16. up close _____________________

17. make sure that_____________________

18. can’t wait to do sth.

19. of one’s own _____________________

20. look forward to _____________________

21. it is worth doing _____________________

22. take extra clothes _____________________

23. remind sb. of sth. _____________________

24. make a fire _____________________

25. lose one’s way _____________________

26. in the open air _____________________

27. remember to boil the water _____________________

28. be in progress _____________________

29. places of interest _____________________

30. arrange to do sth. _____________________

31. set off_____________________

32. than usual _____________________

33. in total silence _____________________

34. three pieces of information _____________________

35. be filled with the wonders of nature _____________________

36. at the foot of the mountain _____________________

37. a little bit _____________________

39. first name _____________________

40. on a business trip _____________________

41. be tired of _____________________

42. be covered with _____________________

43. at a loss _____________________

44. be home to … …_____________________

45. in perfect harmony with_____________________

46. make use of _____________________


cultural represent ruin burn unite period stone damage ancient project official population breath limit sincerely Pyramid include restore rebuild beauty photograph portrait recreate artist vase brick cave carbon

Spoken English:

1. Giving advice & Make suggestions

What shall we …? Maybe we could …

Shall we …? I’d like to …

Can’t we …? What/how about …?

Should we …? Why don’t you …?

Let’s … Why not …?

1. 描述事物已经受到某种影响或某种处理--使用现在完成时被动语态。例如:

Now, after years of hard work, parts of statues have been put back together and missing pieces have been replaced.

2. 描述人物已经被动地接受某种行为或某种处理--使用现在完成时被动语态。例如:

The sick woman has been sent to hospital, and now you can’t visit her.

Jack has been told about it, so you needn’t call him up.

Use of Language:

1. Master the function use of language as defined above.

2. Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have learned. Learn the text about cultural relics and finish the relative exercises and writing tasks, like write a report on the world’s cultural relics, write a brief introduction of my hometown.

Important points: The use of the Passive Voice

Difficult points: Use of the Passive Voice

Teaching aids: Computer, tape-recorder

Way of Teaching: Communication way of teaching, discussion and group work.

Get the students to look at the pictures in their books: a pyramid in Egypt, the Great Wall in China, and Stonehenge in England. Ask the students to name more sites like these and ask what they have in common.

The answers may be: The pyramids, the Great Wall, the Stonehenge are not only the great places of interest but also the symbols of their countries and their cultures.

First go through the listening part together with the students. Get the students to know what they are going to do.

Name of the site Why is it important? What is being done to protect it?

First get the students to know what they are going to do. Then explain that a “culture capsule” – an imaginary large box – will be sent into space. Ask the students to decide what objects to put in the box. The object should help whoever finds the box understand what and who human beings are. Students can work in pairs or groups. They have to decide what to put in the box and explain why they have chosen them. I.e. how the objects will help explain who we are and how we live.

Help the students to decide they want to put in the box and list the reason .

Fish the exercise in the talking part in their workbooks.

Go over the homework.

List some cities like Beijing, Paris, Chang’an, Rome, then ask the students to discuss these questions with their partners.

1. Some cities, like Paris and Beijing, are called great cities of the world. In your opinion, what makes a city great?

2. What are your favourite cities? Why?

3. What cultural relics are there in the place where you live? How important are they?

First give a brief introduction of the text A City of Heroes.

Read the text fast and tell the following sentences true of false:

1. ( ) The city of St Petersburg was rebuilt by Peter the great.

2. ( ) The Germans attacked St Petersburg a hundred years ago.

3. ( ) A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans.

4. ( ) It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces.

5. ( ) Workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city.

6. ( ) St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before.

The answers are: True: 3 4 5. False: 1 2 6.

First tell the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1 St Petersburg lies on the banks of the river Lena in Russia. More than three hundred years ago, The Russian Czar, Peter the Great, built a new capital here. Peter the Great was a strong and proud man, and the city reflects his personality.

Paragraph 2 St Petersburg has been the center of many important historical events. These events are the reason why the city has become such an important part of Russian culture and history. The people of St Petersburg fought hard against the Nazis during World War II and were determined to rebuild the city when the Nazis had left it in ruins.

Paragraph 3 Rebuilding the great city was difficult, but the people of St Petersburg succeeded. Using old photographs and rescued pieces of the old city, they managed to restore St Petersburg to its former glory.

Paragraph 4 The people of St Petersburg are heroes because they managed to rebuild the city, proving that they are at least as great as Czar Peter.

Retell the text according to the above main ideas.

Finish the exercise in the Post-reading Part on p46.

Find the sentences using the Present perfect passive Voice.

Check the homework..

Fill in the blanks with the proper words or phrases.

First list some sentences that are used in the Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1. It is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.

2. Many great palaces were built during his lifetime.

3. Building were destroyed, and paintings and …

4. Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could now be used to rebuild the city and its culture.

5. now, after years of hard work, parts of statues have been put back together and missing pieces have been replaced.

6. Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, have been carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.

Then ask the students to find the formation of the Present Perfect Passive Voice:

Ask the students to finish the exercises 1-2 in part 1.

Finish the exercise 2 in their workbooks.

Check the homework.

Ask the students to read the passage in the Integrating Skills part. And they should find the way of a passage formation ---

That is how the passage is structured. The tips in their books may be used as a guide when they are reading.

Ask the students to try to make their writing first orally. In the same while, ask several students to read their passage out and find the place where it may be written in other better way. Then show the students a sample writing and analysis the good of the passage.

Leave the exercise of writing in their workbooks as the homework.


She said, “ They are using PSAs to educate people.”

She said that they were using PSAs to educate people.

“ We must not give up in the face of pressure.” she said.

She encouraged us not to give up in the face of pressure.

Step 2 Direct speech and reported speech (直接引语和间接引语)

He said, ‘I will go to school tomorrow.’

He said that he will go to the school the next day.

She said to me , ‘I am going to London with my father.’

She told me that she was going to London with his father.

She said, “Do you often come here for a visit.”

She asked if I often went there for a visit.


①He said, “I have been to Japan.”

He said that ___ had been to Japan.

②She said, “I'll give you an exam tomorrow.”

She told us that ______ would give ____ an exam tomorrow.

③She asked me, “When do they have their dinner?”

She asked me when _____ had _____ dinner.

She said. ”I have lost a pen.“→

She said. ”We hope so.“ →

She said. ”He will go to see his friend。“→

注意:①The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”

②“I’ll never forget the days in the country.”

③My father said to me, “I read the book in 1986.”

④He said to me, “I have taught English since I came here.”

代词 this→ 地点状语 here→

语 now→ bring→


this week→


last week(month)→

Three day (month) ago→


next week(month)→

1. ‘I will come and see you again this evening, Tom.’ he said.

2. ‘I will come here again today,’ she said.

The doctor said to the patient, ‘You will have to wait till 3 pm tomorrow.’

1. “I never eat meat.” he said.

He said that ______ never ______ meat.

2. “I’ve found my wallet.” he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ ______ ______ wallet.

3. “I took it home with me.” she said.

She said that ______ ______ _______ it home with her.

4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”

The teacher said that the sun ______ in the east and ______ down in the west.

5. “I met her yesterday.” he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ met the day ______.

6. “You must come here before five.” he said.

He said that I ______ to go ______ before five.

7. “I bought the house 10 years ago.” he said.

He said that he _______ bought the house 10 years _______.

He said, “I came to see you.”

Tom said, “Do you have any difficulty with English?”

He said, “You are interested in English, aren't you?”

He asked, “Do you speak English or Chinese?”

I asked, “Will you take bus or on foot?”

He said to me,“Where are you from?”

He asked us, “How many factories are there in your country?”

①She said to us, “Please have a break.”

②The teacher said, “Don't smoke in the classroom.”

