

发布时间: 2023.10.04



八年级上册英语课件 篇1

Lesson One



1)Welcome back!

2) Let me call your names.

日常交际:May I …?

I’m sorry.

It doesn’t matter.




Step 1 Part 1 Read and say

Say “Welcome to school! Everybody!”

拿出事先准备好的写有全班姓名的白纸,教授a piece of paper 之一短语及其他部分生词。

Teacher: What’s this in English?

Students: It’s a piece of paper.

Teacher: I have all your names on this piece of paper. Now let me call your names.



Who is their English teacher?

Does he know the students’ names?


根据教材中的图片提问:What can you see in the picture?

Who is late? Why?

播放Part 1的视频,再让学生回答问题(见媒体素材视频类:Lesson 1 Part 1)



Step 2 Part 2 Read and act

1)教师拿出准备好的卡片,说:Today is September 10th, Teachers’ Day.

这时学生会说:Happy Teachers’ Day, Mr./Miss …


2)放录音,问学生:What does Mr. Wu get? Who give him?


4)让学生仿照对话进行表演。可先欣赏这部分对话的场景视频。(见媒素材视频类:Lesson 1 Part 2)

Step 3 Practise


Step 4 Exercise






Happy Teachers’ Day!

Thank you for teaching us so well.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your hard work.

Best wishes to you.

We wish you a happy Teachers’ Day.

Lesson 2

Teaching Objectives:



Language Focus:

think about/of, talk about, give a talk, That’s a good idea. Why don’t you …, the difference between…and…

English names (three names): a first name, a middle name and family name.

given name, full name, call me Jim, be short for

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector,视频素材

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise What’s your name? My name’s … etc.


Step 2 Presentation

Ask a student What’s your name? Teach full name and explain the meaning of call.

Giving an English name and a Chinese name, explain the difference between English names and Chinese names. 可以播放视频素材Difference between Chinese and English names .asf。

Step 3 Read and say

Play the tape for the students to listen, Ask What is Jim thinking about?

Explain give a talk and talk about,播放视频素材:关于give a talk短语的讲解 .asf,关于think about的讲解 .asf

Teach the phrase “think about” by gestures and some sentences. eg. Teacher frowns and thinks as well as saying “I’m thinking about the homework for today.”或播放视频:关于think about的讲解 .asf讲解think about

播放视频素材:关于why don't表示建议的讲解 .asf,解释why don't的用法。

Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Have them practise the dialogue in pairs.

Step 4 Reading

Say Jim is going to talk about English names. Ask How many names do English people usually have?

Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answer.

Explain the meaning of for short.

Discuss Chinese names: What do Chinese people call each other for short?

Explain how to call an English name:

People use Mr., Mrs., Ms or Miss with their last names.


Then Explain the different between Chinese names and English names.

Play the tape again, get the students to answer these questions:

1. How many names are there in a full name? What are they?

2. What’s the order of these names?

3. Which name is not often used?

4. What are the titles used together with names? How to use them?

Step 5 Exercises in class

Let them do the culture comparing exercise.

English name: James Allan Green

Chinese name: Zhang Cheng

In the English name, family name is 1 , it s also called 2 or 3 name. The given names are 4 5 . The name not very much used is 6 . it’s also called 7 name.

In the Chinese name family name is 8 , it s also called 9 or 10

name. The given name is 11 . It's also called 12 name.

The answers: 1.Green 2.last 3.surname 4.James 5.Allan 6.Allan 7.middle 8.zhang 9.first 10.surname 11.cheng 12.last

Step 6 Homework

1. compare the difference between Chinese names and English names.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of blackboard:

Lesson 3

Teaching Objectives:



Language FOCUS:

a lot (of) , many, much the present progressive tense

Properties: Tape recorder, cards with English names

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Show the cards with English names for students to tell which is family name, given name, how to call them.

Ask the students What’s your full name? What do your parents call you for short?

Step 2 Practise

Showing the English names cards, Ask Is … (name) a boy’s name?

Get the students to talk about the names in pairs after a model.

A: Do you know if Mary is a girl’s name?

B: Yes, it is a girl’s name/I m not sure, etc.

Point out the full and short forms of names. Practise the other question froms and answers in the same way.

Then. let them practise in pairs.

Step 3 Presentation

Teacher: What’s your name, please?

Students: My name is Zhang Da Min.

T: Can I call you Da Min?

S: Yes. (Sure)

S: What’s your name, please?

T: My name is Elizabeth, you may call me Liz, that’s short for Elizabeth.

Step 4 Read and act

Play the tape for students to listen, and ask Where is Sun Huifang from?

Have the students read the dialogue.

Then get them to work in pairs and act out the dialogue in pairs, they may use their own names or make - up names.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Have the students look at the picture and ask and answer questions about the picture.

- What is the boy doing?

- Which boy?

- The boy standing by the window.

- Oh, he’s cleaning the window.

Call individual student to the front, and make an action for the students to guess.

-Are you dancing?

-Yes, I am./No, I am not. (I'm not)

Step 6 Exercises in class

Write out the questions

The boys are having a football lesson on the playground.

① Who - ?

② What - ?

③ Where - ?

Answers: ① Who is having a football lesson on the playground?

② What are the boys doing on the playground?

③ Where are the boys having a football lesson?

Step 7 Homework

1.Describe the picture in present progressive tense.

2.Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of blackboard

Lesson 4

Teaching Objectives:

Grasp the pronunciation of some letter clusters and understand the article.

Language Focus:

[ :] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:]ou, ow

make sb sth, - make sth for sb try to do sth not…any more ask sb to do sth What are you going to do?

Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector, cards

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Review

1. Revise English names.

Give some names for them to say which is the family name and which is the given name. And how to use the titles Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms. Remind them that the titles can only be used with a family name.

2. Revise the Present Continuous Tense by showing a picture or miming an actions. Get the students to describe What he/she is doing?.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Practise these sounds individually before practicing the whole words.

Show the students a flashcard with more words and ask them to pronounce the word written on it.

Step 3 Listening:

Play the tape for the students to listen.

播放课件:课文听力,Ask them to do the WB Ex.3.

Step 4 Read and act

Teacher: What are you going to do on Saturday?

Student: I’m going to…

T: Can you make a card?

S: Yes, I can.

T: Will you please show us your card?

S: Sure!

T: Oh, it’s really a nice card.

Play the tape for the students to listen. Then get the students to read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

Explain Where are you going? I’m going to ….

Play the tape again, and ask the questions:

① What does Tom’s mum want him to do?

② Can he do it? why? or why not ?

③ What is the idea Mum thinking out for Tom?

④ Do you think it’s a good idea?

Then get the students to act the dialogue out in pairs.

Step 5 Writing

Have the students write a dialogue in pairs. Then have several pairs read their dialogues for the class.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask these questions:

Where is Phillip living?

How do people sometimes spell his name?

What name does Wang Jinging want to give Phillip?

Let the students read the text by themselves and answer the questions.

Then have the students work in small group to come up with a Chinese name for Philip.

Step 7 Checkpoint

Revise the Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense.

Explain the difference between them.

Practise the useful expressions.

Step 8 Exercises in class

1. Read these word, pay attention to their pronounciation.

① bird ② part ③ grass ④how ⑤ trousers ⑥world ⑦ learning ⑧ clerk ⑨ birthday ⑩ blouse

2. To introduce Phillip in 40 words.

Step 9 Homework

1.Make an English name for yourself and make a name card to be placed on the desk.

2. Finish off the workbook

4. Go through the checkpoint.

The design of blackboard

Lesson Four, the fourth lesson [ :] er, ur, ir, or, ear [a:]ar, a(ss),al [ u:] Where are you going? I’m going to … Where is Phillip living? How do people sometimes spell his name? What name does Wang Jingjing want to give Phillip?

八年级上册英语课件 篇2


1.教材的地位与作用:Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player.这单元通过复习和学习一些关于职业的词汇,用be going to谈论长大以后打算做什么以及打算怎样实现目标,与七年级(下)Unit 4 I want to be an actor.学习关于职业的词汇以及用want to bedo谈论将来,和八年级(上)Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?用be doing谈论将来的打算有着密切的联系。本课是这单元的第一课和重点课,学好本课将为进一步学习一般将来时打下良好的基础。


(1).知识目标:掌握本课重点词汇computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.

语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。



(4).教学重、难点:重点是掌握本课computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional等重点词汇,What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.等重点句型和语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。

难点是一般将来时be going to中be的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法,而学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做来实现目标则既是难点,又是能力训练点。







1.“Teach English in English”:即新课标倡导的“用英语教英语”,尽量用英语教学,创造英语课堂良好的听的环境,让学生充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践,把握用英语交际的机会,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。


3.任务型教学法:倡导体验参与,培养自主学习能力。课前布置任务,要求学生复习七年级(下)Unit 4中关于职业的词汇,预先读本课新词,让学生带着任务有目的地上课,并在课堂学习中不断获得完成此任务所必须的知识、能力、技能等,为最终完成任务作全面的准备。

4.游戏教学法:新课标倡导的“玩中学,学中玩”的理念很受学生欢迎。设计猜谜游戏复习七年级(下)Unit 4中学到的关于职业的词汇,既达到以旧带新的目的,又有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。













五.说教学过程:根据英语五步教学法“组织课堂、复习、导入新课、讲授新知识、操练巩固”来开展教学,通过小组竞猜复习学过的关于职业的词汇,多媒体展示图片学习关于职业的新单词,通过联系实际介绍自己的个人成长计划,导入新用法What are you going to be when you grow up?进一步谈论How are you going to do that?引导学生用be going to谈论将来的计划,并通过听力训练、做调查、小组竞赛等形式进行操练,使学生更快更好地识记,巩固所学知识,提高灵活运用能力。


Unit 10 I am going to be a basketball player.

Name What is he/she going to do when he/she grows up? How is he/she going to do that?

Unit10 Section A Period1(Go for it 2A)教案

1.课题:I’m going to be a basketball player.




(1).知识目标:掌握本课重点词汇computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.

语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。



(4).教学重、难点:重点是掌握本课computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional等重点词汇以及What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.等重点句型和语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。

难点是一般将来时be going to中be的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法,而学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做实现目标则既是难点,又是能力训练点。



Step1 Organization and duty report

Step2 Revision

1. Revise the words about jobs by playing a guessing game.

2. Ask students to say jobs we’ve learned.


Step3 Presentation

1. Teach new words and expressions by showing the pictures.


2. Present What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?

3. Ask What’s heshe going to be when heshe grows up? How’s heshe going to do that?


Step4 Listening

Listen and match the items in 1b,then listen and repeat.


Step5 Practice

Ask the students to make an investigation about their future plans in groups of four.


Step6 Sum up

In this class we learn to use “be going to” to describe future plans.


Step7 Homework

Read the four conversations in 1b, recite one of them.

Make their own conversation in pairs, write it on the exercise books.


八年级上册英语课件 篇3




掌握词汇sweet、everyday、simple,理解词汇jazz、classical、folk;了解音乐的分类;学会用“It’s great!I love it!It’s not my favorite,but I don’t mind it.I hate this kind of music.”等句子表达自己的情感,提高听、说、读、写等综合运用语言的能力。


1、教学重点:了解音乐的分类;学会用“It’s great!I love it!/It’s not my favorite,but I don’t mind it./I hate this kind of music.”等句子表达自己的真实情感。






Step l Leading—in activities

用多媒体播放一首学生以前学过的英语歌,让学生共同跟随音乐演唱,营造轻松的学习氛围。问学生一些问题:Do you like music?Why?/What do you think of the music?Step 2 Role—task

(1)Task 1:呈现生词jazz、classical、folk,然后用多媒体播放相对应的音乐,让学生猜测jazz、classical、folk的意思,如有错误加以纠正。听过音乐之后,询问学生听音乐的感觉,引导学生认知sweet。

(2)Task 2:阅读2a短文内容,布置略读任务,提出简单的问题:How many kinds of music do you learn from the passage?What are they?学生回答问题后,让学生再读一遍课文,布置细读任务,提出更深层次的问题:Where do people usually enjoy classical music?What is pop music?Who is famous for folk music?请学生回答,然后纠正答案,跟着录音机读短文一遍。

(3)Task 3:前任务1:听录音,完成1b中的问题。




Step 3 While—task

(1)Task 4:两人一组进行1a对话练习,当堂表演。然后以“Does he/she like music?


(2)Task 5:运用“It’s great!I love it!/It’s not my favorite,but I don't mind it./I hate this kind of music.”等句子,填充表格。






4)模拟采访。运用下列句型:What do you do in your free

time?Do you like

listening to music?What kind of music do you like?What about???

Step4 Post—task

Task6:以“What kind of music is better for students,pop music or classical music?”






Step 5 Project

Task 7:准备一次英文歌曲演唱会,课后全班同学参与筹备。









八年级上册英语课件 篇4


第二册第六单元第一节课,本单元围绕Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?这个题材开展多种教学活动,它与上一单元联系紧密,是它的延续。本节课是本单元的重点。通过学习的Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?进一步加深对询问/指点方向的语法现象的理解和运用。同时通过Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?在陈述句与疑问句中的操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。


(1)学习、掌握Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?

(2)学习单词bank, theatre … 。





重点:学习询问/指点方向Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?

难点:句型Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?在实际生活中的应用。









为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先告诉学生这节课我将带他们去一个有趣的地方,并请他们依据我的提示猜测要去哪里?当学生猜出去农场时, 我们便“上车”, 一路欢歌去农场。随着“嘎”的刹车声,电脑打出农场全景, 给学生一种身临其境的感觉,导入正课。

本课利用多媒体教学手段展示了一幅幅色彩逼真、形象生动的画面,配有汽车声、动物的叫声,栩栩如生。以学生在街区问路为主线,通过询问/指点方向的句型Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?在一系列既关联又相对独立的语境中详细讲解,反复演练,使学生全面掌握。其中多媒体展示的动画部分更具特色,充分地调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力,达到了教育教学目的,培养学生思想素质、情感素质和英语语言素质。

为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。

本课的又一次高潮是将游戏与练习有机结合,融为一体。设计15个街区模型,让一对对学生上街 问路,并配有本课的重点Where’s the … ? It’s next to the … ?使学生在玩中进一步体会到句型Where’s the … ?It’s next to the … ?在实际生活中的运用。学生通过转轮,边做游戏边做练习,寓教于乐,极大地激发学生学习兴趣,同时巩固了学生所学的知识。


Language points:

1. Look at the picture.

look at 看 look through 查看 look up 向上看 look out 向外看 look over复习

2.the post office.

合成词:(1)写成一个单词:bookshop. (2) 写成开放式:post office (3) 用连字符连接:pencil-box.

5. excuse me 的用法:

6. Thank you all the same.




八年级上册英语课件 篇5









Learning action tips: leading in by showing PPT about the students’holiday trip.

Topics:Did you have a good time during the vacation?Yes,Idid. Did you go anywhere interesting with your parents?Can you tell us where you went on vacation?……Review the past tense.

Task 1

Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page2 in the word list. Studentsread the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and markthe Chinese meaning. At last finish the task in 1a.





没有人no one






2.anyone与any one的区别

anyone通常指人,侧重于个体,后面不带of;any one既指人,又指物,侧重于整体,后面可接of。情景导入 生成问题

1.T:Didyou have a good time during the vacation?


2.T:Wheredid you go on vacation?


自学互研 生成能力

Task1Let\'sread the new words and the phrases.

1.I can read.(我会读)

anyone,anywhere,wonderful,quite a few,most

2.I can write.(我会写)




(5)buy something special买特殊的东西


(7)study for tests为考试学习

3.I can summarize.(我会总结)

Did you buy anything special?其中anything 是不定代词。





(1)I did somethinginteresting last summer.去年夏天我做了有趣的事情。

(2)Did you go anywherecool on vacation?假期你去凉爽的地方了吗?

(3)在那里我没见到人。 I didn’t see anyone there.

Task2Let\'slisten to the tape and finish 1b,2a,2b.

Task3Let\'smake conversations and interview.

1.I can practice.(我会练)

A:Grace,where did you go on vacation?

B:I went to (1)Central__Park(中央公园).

A:Oh,really?Did you go with anyone?

B:No.No__one(没有人)was here. Everyone wason vacation.

A:Did you buy (3)anything__special(特殊的东西)?

B:No.I bought nothing.


( C )Did you see ______ in the dining room?