③The officer said, “Go out!”

She said, “What a lovely day it is.”

1. Our teacher asked us _____ our dictionaries to school.

A. bring B. brought C. bring D. to bring

2. The teacher told the boy students ______ football on the grass.

A. not play B. not to play C. played D. playing

3. Betty asked her sister ____ to the railway station to see her off.

A. not to come B. not to go C. to not come D. to not go

4. The pupil asked his teacher _____ round the earth.

A. whether the moon goes B. that the moon went

C. whether the moon goes D. whether the moon went

5. She asked him ____.

A. whose dictionary this isB. whose dictionary that was

C. whose dictionary is this D. whose dictionary that is

6. Mary’s mother asked her _____.

A. that whether she had finished her homework

B. if she has finished her homework

C. if she had finished her homework

D. that if she had finished her homework

7. Do you know ____?

A. what is he doing B. what he doing

C. what he is doing D. what does he do now

8. I don’t know ____ to learn English.

A. when did he begin B. when he began

C. he when began D. when he begins

9. You can’t imagine ____ when they received these nice Spring Festival presents.

A. how excited they were B. how excited were they

C. how they were excited D. they were how excited

10. Do you remember how many times ____ to Australia?

C. have you beenD. you have been

11. The boss asked his secretary ____ ____he had finished typing the report .

C. whether; or not D. whether; not

12. I wonder how much _____.

A. does he spend on his car B. did he spend on his car

C. he spent on his car D. he spent in his car


Teaching goals

1. Talk about modern agriculture and the effect it has on people’s life.

2. Practice giving advice and making decisions.

3. Learn to use “it” for emphasis.

4. Learn to read statistical graphs.

5. Write a plan for a vegetable garden.

Period 1

Step 1: New words

(listen to the pronunciations of each word and try to remember them).

Step 2:Warming up

1. Look at the graph and tell what the meaning of this graph. It tells the growth of major products 1991-1995 compared with 1986-90 percentages.

2. The production of fruit in 1995 increased by a percentage of 85 compared with 1986.

3. Let the students read the sentences on the screen and learn about some changes and effects between agriculture and people’s life.

4. Ask one students to translate the reading material in the paper(the first and the second passages).

1.What do you think causes these changes? 你认问什么原因引起这些变化的?

2.What do you think the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature? 你认为这些饮食变化对农业和自然会起什么作用?

do you think 是插入语,经常位于疑问词之后

Where do you think our headteacher comes from?

Who do you think the old lady is?


What is it, do you think?

2. effect n. 结果,影响

have an effect on 对…有影响

be of no effect 无效

come/go into effect 开始生效

in effect 在实施中

take effect 见效; 生效

bring/carry…into effect 实行;实施

affect v. 影响

effective adj. 有效的

I tried to persuade her, but without effect.

Her new red dress will produce quite an effect on everyone.


My advice didn't have much effect on him.

The idea is of no effect.

These measures will not be brought into effect until next month.

The law came into effect on October 15.

The medicine didn’t take effect.

Step 3 Listening

1. Show and explain the new words.

2. Listen to the tape.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare oral homework: practice giving advice and making decisions.

Read the reading material (pre-reading)

Period 2

Step 1 Revise the new words.

Step 2 Practise speaking

1. If I were you, I would raise pigs.

2. As far as I can see, 依我看,

3. You want to use the land in the best way possible and do the best for everybody in the village.为了村子里的每个人,你想尽自己最大的努力,以最好的办法来使用这块土地。

possible 与最高级连用, 强调“尽可能最…”。

He arrived at the worst possible time.他到达的时间,说多糟就有多糟.

The rocket traveled at the highest speed possible. 火箭以最大的速度飞行

Period 3

Step 1: Revision (new words)

Step 2. Pre-reading


T: “ What’s the title of the reading passage?

Ss: “modern agriculture”

T: “ What does it mean in Chinese? ”

Ss: “现代农业”

T: “ How to say ‘传统农业’in English ? ”

Ss: “ traditional agriculture. ”

T: “ Can you imagine what traditional agriculture is like? ”

Ss: …

② let Ss read the text firstly and answer the following questions:

How much land can be used for faming in China?

(Seven percent of the land.)

What is the advantage and disadvantage of chemical fertilization?

(it helps to produce better crops. But is harmful to the environment.)

What is the biggest problem of Chinese farmers?

(The shortage of arable land.)

3. Skipping

Let Ss read the passage for the second time and answer two questions:

What does “GM” stand for?

(“G” stands for “genetically” from the word “genes”. “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”.)

What is the advantage of tomatoes which were using technique known as “GM”?

(The tomatoes are bigger and healthier. They can grow without danger from diseases. They also need much less time to get ripe.)

Innovations改革 Problems Advantages

Chemical fertilisers Shortage of arable land Bigger and better crops

Pumps for irrigation Weather conditions Bigger and better crops

Special seedbeds Shortage of arable land More crops in one year

Machines e.g. tractors How to make production cheaper (not in the text) Bigger crops on more land by fewer hands

International exchange Lack of knowledge Learn from other people

Greenhouses Weather condition Bigger and better crops

Greenhouses (roots in water tanks) Shortage of arable land More crops in one year

GM technique (can grow in poor soil) Shortage of arable land Can grow in poor soil; bigger & healthier; less time to ripe

4. Listening

Let Ss listen to the tape and follow it.

5. Discussion

①let Ss work in groups and imagine what other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years.

② let Ss discussion the following questions

1.At the beginning of the passage, why does the writer say “It is on the arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China”?

2. What does the writer want to tell us by saying, “Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment.”?

3. What can we infer from the sentence “In China about one hundred research stations are now doing GM research to make better tomatoes, cotton…?”

4. What can you imagine about the future of food production?

Step IV Post-reading

Finish the exercises in Students Book, page 46, Exercise 1-2

Step V. homework

Workbook exercises

The reading materials.

Period 4

Step I Revision

Step II word study

Finish the exercises in Student book, page 47.

Step III Practice

Let Ss finish the exercises “vocabulary, 1-3” in page 108, Workbook

Step IV Grammar

1. Give Ss some sentences to translate into Chinese and find out difference and sameness among these sentences (slide show)

It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

It was they who/that cleaned the classroom yesterday.

It was in the street that I met her father.

It was the goat’s eyes that he had seen in the darkness.

2. Teach Ss to find out the phrase from the sentence above----It is+被强调部分+that/who…

Translate the following sentences into English:

1.写这本书的人就是玛丽。It is Mary who wrote this book.

2.这个就是长满了美丽的鲜花的花园。It is garden that many beautiful flowers grow in.

3.她就是擅长唱歌的女孩。It is a girl who is good at singing.

4.那就是他叔叔移居纽约的季节。It was for this reason that his uncle moved out of New York.

5. 错的人是我。 It is I who am wrong.

4. Note:

a. 在强调句型中,若被强调部分指人,可以用关系代词who或that;若被强调的是状语,只能用that,不能用when或where。

b. 注意与“It is /was…that +clause”主语从句的区别。

强调句型与it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语十分相似,但主语从句中It is /was后通常用名词或形容词作表语。强调句型中It is /was后是对主语、宾语或状语的强调成分。

5. Let Ss find out some sentence with ‘it’ in the text ‘Modern Agriculture’.

6. Exercises

Let Ss finish the exercises in Student’s book, page 47-48, Exx 1-2.

Let Ss finish the exercises in Workbook, page 109, Exx 1-3.

Finish all the exercises in the book.