A.someoneB.some one

C.anyone D.anyone

八年级上册英语课件 篇6

第三单元教学要点   教学要点: 一、本单元是一个说明文单元,《中国石拱桥》和《苏州园林》,《故宫博物院》是比较规范的说明文,其余则有一定的说明文性的小品。 二、本单元教学,要学生了解什么是说明文。 三、学习本单元,要理清说明文的顺序,了解常用的说明方法。 四、学习本单元后,要学生学习写作说明文。 教学时间:23课时  11 中国石拱桥  教学目的: 1.引导学生抓住中国石拱桥的特点。 2.列出文章结构,领会文章的内容。 3.激发学生热爱社会主义制度。 教学重难点: 1.重点:抓住中国石拱桥的特点,理清文章结构。 2.难点:课后思考练习题三,以形象的语言介绍一种事物。 学法指导:引导自读合作探究 教具准备: 小黑板 课时安排:3课时 教学过程: 第一 课 时 一.导入新课:  我们常常用桥梁来比喻友谊,因为是友谊就像桥一样把两个人连了起来。可见桥是在没有路的地方搭起来的路。根据史料和考察,在原始社会,我国就有了独木桥和数根圆木排拼而成的木梁桥。河北赵县的赵州桥是世界上第一座采用弓形拱的敞肩拱桥,欧洲在赵州桥建成七百年后才采用弓形拱的。我们的祖先的聪明才智值得我们每一位同学学习。 二.简介作者  茅以升是我国著名的桥梁专家、教育家、社会活动有。他主持设计的钱塘江大桥,是我国第一座由中国人自己设计的铁路公路两用桥;他还参加了新中国第一座现代化的大桥――武汉长江大桥的建造。本文最早以表于是1962年3月4 日《人民日报》,文笔通俗易懂,为读者介绍了中国石拱桥的特点,历史上的辉煌成就,及新中国成立后的发展,赞扬了我国劳动人民的聪明才智和社会主义制度的优越。 三.检查预习 1. 查字典,给加点的字注音。  弧形 拱桥 陡坡 匀称 惟妙惟肖  2. 读了本文,你了解中国石拱桥的特点以及赵州桥和卢沟桥的不同之处? 四. 初读课文,看看作者写出了石拱桥的什么特点。  1. 提示:请同学们找出哪些段落是写赵州桥的,哪些段落是写卢光沟桥的?联系课后思考练习题一,填空。  2. 学生读,填空,教师巡视指导。  3. 总结:  名称 位置 修建年月 结构特征  赵州桥 横跨在河上 修建于公元6左右。 1全桥只有一个大拱,长达37。4米。 2大拱的两肩上,各有两面三刀个小拱。3大拱由28道拱圈拼成。4全桥结构均匀。  卢沟桥 位于永定河上 修建于公元1189到1192年间 由11个半圆形石拱组成,每个石拱长度不一,自16米到21。6米,桥宽约8米,路面平坦,几乎与河面平行。每两个石拱之间有石砌桥墩,把11个石拱联成一个整体,是一座联拱石桥。  中国石拱桥的特点是形式优美,结构坚固,历史悠久。 第 二 课 时 一. 复习上节课学过的内容 1. 听写 2. 说说中国石拱桥的特点。 二. 细读全文,理解作者是怎样说明石拱桥的特点的。  1. 为了说明中国石拱桥的特点,作者举了两个例子,一个赵州桥,一个卢沟桥,这种说明方法叫做――举例子。  2. 在写赵州桥和卢沟桥时,作者列举了许多精确的数字,这种用数字来说明事物的方法叫做――列数字。  3. 为了让人们更清楚的认识中国石拱桥的特点,作者的语言很具有逻辑性,例如课文第五自然段,在写赵州桥时,先介绍了桥的长度、宽度、设计施工的精巧。再分四点用数字分别说明。层次性很强。  4. 作者在介绍两座桥时,既抓住了它们之间的共同点,又注意到了它们之间的不同点,请同学们找出来。(共同点是都介绍了地点,修建年代,及它们的结构特点。不同点是在介绍赵州桥时顺便说明了桥的设计者,介绍卢沟桥时作马可波罗的话来赞扬其高度的技术成就和艺术价值,还介绍了卢沟桥的的特殊历史价值。这不但使行文有所变化,而且增强了文章的可读性。) 三. 引导学生学习课文的最后两段。  1. 第九段写什么,怎样写?(文章又分三点解释了到得如此辉煌的建筑成就的原因。先写……再写……最后写……)  2. 最后一段写什么,怎样写?(介绍了解放后我国石拱桥的修建情况,列举了我国修建的世界最长的独拱石桥――“长虹大桥”、我国劳动人民独创的钢筋混凝土拱桥――(双曲拱桥等,说明了我国桥梁事业取得的巨大成绩。 四. 引导学生体会说明文行文简洁、用词准确的语言特点。(联系课后思考练习题二) 五. 联系课后思考练习题三,引导学生用打比方的方法,把要说明的事理解释清楚。(我们常说用白纸写黑字,黑板其实就是一张黑色的纸,用白色的笔来写。我们把一张黑色的纸放大,再挂起来,就是一张黑板。)  第 三 课 时 一、完成课后习题。 二、拓展延伸:形象的语言介绍一种事物 板书设计: 中国石拱桥 概括说明 一般:形式优美,结构坚固 中国:历史悠久,形式多样 具体说明(举例) 赵州桥:现存最古老 独拱---37.4米(当时最长) 设计科学,施工巧妙 卢沟桥:联拱---265米 石狮千态万状,惟妙惟肖 具有纪念意义 教学后记:学生对中国石拱桥的构造等的认识把握得较好,对文中的说明方法也掌握得不错; 但对说明文的多种顺序出现在同一篇文章中的形式认识有难度。    12 桥 之 美  教学目的: 流利、有感情地朗读课文,理解作者喜爱桥的原因。 品味本文优美而又富有意蕴的语言。 学习从某一角度欣赏艺术作品的方法。 教学重点难点 品味本文优美而又富有意蕴的语言。 课时安排 3课时。 课前准备 布置学生预习课文,会写生字、准确注音,排除字词障碍。 课前学生借助网络或图书,查阅一些有关的图片资料,或依据课文内容绘制几幅 图画。(体现桥与周围环境的和谐统一)准备录音带、录音机、微机或投影仪。 教学步骤  第 一 课 时 导人新课。  马致远的“小桥流水人家”让人联想到家的温馨;徐志摩的《再别康桥》使人产生无限的惆怅……在诗人的眼中“桥”是人性化的,是情感的载体;在画家的眼中,桥则别有一番 韵味。今天就让我们跟随当代画家吴冠中去感受“桥之美”。(板书课题,“美”字写大,突出一下) 教师配乐范读课文。 (要求:注意语气、语速、语调及重音的把握) 学生自由朗读课文,思考以下问题: (多媒体或投影显示问题组) 问题.a.在作者的眼中桥美在何处?  b.为了说明桥之美作者主要举了哪些例子?  c.联系课文说说怎样欣赏一幅画? 四人小组讨论明确:  a.并不着眼于桥自身的结构美,而是缘于桥在不同环境中的多种多样的形式作用。  b.举了四个例子:乌镇苇丛上的石桥;江南乡间细柳下的石桥;水天间的长桥――颐和园的仿卢沟桥、苏州的宝带桥;形式独特的广西、云南、贵州山区的风雨桥。  c.画面的构成是否有块、线、面的搭配;画中的形象是否都能和周围的景物既形成对照又不失和谐。 ■研读与赏析  (过渡)通过阅读文章,我们不难看出作为画家,作者看桥淡化其结构、种类、功用,更重其美学价值。那么你能用优美的语言描绘文中你最欣赏的一幅画面吗7 重点研读第④小节。  (出示学生绘制的四幅图画) 四人小组讨论:  a.说说四幅图中你最喜欢哪一幅,用生动的语言描绘画面并说说为什么喜欢?  b.请有绘画天赋的同学点评。  c.我们应从哪些角度欣赏一幅艺术作品? 明确:  a.◆厚厚实实的平面铺开的苇丛使空间显得狭窄拥挤,令人产生憋闷感;间或出现的石桥轮廓简单鲜明,能使空间陡然显得疏朗开阔,令人觉得神清气爽。  ◆细弱的`柳枝拂着桥身厚重坚硬的石块,这里有形体上的强弱、轻重、动静之分,有颜色上的对比,还有变(柳枝年年发新芽)与不变(桥能历久不变)之别,种种不同,归结起来,其实是阳刚与阴柔这两种美的类型的不同,因桥的轮廓精心设计而和谐统一。  ◆长桥一般建筑在比较宽阔的水面上,打破了背景的单调感。桥是人们劳动的成果,出现在苍茫水面上的长桥,是人类创造力的体现。整个环境似乎有了灵气和生命。  ◆桥面上盖有廊和亭的桥,给人安闲、自在的感觉,这种感觉恰好与险峻的山峰、桥下的急流给人的感觉形成对照。  b.点评语言、欣赏的角度。  c.从色彩的搭配、画面构成(块、线、面)、景物的选择(强弱、明暗、动静等)是否对立统一……角度来判断。 美句赏析。  (过渡)吴冠中以他画家的真知灼见,不但告知了我们如何用“美学”的眼光来重新审视事物,而且他还用蕴涵丰富的语言引起我们强烈的感情上的共鸣。  a.找出意蕴丰富的语句,体味句子的情昧。  b.先四人小组讨论,再让小组派代表发言。 重点赏析以下语句: ◆茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒畅的气。 ◆早春天气,江南乡间石桥头细柳飘丝,那纤细的游丝拂着桥身坚硬的石块,即使碰不见晓风残月,也令画家销魂! ◆无论是木桥还是石桥,其身段的纵横与桥下的水波协同谱成形与色的乐曲。. ◆田野无声,画家们爱于无声处静听桥之歌唱,他们寻桥,仿佛孩子们寻找热闹。 (过渡)我们从《桥之美》中,体会到了桥的美感,真是赏心悦目。同是写桥的文章,《中国石拱桥》与之有什么不同之处呢? 课堂小结  同学们,今天我们在画家吴冠中的带领下,一起领略了桥的风采,生活中有多少美不胜收的景致,或纤弱或雄壮或含蓄……让我们练就一双慧眼去发现、去鉴赏这大干世界吧!  第 二 课 时 一、完成课后习题。 二、拓展延伸 比较本文与《中国石拱桥》在内容和写法上有何不同? 明确:本文是一篇带有说明性质的小品文。它的说明性体现在文中先点明在画家眼里桥美在何处,随后举了一些具体的例子。但是与《中国石拱桥》这种较为规范的说明文不同的是,在举例时,作者并不是用科学、平实的语言向读者解说,而是或描写景物,或抒发感情,文字极富表现力和感染力。 板书设