Period 5

Step I Reading

1. Let Ss look at the picture and briefly introduce Jia Sixie,

2.skimming: let Ss read the text and find out the information about Jia Sixie (slide show)

Where/born: Yidu, Shandong Province

when/live: Six century AD

where/work: Gaoyang, Shandong Province

what/do: study the science of farming

what book/write: Qi Min Yao Shu

the book/about: both the farming and gardening

the importance of the book: an important summary of the knowledge of farming

3.listening: let Ss listen to the tape and follow it, then finish the exercises (slide show)

True or false:

1.China was the earliest research center for agriculture. ( T )

3.Qi Min YaoShu includes advice on the following subjects: growing green vegetables and fruit trees, keeping cows and sheep, and there are also instructions for making metals. ( F )

4.The spring ploughing should be deeper than the autumn ploughing. ( F )

5.We should plant rice in the same field year after year. ( F )

6.We’d better grow different plants next to each other in the same field. ( T )

Step II Writing

1. Write a plan for a vegetable garden, using the tips in the book, page 49.

2. Read in the reading paper “A plan for a vegetable garden”

3. Assign it as written homework.

Period 6

Step 1 Revision (new words and language points)

Step 2 listening practice

1. Make the students understand what they are going to hear about and what they should do.

2. Play the tape for them to listen twice or three times.

3. Check their answers with the whole class.

Step 3 Workbook exercises

1. Check their answers to the vocabulary exercises and grammar exercises.

Step 4 Homework

Assign TALKING as oral homework

Period 7

Step 1 Revision

Step 2 Workbook

ntinue to do the exercises

Step 3 Reading

1. Allow the students a few minutes to read the introduction about the text in the reading paper.

2. Listen and Read the text “Greening the Hills”.

3. Let the students raise their questions about their difficulties.

4. Discuss the problems in the exercises. Ex 1 and Ex 2. (Answers are shown on the screen).

Step 4. Writing

1. Let the students read the introduction about the writing

2. Let the students read the short passage in the textbook.

3. Make the students understand what and how they should write.

4. Assign it as written homework in exercise books. (Read the sample essay in the reading paper, which may be of some help to the students with their writing).


1.manage 的用法小结:

(1)经常用作及物动词,意思是“管理;处理; 支配”。常接名词作宾语。


He managed the supermarket when the owner was away.


She doesn’t know how to manage her children.


(2)表示“能应付,设法做成某件事”时,常用“manage to do sth.”结构,而且常用一般过去时态。


The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time.


At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without.


He managed to avoid an accident. 他设法避免了一场事故。

(3)manage to do sth. 与try to do sth.的区别:前者强调设法完成了某件事情,表示结果等于词组“succeed in doing sth.”;而后者强调尽力去做某件事情,表示动作;相当于“do one’s best to do sth”。


We managed to get there on time.

We tried to get there on time.

2. ahead的用法小结:



Walk straight ahead until you reach the river. 一直朝前走到河边。

The road ahead was full of cattle. 前面的路上挤满了牛群。

(2)“ahead of”的意思是“在…之前,超过”。


Our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane.


He is ahead of his times in his ideas. 他的思想走在时代的前列。

(3)get ahead表示“前进,成功,发迹”。


He got ahead in his study.


(4)go ahead表示“前进,干吧,用吧”。


--May I borrow your bike?



They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese.


This hotel can't be matched for friendliness.(引申意义)




That'll suit me fine. 那对我太合适了。

No dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。



Her new coat didn't fit, so she took them back to the shop and changed them for another one.


Your trousers fit well. 你的裤子很合身。

The shoes don't fit him, they are too small.





She is unlike her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short.


They gave unlike accounts of the incident.




Some people dislike big cities. (作动词)


She strongly disliked being spoken to like that. (作动词)


I felt a strong dislike of the new teacher. (作名词)




I dislike having to get up so early.

1.There are also differences as to how often we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet and part.


2.And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.

“There is nothing better than to do…”此处表示“没有比…更好的了”。


There is nothing better than to sit in a pub drinking.


3.Words a are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms, or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings.



While they were walking, they were talking, laughing and playing games. (并列的-ing形式)

Note: 要注意并列的成分的前后一致性,这是单项填空的常考题型。

(一) 动词的-ng形式作主语、宾语和表语:


Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。

Losing her new bicycle made her so upset.


2)动词的-ing形式作宾语时,既可以作动词的宾语,又可以作介词的宾语。 某些动词或者动词短语后常接动词-ing形式作宾语。


Would you mind turning on your radio, please? I want to hear the hour’s news.


The sparrow was so lucky that it just missed being caught.




Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.


Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。




As I didn't receive any letter from him, I gave him a call.

Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.


If more attention was given to them, the trees could have grown better.


Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.


Many people come to the theme parks, looking for thrills and entertainment.





We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到从东方升起的太阳

He is a retired worker. 他是位退休的工人

There was a girl sitting there. 有个女孩坐在那里。

This is the question given. 这是所给的问题(个别分词如given, left等,尽管是单个的,但常放在被修饰的词后面)

There is nothing interesting. 没有有趣的东西(修饰不定代词的词,常放在被修饰的词后)




The missing boys were last seen playing near the river.


He found his radio missing. 他发现他的收音机不见了。

I'll have my watch repaired. 我想把我的手表修一下。

[考点] 考查while表示“尽管…但是…”的意思。

[考例1] _________ model business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.

[解析] A本题的题意为“尽管模特行业根本不容易进入, 但好模特总是紧缺”。此处只有while可以表达这个意思。

[拓展] while除引导时间状语从句以外,还可以引导表示转折、对比的句子。


I am a worker, while he is a student. 我是个工人,而他是个学生。(while引导句子表转折)

While I have many visitors every day, the one I have been expecting hasn’t appeared yet. 尽管我每天都有很多来访者,我一直盼望的人至今还没有出现。 (while表示“尽管”的意思。)

[考点] 考查非谓语动词在具体语境中的理解。

[考例2] _________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffer

[解析] A非谓语动词在不同语境中,时态、含义都有不同。本句的含义为“河流已经遭受如此严重的污染,现在清理也许太迟了。”谓语动词的动作发生在having suffered之后,所以用的是动词-ing形式的完成式。


1.It was extremely dangerous, but he m___________ to avoid the accident.

2.The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little a_________ to young people nowadays.

3.You should have come to the party last night. What p_________ you from joining us?

4.You didn't really see it - it was just your i__________.

5.Let's d_________ ourselves into several groups.

6.Don’t say nonsense! I want a _________(具体的) answer.

7.The nation wants peace; only a _________(少数) want the war to continue.

8. ________(教育) is given to children by the government.

9.Can you tell me for what the church will use the money it gets from__________(收集,募捐)?

10.He held the boy _________(牢固地) in his arms and cried.


1.China Daily is _______ a newspaper, it can also help us to improve our English.

A.less than B.more than C.not more than D.no more than

2.__________ is very important.

A. Solve the problem B.How to solve the problem

C.How to be solved the problem D.What to deal with the problem

3.He didn’t move _________ the music went on, but got up _______ it ended.

A.when, while B.while, when C.while, while D.when, when

4.The athletes stood, _________ their national flag ____________.

A.seeing, raising B.watching, raising

C.looked at, rising D.seeing, rising

5.Jack spent as much time as he __________ over his lessons.

A. could going B. went C. could go D. would going

6.I meant ___________ you, but I was too busy.

A.to have called at B.calling on C.to call on D.to have called on

7. I am often told that too much work and too little rest often _______ illness.

A. leads to B. leads on C. leads into D. leads off

8.Every summer is the summit period(高峰期) during which university students ________ jobs, and the talents-exchange(人才交流) market will accordingly prosper(繁荣).

A. find B. hunt C. look for D. hunt for

9.Some passengers told the reporters about their ___________ in the burning train.

A. details B. trips C. events D. experiences

10.China’s genetic engineering(基因工程) industry __________ in the late 1980s, two decades after some other countries.