八年级上册英语课件 篇7


今天我说课的内容是 《join in 剑桥英语》 四年级上册第五单元 Free time 第一课时,本单元主要讲的是课余活动,而本课时主要介绍了活动单词及句型 I can.../I can’t...本课时的重点是能听、说、读 fly a kite, play football, play the guitar,play basketball,stand on my head,ride a horse 单词及词组,本课是本单元的起始课,为后面的学习埋下了伏笔。本课时是功能型的交际训练课,我采 用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、唱、演溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,我把全班学生分成了小组,使学生通过小组合作 学习体验到成功的喜悦,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。


我引导学生采用听、看、说、唱、演等方法来学习本课,通过听、看达 到有所思、有所得。帮助学生掌握学习重点,多表扬、勤鼓励,使不同层次的学生都有学习积极性,在能力上均有所提高。


为了顺利完成以上的各项目标,更好地突出重点、突破难点,按 照学生的认知规律,我采用了讲读、直观演示、交际、愉快教学相结 合的方法。如多媒体电化教学比较形象、直观;在教学过程中启发、引导学生思维,培养不同层次的`学生大胆用英语交际的能力。

根据本课教材的特点,我除了采用常规的教学手段外,还采用现 代教学技术,使学生的多种感官共同参与到整个学习过程中,激发学 生学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。本课最大的特点就是充分运用了计算机 网络信息技术,把多媒体优化组合,动静结合,更能充分的发挥多媒 体深刻的表现力和良好的重现力。

1.导入设计: 在导入环节,我出示了各行各业精英的图片,让孩子们理解superstar的意思,并告诉孩子们只要努力,人人都可以成为明星,这节课要选出这节课的明星,鼓励孩子们赶快行动起来!很好的将孩子们带入了英语课堂。


3.趣味操练 模仿老师做动作:学生跟着我边读词组边做动作,我可能会故意 做错动作,如果学生没有跟着我做错动作,读的词组和动作一致就可 以得分,如果学生跟着我做错动作,就不能得分。 我说学生做和我做学生说:我说词组学生做相应的动作,做对得 分。我做动作学生说相应的词组,说对得分。

4.拓展运用 PPT 里出现了不同场景的图片,学生们可以用所学的功能句 I can…I can’t… 和所有活动的单词词组 draw, swim, dance, play the guitar, fly a kite, stand on my head 等,先小组讨论,再请学生说说在不 同场景中能做的和不能做的活动,也能培养学生的素质

通过本节课,网络信息资源不是一种辅助工具,而将成为基本的知 识载体、教学媒介和评价工具。在英语教学中合理运用网络信息,以 其生动、直观、形象、新颖的特征来优化英语课堂教学,使课堂学习气氛浓厚,学习氛围宽松,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会。

八年级上册英语课件 篇8

What are you doing for vacation? 学习目标:   在这一单元中,我们要学习如何谈论假期的计划(Vacation plans),对将来的安排(Future plans) 语言目标:   1. 用现在进行时表示将来。   (Present progressive as future)   2. 用where , when , what , how long 提问的句子。 主要句型:   1. What are you doing for vacation ?   I’m spending time with my friends .   2. When are you going ?   I’m going next week .   3. How long are you staying ?   We’re staying for two weeks .   Step 1. National Day is coming . We all have a long vacation about 7 days . What are you  doing for vacation ?   Now Let’s talk about future plans .   在这里,我们用到What are you doing for vacation ?   同学们可能会奇怪,“be doing”结构不是现在进行时吗?在这一单元中,用现在进行时代表将要发生 的动作,表示对未来的计划和安排,译为“我将要…”,“我打算…”。   eg . What’s she doing for vacation ? 她假期要做什么?   She’s babysitting her sister . 她要看她妹妹。   这是我们进入初中以来第一次接触到将来时。这种用现在进行时表示将来动作的用法,实际上在英语中 是很常见的。   Now , answer my question .   “What are you doing for vacation ? ”   You may have lots of answers . Now , translate the following sentences into English , and  choose one as your answer .   Of course , you can add more activities if you like .     Exercise :   1. 我要去野营。   2. 我打算看望我的姨妈。   3. 我打算在家里看电视。   4. 她要照顾她的小妹妹。   5. 他打算玩篮球。   6. 他们要在家里休息。   7. 我要去山区徒步旅行。   8. Dave准备去骑单车。   9. Mary要去旅行观光。   10. Mike准备去钓鱼。   11. Isabella要去散散步并且租些录像来看。   Keys :   1. I’m going camping .   2. I’m visiting my aunt .   3. I’m watching TV at home .   4. She’s babysitting her sister .   5. He is playing basketball (for vacation).   6. They are relaxing at home .   7. I’m going hiking in the mountains .   8. Dave is going bike riding .   9. Mary is going sightseeing .   10. Mike is going fishing .   11. Isabella is taking walks and renting videos .   Step 2 . We’re going to learn other questions to ask about one’s vacation plans .   除了用“What are you doing for vacation ? ”之外,我们还要学习其它几个问句,来帮助我们更好 地谈论假期的`计划。   1. When are you going ?   你什么时候去呀?   when表示对具体的时刻来提问,所以可以用on Monday ,(在星期一),on the 12th (在12号那天) nextweek (下周)、等等。   eg. I’m going the first week in June . 我将在六月份的第一周去。   2. How long are you staying ? 你要在那里呆多久?   How long 是对表示持续的一段时间来提问。因此回答时,也要用表示一段时间的时间状语,而不是具 体时刻。   eg. How long is he staying ?   He’s staying for a week . 他要呆一个礼拜。   或He’s staying until September . 他在那里一直到九月份。   3. Where are you going for vacation ? 你要去哪里度假?   I’m going to Italy (Greece or Spain ).   我要去意大利(希腊或西班牙)。   4. What’s it like there ? 那里怎么样?   这个句型是我们在第二册中学习过的,当时我们对人提问,“What’s she like ? ”她这人怎么样。 现在是对地点对问,请你介绍一下对某地的看法与印象。   你可以回答:It’s beautiful ! It’s wonderful ! 等等。   5. How’s the weather there ? 那里的天气怎么样?   这也是上学期我们学过的句子。你可以用一系列表示天气的词来回答。   如It’s cool . (hot , humit , warm …)   6. Who are you going with ? 你准备和谁一块儿去?   I’m going with my parents . 我和我父母一块儿去。   学会了上面这些句子,我们又增加了许多谈话的内容。同学们在课外,可以勤练习。   Step 3. Section B. 3a P17   1. Read the article . After reading , answer my questions . Pierre Lambert’s Vacation Plans !   Pierre Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer !   He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but finally decided on Canada . “I always  take vacations in Europe , ”he said . “This time I want to do something different . I heard  that Canada is beautiful , and I know there are many people there who speak French . ”   Pierre is going to Canada’s Great Lakes region . He is leaving the first week in June and  staying until September . He plans to have a very relaxing vacation . “I’m taking walks ,  going fishing , and going bike riding . I’m hoping that the beautiful countryside will help  me forget all my problems . At night , I’m renting videos and sleeping a lot …a no-stress  vacation ! I can’t wait . I’ll be a new man when I return to Paris !   Questions :   (1)Where is Pierre going for vacation ?   (2)When is he going ?   (3)Why did he decide on Canada ?   (4)What is he doing there ?   (5)How long is he staying ?   Keys :   (1)Pierre is going to Canada’s Great Lakes region .   (2)He is going the first week in June .   (3)It is beautiful and there are many people there who speak French .   (4)He’s taking walks 、 going fishing 、 going bike riding .   At night , he’s renting videos and sleeping a lot .   (5)He is staying until September .   二. 重点、难点:   1. Pierre Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer .   著名法国歌星皮埃尔,在这个夏季,准备度个长假。   take a (long) vacation . 去度(长)假。   2. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but finally decided on Canada .   他考虑要去希腊或西班牙,但最终决定去加拿大。   △think about (doing)sth . 考虑(去做)某事。   eg. He often thinks about going camping . 他经常考虑去野营。   △decide on 决定(后面加名词)   eg. decide on a blue coat 决定(要买)一件蓝色上衣   decide on Canada 决定(去)加拿大   3. I want to do something different .   我想做一些不寻常的事。   something 为不定代词,另外还有anything , nothing , somebody , anyone 等,都是不定代词。当 有形容词修饰这些不定代词时,切记放在这些不定代词的后面。   eg. something different 不寻常的事   somebody important 重要人物   Is there anything wrong ? 有什么不对的吗?   4. I know there are many people (who speak French ) there .   我知道,那儿有许多人讲法语。   在本句中,出现了一个重要的语法现象,定语从句。“Who speak French ”做为定语从句修饰前面的 词组many people . 许多人,什么样的人呢?说法语的人。这样,我们就很好理解了。从前,我们学过, the beautiful flower , 这里beautiful 做为定语,修饰flower , 花,什么样的花?美丽的花。当单个 的词做定语,一般放在名词的前面,(注:修饰不定代词时需放在后边),而当一个句子做定语时,一般要 放在被修饰词的后面,这个句子则被称为定语从句。   eg . I’m waiting for that man (who is in black . )   我正在等那个穿黑衣服的人。   5. Canada’s Great Lakes region .   加拿大的五大湖地区。(加拿大与美国之间的五个大湖,   景色怡人,风景秀丽。)   6. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation .   △plan to do sth . 计划去做某事,to后面加动词原形。   eg. My classmates plan to go to a picnic .   我的同学们计划去野餐。   △have a very relaxing vacation .   过一个非常惬意的假期。   另外,have a good time 过得很愉快。   7. I’m hoping (that the beautiful countryside will help me forget all my problems . )   我希望美丽的风光能帮我忘记一切烦恼。   △在本句中,that引导的一整句话,都做为谓语hope的宾语,被称为宾语从句。这一整句都是“我所希 望的事”。that只是宾语从句的引导词,没有实际含义。   eg. The teacher said that some students left school at 5:30 yesterday .   老师说,昨天有些同学五点半才离校。   help sb do sth . 帮助某人做某事。   在Unit 1 中,我们学过“help me to study more”这

八年级上册英语课件 篇9

How do you make a banana smoothie?教案示例 I. 学习目标 1.学会描述混合饮料、沙拉、三明治等食品的制作程序。 2.学会区分可数名词和不可数名词及如何表示量。 3.学会写菜谱。 4.学会描述某个过程。 II. 学习向导 语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 How do you make…? Peel the bananas. How many apples do we need? How much milk do we need? First, cut up the bananas. Then, … 通过对话练习,巩固所学知识。 通过上下文进行逻辑排序。 通过合作学习,启发思维,培养动手能力与合作精神。 first, next, then, finally cut up, peel, put, mix up, turn on salad, sandwich, hamburger watermelon, lettuce, onion, turkey, relish honey, mayonnaise, 语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习可数名词和不可数名词 How many/How much 问句 叙述过程的词: first, next, then, finally 谈论自己喜爱的食物 描述制作食物的过程 社会实践:制作食物 文化:了解其他国家的饮食文化。 III.疑点、难点解析 1.cut:切,割,剪,割破;cut up:切碎,粉碎,捣毁。 如: I cut my finger when I cooked dinner yesterday. 昨天我做晚饭时割破了手指。 The butcher cut up the meat. 屠夫把肉切碎. 2.可数名词和不可数名词量的表示方法。特别注意不可数名词要加表示容器或体积大小的名词,与of构成短语才能表示量。 如: a piece of paper, two teaspoons of cinnamon,a cup of yogurt,a bar of chocolate 3.add…to 把…加到…上。 如: If you add 5 to 6, you get 11. 五加六得十一。 4.在描述一件事情的先后顺序时,恰当地使用副词first、next、then 和 finally,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性。 IV. 补充的词汇 1.碟子 dish 7. 苏打水 soda 13. 酱油 sauce 2.盘子 plate 8. 奶油 cream 14. 香油 sesame oil 3.汤匙 spoon 9. 桃 peach 15. 黄油 butter 4.刀子 knife 10. 梨 pear 16. 色拉油 salad oil 5.叉子 fork 11. 葡萄 grape 17. 花生酱 peanut butter 6.打蛋器 egg beater 12. 草莓 strawberry 18. 芝麻酱 sesame paste   V. 能力训练 一、补全对话 A: Let’s______ fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. How ______cinnamon _____we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how _______ apples do we need? A: Let me think… We ______two apples. B: OK, and how much mayonnaise do we need? A: Two teaspoons should ______enough. 二、重新安排下面句子的'顺序,使其成为一个完整的对话。 1. I’m hungry. Let’s make a fruit smoothie. 2. What else do we need? 3. Two teaspoons should do it. And we need two teaspoons of yogurt. 4. We need three. 5. How many bananas do we need? 6. That sounds good. What fruit do we need? 7. How much mayonnaise do we need? 8. OK, three bananas, two teaspoons of mayonnaise and two teaspoons of yogurt. 9. We need mayonnaise. 10. We need bananas. 三、选择填空。 1. You should ______ the bananas and put them in the blender. A. cut down B. cut up C. cut in 2. Mon, can I turn _____ the TV? I want to watch the soccer game. A. on B. offC. up 3. How _______ yogurt do you need? A. manyB. a little C. much 4. I need ______________. A. two slices of bread B. two slices bread C. two slice of bread 5. How ____ cups of milk do you drink every day? A. muchB. manyC. a little 四、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. How many ______ (teacher) are there in your school? 2. I have three _______( watch ). 3. There are some _______( orange) on the table. 4. I like _______(tomato) and _______ ( chicken). 5. How much _______( honey ) do we need? 6. Tina, let’s _________(make) fruit salad. 7. Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now. 8. Tom is a little _________ ( strong) than Mike. 9. I think English is ________________(important) than any other subject. 10. My mother ________( take) the bus to work every day. 五、完形填空 The Right Place for the Reece Mr Reece worked on a farm. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. Every day they worked hard 1 morning till night. One day, Mr Reece 2 his wife. “Let’s go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can 3 a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife was very happy when she 4 this, because they always ate a lot, and she didn’t 5 cooking three times a day. They went to Portsmouth by plane and walked about 6 an hour. Then, when it was twelve o’clock, they wanted to 7 . They looked at four restaurants(饭店). In front of one restaurant, they 8 a notice(公告). It read, “Lunch: 12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 pounds.” “Well, that’s 9 ,” Mrs Reece said. “We can eat for two hours for 1.5 pounds here! This is 10 for us.” 1. A. at B. from C. in D. on 2. A. told to B. asked C. spokeD. said to 3. A. cookB. smellC. haveD. buy 4. A. heard from B. heard of  C. heard   D. listened 5. A. thinkB. wish C. wantD. like 6. A. for B. by C. at D. in 7. A. have a rest   B. have lunch C. take a bus D. go home 8. A. saw B. heard C. watched D. looked for 9. A. terrible  B. well C. badD. great 10.A. the news   B. the thing C. the place D. the shop 六、书面表达 下周末,同学们准备开一次聚会,在聚会上,大家想自己动手制作一些喜欢吃的东西,许多同学爱吃水果沙拉,你会做吗?请你根据下面所给的材料,写出制作水果沙拉的过程。 three bananas, three apples, a watermelon, a bowl, cinnamon, yogurt. _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ VI. Culture(文化): 1. How to keep table manners: * Fingers: We eat with chopsticks, forks, knives and spoons. But we eat some foods with fingers. For example: grapes, pizza, fries and fried chicken. * Elbow: Where do you put your elbows when you are eating? Remember to keep them off the table. * Mouth: Chew with your mouth closed. 2. Eating habit: * Indian use hands to eat meals, southerners use two hands when they are eating, but the northerner just use the left hand to eat. * Arab families use only the first three fingers of the right hand to eat. * American people don’t like to eat up all food when they are eating, they believe that will bring them bad luck and it’s rude. 3. 白族筷子趣话筷子: 白族人民对筷子的偏爱,不仅和其他民族一样在生活中离不开它,而且还形成了独特的习俗。一般请客吃饭,用一般的竹筷子。而在婚礼上使用的筷子,一律都用红颜色染就加工的竹筷子。因此,主人家在婚庆之前要砍回一些竹子请人加工削成筷子,然后用红颜色染红。这一是取红为吉利,二则是借用红字的谐音,取“和睦”之意。而前来参加喜庆婚宴的客人都要把自己使用的那双红筷子带回家、借主人家喜庆庆贺自家“和和气气”、“和睦相处。因而要准备多很多的"红筷子"。有趣的是新媳妇吃饭要用十多双红筷子扎成一把吃饭,据说这是图多子的意思。 答案及简析 一、 A: Let’s make fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. How much cinnamon do we need? A: One teaspoon. B: And how many apples do we need? A: Let me think… We need two apples. B: OK, and how much mayonnaise do we need? A: Two teaspoons should be enough. 二、 1 6 10 5 4 2 9 7 3 8 三、 1. B cut up有: 切碎,粉碎,捣毁 的意思. 2. A turn on 的意思是: 打开(电视机) 3. C yogurt是不可

八年级上册英语课件 篇10


do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the trash.fold your clothes,clean the living room,do chores,have to do sth,like to do(doing)sth,make dinner,make your bed


Could you please clean your room?Yes,sure.