A. set off B. set in C. set to D. set back


I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United states be forbidden by law.

Let us take a 1 , reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an) 2 were accepted: families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction of TV, they might 3 together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that many of our 4 --everything in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of 5 illness-are caused at least in part by 6 to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to 7 our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better.

On evening when such talk is 8 , families could discover more active pastimes(消遣,娱乐). Freed from TV, forced to find their own activities, they might take a 9 together to watch the sunset 10 they might take a walk together. 11 free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading. There is more entertainment in 12 than in a TV program. 13 report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence, 14 at the college level. 15 is often learned from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.

A different 16 of reading might also be done as it was in the past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the 17 ends, the TV net works might be forced to 18 with better shows in order to get us back from our newly discovered activities.

At first glance, this idea seems radical(激进的). How will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years 19 television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can 20 childhoods without television. It wasn’t that difficult.

1. A.valuable B.pleasant C.quick D.serious

2. A.advice B.suggestion C.opinion D.offer

3. A.get around B.stand still C.meet D.sit around

4. A.problems B. trouble C.affairs D.misfortune

5. A. physical B.common C.mental D.familiar

6. A.attempt B.failure C.ability D.permission

7. A.discuss B.talk C.make sure D.see to

8. A.impossible B. unnecessary C.funny D.unpleasant

12. A.a fine poem B.a good book C.a quiet hour D.a composition

13. A.Professors B. Scientists C. Parents D.Educators

15. A.Writing B.Skill C.Speaking D.Listening

16. A.form B. kind C.method D.step

17. A.reading B.quiet hour C.activity D.program

18. A. come across B. come about C.come up D.broadcast

19. A.before B.since C.until D.after

20. A.remind B. remember C.recognize D.know

一、1.managed 2.attraction 3.prevented 4.imagination 5.divide 6.specific

7.minority 8.Education 9.collections 10.firmly

1-5 DBDAC 6-10 BABCB 11-15 DBDCA 16-20 ABCBB

1.D 作者在第一段提出了自己的建议。下面解释自己的理由。首先作者建议用认真理性的态度考虑这个建议被接受后的结果。根据reasonable的含义也可判断出。

2.B 从空白前的不定冠词可以排除advice。从文章第一句作者就表明自己要提出建议,因此选suggestion。

3.D 吃过饭,全家人坐在餐桌旁交流。

4.A 由many可以推断出该空应该填入可数名词,首先排除trouble,该空后的破折号是对空白处词的解释。

5.C 家庭缺少交流、理解而引起的往往是精神疾病。

6.B 根据上下文可以判断出答案。

7.A “discuss our problem”。家人坐在一起讨论问题,增进了解。

8.B 晚上家人聚会还可以找到新的消遣形式。

9.C 由下面的they might take a walk together可以排除A项。为了看日出,开车到某个地方是很可能的。

10.B 此题用or表示选择。

11.D with free time and no TV表示原因。

12.B 此题与前句是顺承关系。

13.D educator“教育者”。

14.C 教育者的研究显示:看电视长大的这一代人几乎不会写一个英语句子,甚至上了大学的人也不行。Even表示强调。

15.A 学生看电视过多,因此不会写句子。

16.A 朗读是读书的一种形式。

17.B 阅读的那种安静时间可以变成讲故事的时间,这时,电视网络系统就必须提供更好的节目以把人们再吸引回来。

18.C come up with “提出、提供”,不能用被动语态; come across:“偶遇”; come about:“发生,产生”; broadcast“广播,播放”,不与with连用。

19.B 主句用的是现在完成时,可以判断出该用since。

20.B 35岁及其以上的人还应该能记得没有电视的童年。


Aims and demands:

1. Develop the Ss’ listening ability .

2. Grasp the usage of the language points:

at the doctor’s , take a look,, knock into fell over

It feels a bit tense .

That sounds very interesting.

Difficulty: Ask the Ss to make a dialogue between the doctor and a patient.

Teaching methods: listening, speaking, practicing

Learning method: How to listen smartly

Teaching aids: tape recorder, some slides


Step 1. New words:

T: How many gold medals did the Chinese players win?

There are a lot of international champions in China in the Olympic Games.

The two of whom are gymnasts . Who are they ?

Ss: They are 李小鹏 and 刘璇 .

T: Li is an international champion on the double bars.

Liu is an international champion on the beam.

And also the whole Chinese gymnastic team have won the gold prize.

T: Today we are going to learn “ Gymnastics” .

Do you know what pieces of equipment are used in gymnastics ?

rings , beam, high bar, high-and-low bars, double bars, beam, “horse”(side horse / pummelled horse(鞍马) , vaulting horse(跳马))

T: Do men and women , boys and girls do the same kinds of exercises?

------- Men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on a type of “horse” with our legs which has two handles fixed to the top surface.

While women perform on the high-and-low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the beam, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 meters above the ground.

Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers:

1. Sharon is a gymnast. She is ______.

A. at the teacher’s B. at the doctor’s C. at her friend’s D. at home

2. Something is wrong with Sharon’s ______.

A. left leg B. right shoulder C. left shoulder D. right leg

3. Sharon hurt herself when she was _____.

A. doing some exercises B. finishing some exercises

C. on the high-and-low bars D. jumping

4. The change between ___ temperatures makes the blood move and the damaged parts begin to repair themselves.

A. hot and cool B. warm and cool C. cold and cool D. hot and cold

5. At the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They _____ to eat.

A. will be fit B. won’t be fit C. would not like D. would like to

Step 4. Read by themselves and answer the questions;

2. What’s wrong with her? ---- Something is wrong with her left shoulder.

3. How did she hurt her shoulder? ---- While she was doing gym.

4. What kind of treatment did the doctor advise her to use? ----- to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-peas treatment.

5. How often does she have to take this treatment? ---- twice a day for a week

6. Do you think that this interesting treatment is effective? ----- Yes.

7. Have you ever used the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment? ---------

What treatment does the doctor tell her to do?

---- To use the hot-cloth-and-frozen-pea treatment.

Step 4. Reading and find out the language points

3. It feels a bit tense.

4. knock into sb.

Can you knock the nail into the wall?

The boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man.

He walked in the dark and knocked into a tree.

He slipped into a banana skin and fell over.

7. That sounds very interesting.

8. fit to eat:

Make up a dialogue between the two---- one is a doctor and the other is a patient

Patient: Says what the problem is

Doctor: Makes one or more comments and then gives some advice

P: Yes, I can’t sleep well.

P: Can you give me some medicine so that I can have a good sleep?

D: What can I do for you?

P: I’ve got a pain here. My left shoulder hurts.

D: Let me have a look at it.

P: Oh, I feel terrible.

D: Mmn, I see. It feels a bit tense, but it’s nothing serious.

P: Shall I take any medicine?

D: Yes. Take this medicine, two pills a time, three times a day. And try to use the hot-cloth-and-frozen peas treatment.

When a patient comes in what will the doctor say?

What can I do for you?

How can I help you?

What seems to be the matter?

Can I help you?

What will the patient say?

I’ve got a pain…

I’ve got a headache and a cough day and night.

I’ve got a temperature and all my bones ache.

I feel terrible.

I hurt my leg while I was….

I don’t feel well.

Then what will the doctor say?

Let me take a look at it / you.

Let me feel your pulse.

Left me take your temperature.

Oh, I see. It’s nothing serious.

Have a good rest and you’ll ..

You’ll be all right / well better soon.

Take this medicine / two pills a time, three times a day.

Aims and demands: Develop the Ss’ reading ability and have a good understanding of the text

Difficulty and importance: Have a deeper understanding of the text

Teaching methods: Reading and listening and discussion

Teaching aids: a tape recorder and some slide shown


What kinds of equipment are used in doing the gymnastic exercises?