Could you please do the dishes?Sorry,I can’t.I have to do my homework.

Could I please go to the movies?Yes,you can.

Could I please use the computer?No,you can’t.You must do the dishes at first.


本课话题来自学生的生活经历,学生在初一已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础,此外,学生已初步掌握了用祈使句和Can you…?/Can I…?提出请求和建议,为本课的学习打下了铺垫。







Could you/I please do things?Yes,Sure./ .I/You can.

Sorry,I / you can’t,,I / you have to do…”





1、 Warming up

Enjoy ourselves.Watch cartoon Small Potato’s Sunday.


2、 Learn new words and phrases

What kind of chores can you find in the cartoon?

学生通过在动画片段里找家务活,利用已学的简单词汇如make breakfast等导入新单词的学习。

Look!What is it used for?

看图。通过问学生这些清洁用品的用处学习动词词组do chores,do the dishes,make the bed,take out the trash,fold the clothes,clean the living room.

3、 Memory game.

What is she doing?Do you still remember?


4、 Discuss.

What do you usually do on Sunday?

先通过已学的简单句型,让学生再一次对所学的词汇进行练习。并在讨论后让学生做Pair work来热身。

5、 Listening.1b

Peter’s chores or Mom’s chores?


6、 Make a survey.

Discuss in groups of four.

Draw a smiling face on the chore you like and draw a crying face on the chore you dislike

Then give a report.

通过做调查,复习句型I like … because…以及I don’t like … because…



Chores Like Don’t like

do the dishes

sweep the floor

take out the trash

make your bed

fold your clothes

clean the living room

7、 Pair work

Ask your partner for help


导入目标语言Could you please do things?Yes,Sure.

Sorry,I have to do…



哑剧表演。一位学生利用Could you please do things?委婉地提出请求。另一位学生表演动作。活跃课堂气氛。

9、Pair work

Act out strict father or mother.


学习目标语言如何征求许可做某事。Could I please do things?Yes,Sure.No,you must …

并做Pair work


How to be a better boy and girl?

让学生以小组的形式,采访自己的同学。讨论一次自己的周末计划。要帮助爸爸妈妈做什么家务活。在学习中学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动。并且复习已学句型I’m going to do…


12、 总结本节课的教学重点。

13、 Homework

Read the words and phrases you learn today.

Make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.

八年级上册英语课件 篇11



1,相当好,很好pretty good

2,在20 世纪80年代in the 1980s

3,来自come from

4,以……而闻名,因…而著名be famous for

5,超过,多于more than

6,在…的东/南/西/北部in the east/south/west/northof

7,事实上in fact

8,有一天one day

9,---的一部分part of

10,在海岸边,在海岸线上on the coast

11,故乡home town


13,例如such as

14,在…的东部in the east of

15,记得要去做某事remember to do sth

16,想要-----would like to do

1,它比许多其它建筑物都高。It’s taller than many other buildings.2,我相信终有一天它会跟香港一样繁华。Some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong,I’m sure.3,深圳的人口有多少?What’s the population of Shenzhen?

4,它是一个比香港更新的城市。It’s a newer city than Hong Kong

5,剑桥在英格兰的东部。Cambridge is in the east of England.6,它正变得更大,更繁华。(教材全解P48)It’s getting bigger and busier

7,它的街道也更宽,更干净。(教材全解P48)Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.8,---天气怎么样?What’s the weather like?

9,它夏天从不很热,冬天也不很冷。Ir’s never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.

八年级上册英语课件 篇12

3. I’m sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能。

6. (That’s) too bad. 那是太糟糕了。

7. How about you, Jenny?

8. What about you, Wilson?


9. I’d love to. 我愿意。


11. 11. Sorry, I must ...


13. I can’t. I might have to ...

16. I can’t either. 我也不能。

2. I’m sorry, I’m not free.


I might have to ...我也许必须......

3. I’ll buy ... = I will buy...

5. (否定)I’m afraid not.

6. (肯定) I’m afraid so.


9. I’m not available. 我没空。

11. Good luck!祝你好运!

12. It sounds great. 这听起来太棒了。 (It sounds + adj.)

14. See you then./ See you. 再见。

I’d love to come.

That’s really too bad.

5. What’s today? 今天几号星期几?

3. is leaving (Be + Ving) “现在进行时表将来”将要离开

7. have a surprise party for sb. 为某人举办一场惊喜派对

10. any of ...

13. think of sth.考虑......

15. without + Ving/n./pron.

16. so that ...

18. hear from sb.

1. like ... a lot 非常喜欢......

2. help sb. to do sth.

8. bring sb. to sp.

1. thanks so much for doing sth. 非常感谢做某事

3. at the end of (this month )在(这个月)末

9. let me know (let sb. do sth.)让我知道

3. the opening of ... ......的开幕式

6. invite sb,. to do sth.





Lesson 49



1. A: Would you like to …

B: Certainly. I’d love to.

2. A: I hope you can …

B. Thanks. I’d love to.






Step 1 Revision


Step 2 Presentation


1. A: Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my party?

B: Oh, thanks very much. I’d love to.

A:I hope both Jim and you will come.

B: OK.

2. A: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, Why?

A: Would you go out for a walk with me?

B: I’d love to.

A: I hope Jim will go with us, too.


Step 3 Drill



教:birthday: the day when you were born

Step 4 Presentation


打开书,教师解释:be going to, forget to do

be going to 将要干…

1. I’m going to have a party next Sunday.

2. We are going to Xiangshan Park.

3. Are they going to have a football match tomorrow? Yes, they are.

forget to do 忘记要做的事

1. Don’t forget to tell Jim.

2. I forgot to tell you.

3. Don’t forget to read the text tonight.

4. Don’t forget to watch football match.

5. I forgot to bring my homework.

Step 5 Practice


同学们两两做pairs work, 练习第一段和第二段,直到较熟悉为止。


Step 6 Consolidation

做第三部分。教单词:invite: ask sb to come to home film


Step 7 Exercises in class

1.-Would you like____(go) with us?

-Yes, I____.

2. Would you like ____ sweets?

3.1 remember ____ her at the conference last year.

4. Don’t forget ____ the letters.

Keys: 1. to go, ’d love to. 2.some. 3. meeting. 4. to post.

Choose the right answers.

( )l. The party is going to start ____ half past seven.

A. at B. on C. to D. in

( )2. I hope ____ help me with my English.

A. you to B. him to C. you will D. will you

( )3. Don’t forget ____ the door when you leave. It’s snowy this evening.

A. close B. to close C. closed D. closing

( )4. Thank you for ____ me to your party.

A. invite B. invited C. inviting D. to invite

( )5. ____ great the party is ! ____ beautiful presents!

A. What, What B. How, How C. What, How D. How, What

( )6. There is going to ____ a party at Xiao Ming’s home.

A. have B. be C. has D. is

( )7.-I’m going to Hong Kong. Didn’t you know?

-____. Jim told me bout it.

A. No. I did B. No, I didn’t

C. Yes, I didn’t D. Yes, I did

Answers: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D

Step 8 Homework

1. Try to use your own words to make up new dialogues.

2. Make sentences with the following phrases.

Part 1

1) come to 2) would love/like to… 3)forget to do/doing 4) hope (a sentence) 5)be sure (a sentence).

Part 2

6)What a! 7)be going to do/be

Part 3

8)thank for sth / doing sth 9)be free 10) here be …for sb

Blackboard handwriting

Can you …. birthdayI’d love to… inviteI hope you… filmWould you like to …?Don’t forget to …

Lesson 50,52第一、二部分(一或两课时)




会正确应用:May I speak to..., please?

Hold on, please.