As we know from the dialogue , Sharon hurt her left shoulder while doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. So while you are doing gym, you should be more careful.

Now look at the pictures and tell :

Where are the gymnasts doing exercises / performing? ( P 51)

Ss: He is performing on the high bar.

He is performing on the double bars.

He is jumping / performing on a “horse”.

She is performing on a beam.

Listen to the tape of Lesson 34 and tell whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Olympic competitions started in Greece. T

2. Modern gymnastics began in the 18th century. F

3. If you want to become a top gymnast, it is important to start when you are 14 or 15 years old.F

4. Boys win Olympic gymnastics medals usually between the age of 19 and 25. T

5. Both boys and girls perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar and so on. F

6. Only girls perform on the high-and-low bars. T

7. Only boys do floor exercises on the mat. F

8. Make sure you put on some watches, rings, and necklaces before you start. F

9. Ww simple safety measures to follow while ( you are ) training.

8. Follow : a) to take or accept 遵守,采纳,听从

follow the teacher’s instructions

You are speaking too fast and we can’t quite follow you.听懂

Follow the path and you will see the cinema.

She followed me into the classroom.

e) following can be used together with “the” , it means “next”

in the following year=== next year

highly: to a high degree 高度的,非常的

eg: Advertising is a highly developed twentieth-century industry. 高度发达的

He is a highly skilled worker. 非常熟练的


1. be content to do sth. 满足干…… 满意做……

They each have a computer on the desk.

Each of them has a computer on the desk.

4. glance at : look quickly at / give a quick at

5. be busy doing sth.

They are busy training in the gymnastic.

We had been bus preparing for the mid-term examination.

The first thing …. . was to go up her trainer and thanked her.

句中两个作表语的不定式 go up to 和 thank her for 都省略了 to ,这是因为主语有定语从句 she did 来修饰的缘故.

一般地说,解释 do 的精确意思的分句,可以用不带 to 的动词不定式.


What we want to do now is ( to ) lie down and rest.


What I did was ( to ) give him a little push.


What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.


Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)

1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started. ( that )

2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin. (that)

3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China. ( being performed/performed)

4. My bike is repairing . ( being repaired)

5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone . ( being left )

6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience. (true )

7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics. ( them )

8. The students are preparing the exam. ( add for )

9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music. ( to )

10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25. ( won, between…and)

11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand. (balance)

(steady adj, adv. Steadily adv. )

12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous. (highly )


Advertising is a highly developed twentieth century industry.


He is a highly skilled worker.

Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.

13. She is satisfied with her present job.

be content with sth.

be content to do sth.

14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily. (In all / all in all)

15. She gave a quick look at the judge. ( glanced at )

16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true )


What a dictionary does is ( to) help the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.

Correct the mistakes if any. ( Lesson 34~35)

1. It was in Greece where the Olympic competition started.

2. It was in 1811 when an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin.

3. There are also records of gymnastics performing in China.

4. My bike is repairing .

5. He didn’t mind leaving at home alone .

6. Being lost can be a terrifying experience.

7. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares they for the types of movements required in gymnastics.

8. The students are preparing the exam.

9. In competitions women perform some of their exercises with music.

10. Men usually gained Olympic gymnastics medals between 19 to 25.

11. The gymnasts should hold a position steady, keep their balances while doing a handstand.

12. Training by yourself in a gym can be high dangerous.

Replace the following underlined phrases with the phrases in L35.

13. She is satisfied with her present job.

14. In a word , she gave a good performance and landed neatly and steadily.

15. She gave a quick look at the judge.

16. What we want to do now is lie down and rest. ( true or false ?)

Exercises for Unit 9 ---3A DCABB CBB

1. ___ him and then try to copy what he does. (99)

A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch

2. The little boy runs for the football and ___ a man standing there.

3. I cheered do loudly at the match that I completely ___ my voice.

A. lost B. missed C. forgot D. left

4. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

--- I don’t know. But this is the last time. The fans ___ them to win whole – heartedly.

A. hope B. require C. prefer D. demand

5. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages ___ attracted the audience’s interest.

A. so that B. that C. what D. in which

6. It was for this reason __ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. ( S)

7. It is the ability to so the job ___ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2000)

8. It was not ___ she took off here dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star. (92)

Correct the mistakes: (for Unit 9 --- 3A )

It was Sunday and Zhou Lan was going 1.____

to take part in the first gymnastic compe-

tition. As soon as her competition started, 2.____

she tried her best and did good in per- 3.____

forming on three pieces of equipments 4.____

as well as on the floor. Now the time came

to her performance on the high -and-low 5.____

bars. She stands below them and waited. 6.____

When the judge nodding, she began . 7.____

She jumped upwards, caught the high bar

in two hands and did a neat circle . 8.____

Altogether,she performed wonderful and 9.____

landed nearly and steadily on the floor. Then

came the results. Victory for Zhou Lan!

1. true 2. her--- the 3. well 4. equipment 5. to – for 6. stood 7. nodded 8. in – with


Period 3

Integrating skills ---- reading and writing (snack)

Step 1. Warming up (pre-reading)---watch a video and answer:

Show a tape and get the ss to discuss

1. Which diet is healthier, Chinese or western? Why?

Chinese, it’s high in ….. while the western diet contains …

2. why do some of the British have no teeth left at the age of thirty?

They eat too much sugar and fat in the form of chips and coke.

Although chinese diet is healthier ,we still feel hungry between meals. So what will we have to do?

Eat some snacks.

Ok. Now listen what snacks are mentioned in the listening materials?

Step 2 listen and speak out

To learn the structure of how to write a recipe. including two activities.

Activity One: read and learn what the 1st para talks about.

Para 1 1.Tick out what food is mentioned?

2. Read and answer

1) Which is healthier? Fruit

2) Why is fruit healthy?

It hasn’t too much fat and sugar. It gives us carbohydrates, which our body and brain use for energy? It also gives us fiber and Vitamin.

3) Why are the other two unhealthy food?

They have too much tat and sugar.

Activity Two

Para 2 Learn the outline of a recipe

Q1 : Besides these two snacks, the passage also mentions some other snacks. What are they?

Answer:---- Shaomai and Chicken roll-ups.

Q2 : How can we make Shaomai and Chicken roll-ups?.

Get Ss to give the outline of one of the two recipes (pair work)

Write an outline of a recipe:




Then deal with the recipe one by one.

Step 3: writing (group work) begin to write a recipe according to what you have learnt in the passage.

Discuss and write a recipe

Name Ingredients Directions

Key words:

Green onions, garlic, pepper, soy sauce, ginger, vinegar, sugar, wine, salt.

Peel, slice, dice, steam, fry, boil, stir, mix, add, chop, spoon., fill, cut… into pieces, fold, roll up

Discuss: 1) name your dish

2) talk about the ingredients of the dish and directions

3) list your steps of how to cook the dish.

Step 4 Evaluation

Share what the Ss have written in groups and in Class.

Teacher give some comments on the group works.

Sample 1 :

Golden delicious fish!


a fish, green onions, garlic, ginger, red peppers, pepper sauce, salt, vinegar, soy sauce


1. Cut the body of the fish.

2. Add salt to the fish before it is cooked.

3. Chop the bulb of green onions into small sections, and cut the green onions into pieces. Peel the garlic.

4. Mix the onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. Fry them for a short time. Then get them all out.

5. Cook the fish and add vinegar and soy sauce.

6. Add onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. Also add pepper sauce and water to boil the fish for some time.

7. Spoon the fish and add some fresh chopped green onions.

Sample 2:

Golden delicious fish!


a fish, green onions, garlic, ginger, red peppers, pepper sauce, salt, vinegar, soy sauce


First cut the body of the fish.and add some salt to the fish before it is cooked. Second chop the bulb of green onions into small sections, and cut the green onions into pieces. Peel the garlic. Mix the onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. Next fry them for a short time. Get them all out. Cook the fish and add vinegar and soy sauce. Then Add some onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. You can also add pepper sauce and water to boil the fish for some time. Finally spoon the fish and add some fresh chopped green onions. Now the golden fish is ready and you can enjoy it.



Teaching goals

1. Talk about humour and comedians

2. Practice saying tongue twisters

3. Express intensions and plans

4. Learn to use the –ing Form (1) as Atrribute and Object Complement

5. Write a funny story or joke in English

Period 1 Word study

1. Homour/humor

(1) amusement 幽默;诙谐;幽默感

He has no sense of humour. 他没有幽默感。

(2) person’s state of mind; temper 心情,心境

My daughter is in a good humour today. 我女儿今天很高兴。

(3) v. 使满足;迁就

When a person is ill he may have to be humored.


out of humour 不高兴; 心情不好

humourous adj. 幽默感的,诙谐的

2. bitter adj. 苦的; 难过的;痛苦的

The soup is bitter.

His failure to pass the examination was a bitter disappointment.


a bitter pill to swallow 苦药丸;勉强接受的苦事

to the bitter end 到底;拼命

take the bitter with the sweet 甘与苦都接受

bitterly adv. 苦涩地 bitterness n. 苦味

3. comedy 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧

comedian 喜剧演员; 行动滑稽的人

comedienne 喜剧中的女演员;女丑角

He prefers comedy to tragedy.

Comedians often work alone or as a pair.

Song Dandan is a popular comedienne.

4. intend v. ---have in mind as a purpose or plan 打算; 意欲

intend to do sth 打算做…

intend that… 打算;

intend sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

be intended for 是为…设计的

intend to have done sth. 本想做某事(而没做)

intention n. 意图; 目的; 意旨






5. amuse v. = satisfy or excite the sense of humour or cause laughter of 使欢乐; 使发笑

amusement n. 快乐;娱乐;消遣

amusing adj. 引起乐趣的; 娱人的

amusingly adv. 娱人地

feel/be amused at/by/with 对…感到有趣


2. 他的回答使我好笑。

6. appreciate v.

(1)be thankful or grateful for 感激

(2)understand and enjoy the good qualities of

赏识; 鉴赏;欣赏





7. suffer v. =experience pain or difficulty 受…苦/折磨

suffering n. 痛苦 苦难

sufferer n. 受难者;病人

sufferable adj. 受得住的; 禁得住的

When I was in my childhood, I suffered from poverty.

Economy in Iraq is suffering from the war.

I know you have suffered a lot. = I know you have had a lot of sufferings.

8. Operate v.---(cause to) work 开动; 使运转; 使生效; 操作;管理; 作手术

The machine operates continuously.

This law operates universally. 这个规律是普遍起作用的。

He intends Dr Li to operate on him.

The machines are operated by electricity.

This company operates two factories.

Operation n. 工作;操作;生效;手术

Operator n. 操作人员; 电话接线员;

Operative adj. 操作的;运转的;有效的

9. Direction n. 方向;方位; (pl.)指示;说明;倾向;

He drove in the direction of London.

He gave me directions to enable me to find his house.

Our school is under the direction of a good principle.

The enemy ran away in all directions.

directive adj. 指导的

director n. 指导者; 董事

direct adj. 直接的

directly adv. 直接地

10. confuse v. ---mix up; put into disorder 弄糊涂;使混乱;混淆;

The road sign confused the driver.

Don't confuse Austria with [and] Australia.

They asked me so many questions that I got confused.

Confused adj. 混乱的;慌乱的;狼狈的

Confusedly adv. 慌乱地;混乱地

Confusion n. 混乱;慌乱;混淆

Period 2

Step 1 Warming up

1. Show a Chinese tongue twister to Ss and let them speak out as quickly as possible.(slide show)

“四是四,十是十;十四是十四,四十是四十;谁要把十四说成四十,我就打 他十四;谁要把四十说成十四,我就打他四十。”

2. T: “In fact, not only are there many Chinese tongue twisters, but also there are many English tongue twisters. ” let Ss read the following tongue twister as quickly as possible.

1. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.

2. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

3. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut picky people pick.

4. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

5. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

3. T say: “ It is difficult for people to say the sentence without making errors, these types of sentences are called tongues twisters. Tongue twisters are also difficult for native speakers. It can be fun to practise a few and try to see who can say them fastest.”

Step 2 Listening

1. Let Ss listen to the tape the first time, without taking notes. Make sure they understand all the words before listening. Then, ask them to finish Exercise 1.

2. let Ss listen to the tape again and ask them to finish Exercise 2. Then play the tape again to help them finish the Exercise 2

Step 3 Speaking

1. T asks: “Do you like to watch comedies or crosstalk shows?”

“ Which comedies, little sketches, or crosstalk shows do you like best? ”

“ Who is your favourite comedian? Why do you like him/ her?”

2. Listen and read the dialogue, then explain some language points in the dialogue.

make sb. laugh act the role of

tongue twister a couple of intend to

3. let Ss work in pairs, one act as a journalist and the other act as a circus clown and let them make a similar dialogue about interview between journalist and circus, then let Ss act it out in the class.

4. Learn useful expressions to express intensions and plans:

5. Group work (A)

6. Group work (B)

Step 4 Homework

1. Write a story according to the pictures and what you have heard on the tape.

2. TALKING: (Workbook, page 108)

Ask Ss to look at the pictures, make up a funny story about what is happening and say whether they think the situations are funny or not.

Period 2

Step 1 Revision

1. Word list

2. Enjoy the students’ dialogues

3.Read the following sentences as quickly as possible.

1). A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

2). Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.

3). She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.

So if she sells shells on the seashore,

I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures to Ss :

Tasks: “Do you know these people?”

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy

The comic duo of the 1930s “Laurel and Hardy.” the thin one is called Stan Laurel, while the stout one is called Oliver Hardy. They are funny because they are each other’s opposites: one fat and one thin; one is clever and one is silly etc.

Mr Bean

Although Mr Rowan Atkinson acts as different comic characters he is most famous around the world as Mr Bean. Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts silly, he seems to be quite stupid, and the things he does are strange.

Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman in the film Tootsie (1982). In this film Hoffman acts the role of a woman, and many people agree that his performance was so good that you often can’t tell the difference. But in the film of course there all kinds of funny moments.

Ma Ji

Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His numerous crosstalk shows always make his audience roar with laughter.

2. Read the text and find out the best choice.

1).Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous?

A. He is famous for his works.

B. He is famous for his foreign accent.

C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman.

D. He is good at playing on words.

2). What does a “sketch” mean in the text?

A. a rough, quickly made drawing

B. general outline

C. short, humourous play

D. a piece of writing

3). Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in ______.

A. Their way of playing with words

B. Clothes

C. Crossing-dressing way

D. Foreign accent

4). Choose the main idea of each paragraph.

a.Description of a clown b.What’s a crosstalk show

c.The traditional crosstalk show d.Description of comedians

e.The writers of comedies both at home and abroad

A. 1-e; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b; 5-c

B. 1-e; 2-d; 3-c; 4-a; 5-b

C. 1-a; 2-e; 3-d; 4-b; 5-c

D. 1-e; 2-a; 3-b; 4-d; 5-c

5). Why have crosstalk shows been popular with people? Which of the following is not the reason?

A. They have two speakers.

B. They make people not only laugh, but also think about life.

C. The richness of the spoken language is made full use of.

D. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words.

Step 3 post-reading

1. Pair work let Ss describe a clown in their own words.

2. Discussion compare Western and Chinese comedy shows. What do they have in common? How are they different?

3. Exercise finish the exercise 2 in Studentbook, page 53

Step 3. listening True (T) or False (F)

1.Camedies are music plays that make people laugh.