Can I take a message?等等。






建议Lesson 50和Lesson 52一起课讲。


Step 1 Revision


A: Hello, this is Kate. Who is it?

B: This is Hanmei. Kate, would you like to come to my home and do homework with me? I want you to help me with my English.

A: Ok. I’d love to, when?

B: What about 3 o’clock?

A: All right, see you then.

B: See you.

注:类似的一组对话可以复习到:This is…, Who is it? Would you like to…等以前的知识。


It starts at 4:30, doesn’t it?

It rains every day here, doesn’t it?

He works very hard, doesn’t he?

She gets up early every day, doesn’t she?


Ann studies very hard, ________ she?

Miss Gao loves us, ________ she?

Li Lei is a good student, __________ she?

It’s a fine day, ________ it?

They all like English very much, _______ they?

Step 2 Presentation

Teacher: Do you like giving phone calls to your classmates or friends? If yes, what would you say first?

1) Hello.

2) May I speak to××?

3) This is ××speaking!

4) Who is it? And so on.

You ask the students to understand what to say, and what the purpose of the phone call is.



打开书,教师解释:take a message和give the message

Step 3 Practice


同学们两两做pairs work, 练习第一段和第二段,直到较熟悉为止。

Step 4 presentation

教单词:telephone: phone double: two times

老师事先和一位同学准备好Lesson 52 对话,双方拿电话机在班上展示。让这位同学在投影片填好电话留言卡,其他同学在老师事先印好的电话留言卡上填写, 然后老师在投影仪上订正。提醒学生填写电话留言卡要简单扼要,它的读者只有一个人。如果大都知道Zhang Yujing 是谁,用一句祈使句即可。如:本课的电话卡message内容:

She called you. Please call her.

打开书,跟读录音,pair work,直到较熟悉为止。

Step 5 Practice:



Step 6 Consolidation

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

1. I’m afraid I may be a little late.

I’m afraid ______ I ______ ______a little late.

2. She isn’t here right now.

She is ______ ______ ______ ______.

3. Can I take her a message?

Can I take a message ______ ______?

4. I’m very sorry, but I can’t come.

I’m ______ I can’t come.

5. I’ll get her the message.

I’ll ______ the message ______ ______.

Answers: 1. maybe, will be 2. away at the moment 3. for her 4. afraid 5. give, to her

Complete the dialogue

A. She is out at the moment.B. What's your phone number?C. You are welcome.D. Hold on for a moment, please.E. Yes.

A: Hello, could I speak to Mary, please?

B: 1 I'm sorry 2 .Can I take a message?

A: 3 , Please ask her to call me, please.

B: OK, 4 .

A: 62578181. Thank you.

B. 5

Keys: 1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C

Step 7 Homework

将课上两两做的pairs work整理成系统完整的邀请对话,内容不限,可以是邀请聚会,去你家做客,一起去买东西等。此作业可以让学生2人或3人一组共同做一份。

Blackboard handwriting

May I speak to …please? Hold on, please. ... speaking. I’d love to. Can I take a message? Could I speak to …please? I’m afraid he / she isn’t here. Thank you for doing… I’ll give her / him the message. I’m sorry, but I cannot…

Lesson 51,52第三部分(一或两课时)



会正确应用这些话语:We’re ready! That’s the bell. Where is everyone? Here is your present. Oh, thank you. There is no time to think. Thank you, everyone. Here is your birthday present. I hope you like it. 等。






Step 1 Revision



Step 2 Presentation


1. Is there sandwiches at the party?

A. Yes. B. No.

2. Did Li Lei come to Ann’s party?

A. Yes. B. No.

3. Did Li Lie give Ann present?

A. Yes. B. No.

4. Did the twins come to the party?

A. Yes. B. No.

5. Did they give Ann any present?

A. Yes. B. No.

6. Did Jim come here?

A. Yes. B. No.

7. Did Jim give Ann present?

A. Yes. B. No.

8. Do you know how old Ann is?

A. Yes. B. No.

Step 3 Practice


教单词:ready sandwich candle

让学生自己读 doorbell present smile


1)What time did Ann’s party begin?

2)How many friends came to Ann’s party?

3)What present did the friends give Ann?

4)Did Ann like them?


half past four sandwich be ready candles feel happy birthday present



5.学习Lesson 52的第三部分,方法同上。

Step 4 Consolidation

Fill in the blanks with the proper from in the given words.

1. Everything ______ (be) ready for Ann’s birthday party now.

2. ______ Ann ______ (feel) happy last Sunday?

3. When I ______ (run) to the door. I ______ (find) him outside.

4. I must go now. There’s no time ______ (think).

5. Thank you for ______ (invite) me to your party.

6. Listen! The doorbell ______ (ring).

Answers: 1.is 2.Did, feel 3.ran, found 4.to think 5.inviting 6.is ringing

Choose the right answers:

( ) 1. We are going to ____ Ann’s 14th birthday next Sunday.

A. have B .celebrate C .enjoy D .give

( )2. Ann hopes ____ to her birthday party this Sunday.

A. us come B.US to come C. our coming D. we will come

( )3. ____ beautiful present! I like it very much.

A. How B. What a C. What D. How a

( )4. We gave her the presents and said ‘Happy birthday’____ her!

A. to B. with C. at D. for

( )5. I saw ____ but a pencil in the pencil - box.

A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

( )6. The teacher can’t find Kate. She ____ be at school.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t

( )7. What are they doing? They are ____ their cat.

A. looking B. looking for C. finding D. finding out

Answers: 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B

Step 5 Homework

1. Retell the text in the past tense.

2. Make up a story based on Ann’s birthday.

3. Make a birthday card.

4. Make a dialogue (On the phone)

Blackboard handwriting

be ready feel happy That’s the doorbell. Happy Birthday Here is / are your present(s). sb’s fourteenth birthday …nothing but … turn … over I don’t know what present it is.


一 、教材分析


二、 学生分析




三、 教学方式与教学手段



2.任务型教学法: 让学生在课堂活动中获得知识。任务完成的过程,就是一个知识转化的过程。随着“任务”的不断深化,整个语言学习的过程会越来越自动化和自主化。















2.初步认识相关词语和习惯表达:add up ,help out ,upset ,calm down ,ignore ,be concerned about ,walk the dog ,cheat ,have got to




I.Guide in

借助多媒体播放歌曲:a forever friend。


II. warming up.

1. If your friend is in danger of being attacked by a bear, what will you do?

2. In the following occasions, what will you do?


III.Dealing with problems in friendship

Everyone needs friends, but being a good friend can sometimes be hard work. Hearing how to solve problems in a friendship can make you a better and happier person.


Discuss the situation below and solve the problems wisely.

Common problems among teenagers


Some of the common problems include forgetting friends’ birthday,not keeping problems,letting out friends’secrets and so on

Situation1:friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about sth difficult.

Situation2:friends don’t know how to apologize。

Situation3:some friends don’t know how to keep secrets





1. Does a friend always have to be a person?

2. When your friend cheated you, what should you do?

3. Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?

4. What qualities do you think? a friend should have?

5. Do you think friendship is more important than any others?

V.A survey and self-reflection

Read the questions and consider which response fits you best.

1. Why am I close friends with this person now?

A. because being friends with him/her helps me feel important

B. because my friends would be upset if I ended the relationship

C. because she/he is someone I really enjoy sharing emotions and special events with

2. Why do I listen to my friends’ problems, or to what my friend has to say?

A. because my friend praises me and makes me feel good

B. because it’s interesting and satisfying to be able to share like that

C. because I nearly value getting to know my friend better

3. Why do I spend time with my friends?

A. because my friend would get mad at me if I didn’t

B. because it’s fun spending time with him/her

C. because think it is what friends are supposed to do

4. Why do I keep promises to my friend?

A. because I believe it is an important personal quality to live up to my promises to a friend

B. because it would threaten our friendship if I were not trustworthy

C. because I would feel bad about myself if I didn’t

scoring sheet







Question 3













The teacher collect students’scores and summarize what are the true values of friendship and lead students’to improve in life to achieve successful friendship.



Write a letter to your best friend to tell him/her why you choose him/her to be your friend.