2.Word play is a way to create fun in comedies.

3.Clowns use some words to make people laugh.

4.Both body language and face are important in comedians’ shows.

5.A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations.

Step 4 Oral practice

1. Can you describe a clown in your own words?

2. What does a clown look like?

Step 5 language points

make …funny 使得…有趣

be famous for 因…而著名

make fun of 取笑; 开…的玩笑

roar with laughter 大笑

make-up n. 化妆

act out 表演

have in common with 和…有共同之处

date back to =date from 追溯到

a flow of 源源不断的

make use of 利用

Step 6 translation

1. 西安以兵马俑而著名.

Xi’an is famous for the Terra Cotta Warriors.


Sometimes crosstalk players make fun of themselves to make the audience roar with laughter.

3. 西安古城墙始建于明朝.

Xi’an City Wall dates back to the Ming dynasty.


Nowadays, more and more people begin to make use of the constant flow of information on the internet.

Step 7 exercises

1. He hates to be _____.

A. make fun of B. making fun of

C made fun of D. made fun

2. The castle ____ the 16th century.

A. is dated to B. dates from

C. dated from D. is dating back to

3. It is ____ to have cold drinks on such a hot day.

A. a fun B. funny C. fun D. funs

4. Our losses should be ____ with more loans, otherwise we won’t be satisfied.

A. made in B. made out C. made for D. made up

5. He put his whole heart into ____ ways ____ the quality of the products.

A. think of; of improve B. think up; to improve

C. thinking of; improving D. thinking up; of improving

Period 5

Integrating skill

Step 1 Reading comprehension

1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?

A. The writer was on her way to an interview.

B. She braked hard and hit another cyclist.

C. She shouted the driver of a yellow car.

D. The driver of the yellow car was angry with her for being so rude.

2. The driver of the yellow car turned out to be ______.

A.The boss of the office

B.The manager of the company

C.One of her friends

D.The man with whom she had to work together

3. What does she mean by the sentence “the last time we met I did most of the talking”?

A.You listened to me last time we met.

B. I’ll listen to you this time.

C. I shall say nothing about the accident.

D. I think you must be angry with me.

4. Which of the following can be used as another title for the text?

A. An Accident

B. An Interview

C. Tell Him What You Think of Him!

D. A Kind Manager

5. From the text, we can conclude that the manager was ______.

A.A careless driver B. selfish

C. Tolerant (宽容的) D. determined

Step 2 language points:

1.be on good terms with 与某人关系好

2.cut in 插入

3.in the other direction 朝着另外方向

in the direction of 朝着…方向

4. brake hard 使劲刹车

5.go up 上前去

6.lay down 放下

7.drive off 开车走掉

8.knock off 撞掉

9.shout at 冲着…大嚷

10. be on time for 按时

11. in great surprise 吃惊的

12. in (total) silence 一言不发地

13. look on…as… = regard…as… 把…看作是

14. be angry with sb 对…生气

15. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑

Step 3. exercises:

1. 他们把受伤的人放在地上。

2. 我看见他开车向着城里的方向去了。

3. 他对着我大叫大嚷,我很生气。

4. 我和李岩关系一直很好,我把他当作我的最亲密的朋友。

5. 那个司机把一个男孩撞下自行车,却驾车跑了。

They laid the injured man down on the ground.

I saw him drive away in the direction of the town.

I was angry with him for his shouting at me.

I have been on good terms with Li Yan and I look on him as my closest friend.

The driver knocked a boy off his bike but drove off.

Step 4 Homework

Write a funny story or joke in English.

Period 6


Period 7

Exercises in workbook

Period 8

Workbook integrating skills

1. Read the poem and explain the meaning of it.

2. Understand the poem better by going through the explanations on the reading paper.


The First Period

Ⅰ. 汉英翻译:

1. 对...有影响 have an effect on

2. 违背自然 go against nature

3. 作...笔记 take notes of

4. 尽可能充分利用时间 make as much use of time as possible

5. 引进 bring in

6. 记得某事 have ... in mind

7. 扮演角色 act the role of

8. 哄堂大笑 roar with laughter

9. 使用双关语 play on words

10. (与某某)有共同之处 have in common with

11. 说实话 tell the truth

12. 从一种文化到另一种文化 from culture to culture

13. 直视某人的眼睛 look into one's eyes

14. 成圆形状 in a circle

15. 昂起头来 hold up one's head

16. 沿路直走 go straight down this road

17. 共同的 in common

18. 以...为基础 be based on

19. 精力集中于 focus on

20. 在海底行走 walk on the ocean floor

Ⅱ. 单词拼写:

1. Advanced techniques / technology (技术) have been used to increase the produce.

2. The shortage / lack (缺乏) of water reminds people to save water.

3. He has been into gardening (园艺) since childhood.

4. I'm fond of the golden (金色) sun rays at sunset.

5. He is short of practical (实际) experience.

6. The Chinese Revolution has been divided into several stages (时期) .

7. The actual (实际) cost was much higher than we had expected.

8. We take this opportunity of expreessing our sincere appreciation (感激) of your help.

9. The whole ceremony took place silently (寂静无声) .

10. They went to an amusement (娱乐) park last Sunday.

11. This is a confusing (难以理解的) word because it had two meanings.

12. A drunk man drove a truck crazily (疯狂的) in the street and resulted in a serious accident.

13. He bent (弯腰) forward to hear what the child said.

14. I'm very sorry that this has occurred (发生) to you.

15. The attraction (引力) of the moon for the earth causes the tides.

16. The old temple was delivered in sections (部分) and assembled on the site.

17. With just a little imagination (想象) you could turn this place into a palace.

18. A minority (少数) of the children wanted to dance, but the majority chose a picnic.

19. There was a quarrel about dividing (分开) the stolen goods.

20. He explained all the details (细节) to us.

Ⅲ. 句型转换:

1. Although China is a big country, only 7% of the land can be used for farming.

Big as China is, only 7% of the land can be used for farming.

2. Speak English where it is possible.

Speak English where possible.

3. Future agriculture should depend not only on traditional methods but also on high technology.

Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.

4. More latest technical information was introduced from abroad.

More latest technical information was brought in from abroad.

5. Jia Sixie, who lived in the sixth century, wrote a book called Qi Min Yao Shu.

Jia Sixie, living in the sixth century, wrote a book which was called Qi Min Yao Shu.

6. Their clothes, make-up and the way they walk make people laugh.

It is their clothes, make-up and the way they walk that make people laugh.

7. Dating from the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows have made people all over China roar with laughter.

Dating back to the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows have made people all over China roar with laughter.

8. Their talk includes not only tongue twisters but also rhythm and rhythming words.

Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as tongue twisters.

9. I came with the intention of staying, but now I have decided to leave.

I intended to come here to stay, but now I have decided to leave.

10. I decided to consider the whole matter to be a great joke.

I decided to look on the whoke matter as a great joke.

11. Just like spoken language, body language is not the same in different cultures.

Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.

12. In some countries, for example, France and Russia, a visiting friend is greeted with a kiss on the cheek.

In some countries, such as France and Russia, a visiting friend is welcomed with a kiss on the cheek.

13. A smile can be helpful for us to pass the difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.

A smile can help us get though difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.

14. If we are feeling sad, it's the best to see the smiling face of a good friend.

If we are feeling down or lonely , there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.

15. After visitors enjoyed the rides at the headland, they could take the shuttle to the lowland.

Having enjoyed the rides at the headland, visitors could take the shuttle to the lowland.

16. Visitors can go on exciting rides at the place where they can feel what is like to do things.

Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what is like to do things.

17. You sit in a car that ”falls“ from a tall tower, and you scream your way down to a safe landing.

Screaming your way down to a safe landing, you sit in a car that ”falls“ from a tall tower.

18. The movie is made according to a real-life incident.

The movie is based on a real-life incident.

19. Your ideas should include all kinds of attractions and activities.

Your ideas should include a variety of attractions and activities.

20. Even the guestures we use for ”yes“ and ”no “ are different around the world.

Even the guestures we use for ”yes“ and ”no“ are not the same all over the world.

The Second Period


1. She's look ______ the leading actress in the film.

A. out into B. for as C. on as D. out of [ C ]

2. Tigers, which were considered to be ______ to man, now are on the list of endangered animals.

A. a danger B. danger C. dangers D. endangered [ A ]

3. He ______ the children for hours with his stories and jokes..

A. made B. amuse C. delight D. entertained [ D ]

4. My interest in stamp collecting ______ my school days.

A. dated back to B. dates to C. dates on D. dates from [ D ]

5. The fire ______ at might was still seen ______ the next morning.

A. breaking out; burning

B. to breal out; to burn

C. broke out; burnt

D. had broken out; burning [ A ]

6. I didn't ______ the importance of English ______ I decided to have that job interview.

A. know; unless B. realize; until

C. see; when D. notice; while [ B ]

7. The picture ______ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. hanged [ B ]

8. Shanghai is ______ the base of China's industry.

A. well-known B. well-known as C. famous D. famous for [ B ]

9. I remember the many times she tried to spell words into my small hand. At last she ______ my understanding.

A. made B. got C. took D. reached [ D ]

10. We ______ each other all the best in the new year.

A. hoped B. wanted C. wished D. expected [ C ]

11. At present some children ________ their parents for whatever they need.

A. ask about B. bring into C. depend on D. reach for [ C ]

12. It was in the room ______ Lu xun was born ______ we had the conference.

A. where, where B. that, that

C. that, where D. where, that [ D ]

13. As much use of time as possible has been made ______ his study.

A. to further B. of furthering

C. of to further D. to furthering [ A ]

14. The old man is still in danger. He is ______ he was yesterday.

A. as well as B. not worse than

C. no better than D. more worse than [ C ]

15. This hall will ______ 3000 people.

A. include B. sit C. hold D. take [ C ]

16. The temperature in greenhouses will be controlled with computers, ______ the weather is like outside.

A. however B. whatever C. no matter how D. what [ B ]

17. Since vegetables are ______ from the wind, rain and insects, they can grow without danger _____ diseases.

A. kept, by B. prevented, of

C. protecting, in D. in proptected, from [ D ]

18. The police ______ the room for finger prints.

A. checked B. tested C. left D. tried [ C ]

19. Can you ______ what life would be like without electricity for a week?

A. think B. imagine C. suppose D. dream [ B ]

20. I didn't follow the ________ printed on the box, and broke the machine.

A. message B. information C. notes D. instructions [ D ]

21. ________ two years to looking after her sick father, she badly needed a holiday.

A. Having devoted B.Devoted

C. To be devoted D. Having been devoted [A]

22. By the end of last year , another new gymnasium ________ in Beijing.

A. would be completed B. was being completed

C. has been completed D. had been completed [ D ]

23. Unless ______ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

A. invited B. inviting C. was invited D. has invited [A]

24. There's a ______ to one's capacity, so one should not make oneself overtired.

A. relaxation B. contribution C. hesitation D. limitation [D]

25. Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things, you have to ______ some of them.

A. remain B. resist C. remove D. renew [C]

26. Social ______ vary greatly from country to country. Remember, ”When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

A. customs B. manners C. habits D. practices [A]

27. You should seize the ______ . It may never come again. [C]

A. lunch B. tip C. opportunity D. information

28. Women were not allowed ______ in the okd Olympics, ____ began around the year 776BC. [ D ]

A. join; it B. to join; that

C. joining; which D. to join; which

29. You should ______ your attention on what your teacher is saying.

A. pay B. draw C. take D. focus [D]

30. Complete the following sentences. What you write must be _____ what you hear. [ B ]

A. basing B. based on C. is based on D. base on

31. It suddenly _____ him that he was not allowed to go there.

A. occurred B. happened C. hit D. got [ C ]

32. ______ , I don't agree with him. [ B ]

A. Telling the truth

B. To tell the truth

C. Tell you the truth

D. To tell truth

33. He is now ____ different John Smith from ______ he was three years ago. [ A ]

A. a; what B. the; the C. a; that D. the; what

34. ---What has made him so unhappy?

--- ________ the ticket for the football match. [ D ]

A. Having been lost B. Being lost

C. Because of losing D.Losing

35. ---I must apologize for ______ ahead of time.

---That's all right. [ B ]

A. letting you not know B. not letting you know

C. letting you know not D. letting not you know

36. He didn't mind ______ TV while he was working on his novel.

A. they watching B. they watch

C. them to watch D. their watching [ D ]

37. The line is busy. I can't ______ although I've tried several times.

A. go through B. get through C. hear from D. ring up [B]

38. That old building was ______ in order that they could build a new apartment house. [ C ]

A. tearing down B. broke down

C. torn down D. breaking down

39. You are lucky to have avoided _______ .

A. to be punished B. punishing

C. punish D. being -punished [D ]

40. Miss Chen's bad habit is ______ without thorough understanding.

A. reads B. reading C. being read D. read [B]

The Third Period

Fill in the blanks according to the contents of units 19-22.

1. How are people's eating habits changing over the years?

2. It was from the early 1990s that the scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

3. Chemical fertilisation, for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the enviroment.

4. Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.

5. The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of arable land.

6. Today, many vegetables are not grown in gardens but in greenhouses where they are protected from the wind, rain and insects.

7. In the past there were no trees left in or around the village.

8. To the villager's great joy, the tree and tea crops are also bringing in money to them.

9. Jia Sixie's book is a practical guide to farming.

10. After about three years, her work planting trees had turned barren land green again.

11. I would like to reach a wide audience, though I mostly have adults in mind .

12. My next show will have a part in which I act the role of a scientist, the way that a scientist walks and talks.

13. The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebody's way of dressing or telling an amusing story.

14. What comedians have in common with the player in a comedy is their way of playing with words.

15. Dating back to the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows , or xiangshaeng shows, have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.

16. If you are not fluent in Chinese, you will not catch all of it.

17. I could hear the newly-married couple quarrelling every day over small matters.

18. Learning to speak a foreign language enriches one's life.

19. A yellow car passed me and suddenly cut in right in front of me, as there was another car coming in the other direction.

20. We looked at each other for a moment in great surprise and total silence.

21. You are late for a flight and you want to go ahead of the queue.

22. Making eye contact- looking directly into someone's eyes - is in some countries a way to show interest.

23. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.

24. A smile can open doors and tear down walls.

25. We can smile at ourselves in the mirror to make ourselves feel happier and stronger.

26. Moving the index finger forwards and backwards.

27. I feel like taking a rest. Would you mind my sitting down for a while.

28. When I got home, I found it in a total mass. It took me hours to put my house inorder.

29. The tail will stand straight out from the body..

30. To show friendship, elephants will touch each other with their trunks and stand close to each other, putting their foreheads together.

31. Straight down, then left, across the bridge, walk past the free fall ride and it will be on my left.

32. A theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions that are based on a common theme.

33. What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.

34. The park is divided into two sections.

35. Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take the shattle to the lowlanfd.

36. He cut off the electricity quickly and prevented an accident.

37. The journey begins at the beach and continues down to the bottom of the sea.

38. If you stand at the top of the tower, you get a wonderful view of the coast and the sea.

39. Disney land in Califorria was one of the first theme parks to become popular around the world.

40. What do people do at theme parks, besides looking at exhibitions?