Have all the learning aims been reached? _________________

Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? ________________

What can be improved? _______________________


1. What impressed me most in the class? ________________

2. what haven’t I understood yet? ________________

3. In what aspect do I need improvement? ________________







5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1



今天我说课的内容是 《join in 剑桥英语》 四年级上册第五单元 Free time 第一课时,本单元主要讲的是课余活动,而本课时主要介绍了活动单词及句型 I can.../I can’t...本课时的重点是能听、说、读 fly a kite, play football, play the guitar,play basketball,stand on my head,ride a horse 单词及词组,本课是本单元的起始课,为后面的学习埋下了伏笔。本课时是功能型的交际训练课,我采 用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、唱、演溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,我把全班学生分成了小组,使学生通过小组合作 学习体验到成功的喜悦,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。


我引导学生采用听、看、说、唱、演等方法来学习本课,通过听、看达 到有所思、有所得。帮助学生掌握学习重点,多表扬、勤鼓励,使不同层次的学生都有学习积极性,在能力上均有所提高。


为了顺利完成以上的各项目标,更好地突出重点、突破难点,按 照学生的认知规律,我采用了讲读、直观演示、交际、愉快教学相结 合的方法。如多媒体电化教学比较形象、直观;在教学过程中启发、引导学生思维,培养不同层次的`学生大胆用英语交际的能力。

根据本课教材的特点,我除了采用常规的教学手段外,还采用现 代教学技术,使学生的多种感官共同参与到整个学习过程中,激发学 生学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。本课最大的特点就是充分运用了计算机 网络信息技术,把多媒体优化组合,动静结合,更能充分的发挥多媒 体深刻的表现力和良好的重现力。

1.导入设计: 在导入环节,我出示了各行各业精英的图片,让孩子们理解superstar的意思,并告诉孩子们只要努力,人人都可以成为明星,这节课要选出这节课的明星,鼓励孩子们赶快行动起来!很好的将孩子们带入了英语课堂。


3.趣味操练 模仿老师做动作:学生跟着我边读词组边做动作,我可能会故意 做错动作,如果学生没有跟着我做错动作,读的词组和动作一致就可 以得分,如果学生跟着我做错动作,就不能得分。 我说学生做和我做学生说:我说词组学生做相应的动作,做对得 分。我做动作学生说相应的词组,说对得分。

4.拓展运用 PPT 里出现了不同场景的图片,学生们可以用所学的功能句 I can…I can’t… 和所有活动的单词词组 draw, swim, dance, play the guitar, fly a kite, stand on my head 等,先小组讨论,再请学生说说在不 同场景中能做的和不能做的活动,也能培养学生的素质

通过本节课,网络信息资源不是一种辅助工具,而将成为基本的知 识载体、教学媒介和评价工具。在英语教学中合理运用网络信息,以 其生动、直观、形象、新颖的特征来优化英语课堂教学,使课堂学习气氛浓厚,学习氛围宽松,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会。


Section A


consequence, jeans, let in, organize, bike, you’ll= you will


1. I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.

2. When is a good time to have the party?

3. I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.

4. I’m going to the school party.


1.If 引导的条件状语从句;


3.句型I think I’ll ride my bike. If you do, you’ll be late.

I think I’m going to stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry.

I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.

If you do, you’ll have a great time.

---Are you going to the party?

---Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

You should wear your cool pants.


1. 学会讨论在某些条件下可能会产生的影响。即If you do, you’ll …等;

2. 注意条件状语从句中主句的从句的时态;

3. 了解参加晚会的一些基本常识;

4. 根据上下文培养理解能力和基本的逻辑思维能力。


I 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Point out the four pictures and ask students to tell what they see..

(教师)3. Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles in the first picture.

(教师)4. Say, Now read the statements and responses in the box. Match the statements with the responses you think make sense.

(教师)5. Answer any questions students may have about vocabulary.

(学生)6. Students match the statements and responses.


(教师)1.Say, You will hear four conversations. Each conversation will give you the matching responses for one of the four sentences..

(教师)2. Play the recording. Say, Check your answers to activity 1a.

(教师)3.Talk about the answers together.


1. d 2.a 3.b 4.c


A: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.

B: If you do, the teachers won’t let you in.

A: I think I’m going to stay at home.

C: If you do, you’ll be sorry.

A: I think I’m going to take the bus to the party.

B: If you do, you’ll be late.

D: I think I’m going to go to the dance with Karen and Ann.

C: If you do, you’ll have a great time.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, You will work with your partner. Make a conversation using the things that are happening in the picture.

(教师)3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

II 放完第二段视频后,

① 请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动


(教师)1.Read the instructions with the students.

(教师)2 Students complete the task.

(教师)3. Check the answers.

(答案)a. 3 b. 1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.5


Andrea: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me organize it?

Mark: Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So when shall we have the party?

Andrea: Let’s have it today after class.

Mark: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.

Andrea: Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.

Mark: Hmm…There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for their tests. Let’s have it on the weekend.

Andrea: Okay, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

Mark: No, I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.

Andrea: Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?

Mark: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?

Andrea: Yes, that’s no problem.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Play the recording again.

(学生)3. Students complete the task.

(教师)4. Check the answers.


Half the class won’t come.

Students will leave early to study for their tests.

Some students will be bored.

Mark is going to organize the party games.

Andrea is going to make some food.


(教师)1.Draw attention to the sample dialogue.

(学生)2. Students complete the task.

(教师)3. Check the answers.

② 全班讨论

Ask students to work in small groups. Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the Grammar Focus as they can. See which group can think of the most sentences. Count how many each group has. Have the groups read their sentences to the class. Write original sentences on the board and discuss the sentences with the class.

III 放完第三段视频后,

请本地教师组织教学,学生小组活动(教师)1. Read the instructions. Point out the notice from the principal. Then point to the dialogue. Say, First read the notice from the principal. It is about a school party. Then fill in the blanks in the dialogue.

(教师)2.Ask different students to read one line each of the dialogue to the class..

(教师)3.Read the dialogue to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

(教师)4. Then say, Now read the notice again and fill in the blanks.

(教师)5. As students work, move around the room offering help where needed.


1. the school party

2. I’m going to

3. The teachers won’t let you in.

3b(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2. Point out the words in the box. Say, You will be using the words in this box and the notice from the principal to make conversations.

(教师)3. Ask two students to read the example in sample dialogue in activity 3b. Say, In your conversations, tell what will happen if the student does what he or she is planning to do. Ask students to give some possible ways to complete the last sentence in the example.

(教师)4. Say, Now have a conversation abut the rules with your partner.

(教师)5. Ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.


(教师)1. Read the instructions.

(教师)2.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue..

(教师)3. Ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events. Pick a topic of current interest in the news.

(教师)4. Ask students to complete the work in pairs.

.(教师)5. Ask a few students to share sample conversations.



1.掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:Canyou come to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation


礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请。Can youcome to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation






任务一:Planning abirthday party.


任务二:Writing aninvitation card.




We are going to have apicnic. Can you come?

When is it going tostart?

I’m sorry. I haveto....






have a rest play there bebe busy practice be free listen to

1. Can they XXXXXXXXXXthe music in the classroom?

2. I’m sorry. TomorrowI’m XXXXXXXXXX soccer and having a math lesson.

3. He has got a badheadache. Let himXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.









1、语音教学 本册课本在上册的基础上进一步学习和运用音标和单词的发音规则,着重抓好学生的预习,自学能力。

2、词汇教学 本册课本所要学习、掌握的单词约400个,另有固定搭配和习惯用语若干条,任务较重。




1,相当好,很好pretty good

2,在20 世纪80年代in the 1980s

3,来自come from

4,以……而闻名,因…而著名be famous for

5,超过,多于more than

6,在…的东/南/西/北部in the east/south/west/northof

7,事实上in fact

8,有一天one day

9,---的一部分part of

10,在海岸边,在海岸线上on the coast

11,故乡home town


13,例如such as

14,在…的东部in the east of

15,记得要去做某事remember to do sth

16,想要-----would like to do

1,它比许多其它建筑物都高。It’s taller than many other buildings.2,我相信终有一天它会跟香港一样繁华。Some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong,I’m sure.3,深圳的人口有多少?What’s the population of Shenzhen?

4,它是一个比香港更新的城市。It’s a newer city than Hong Kong

5,剑桥在英格兰的东部。Cambridge is in the east of England.6,它正变得更大,更繁华。(教材全解P48)It’s getting bigger and busier

7,它的街道也更宽,更干净。(教材全解P48)Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.8,---天气怎么样?What’s the weather like?

9,它夏天从不很热,冬天也不很冷。Ir’s never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.







学习和掌握I’m going to a /an……的句型及其问句what are you going to be when you grow up?会运用该句型进行会话。并能推出除第一人称的用法之外,其他人称都可以用。学习了该句型,学生能用英语进行谈话、讨论,将来干什么职业,并能表达出自己、亲戚及朋友,将来干什么职业。




首先运用句型:what does your father /mother do? my father /mother is a worker /mother is a worker/teacher ……,复习了部分职业名词,为本节课的句型I’m going to be a/an ……埋下伏笔,打下基础,接着通过幻灯机示出本节课的标题:i am going to be a basketball player。并演示两个句型如:what are you going to be when you grow up ? I’m going to be a teacher .what are you going to be you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer。让学生先感知本节课的语言知识。并用幻灯片示出本节课的主要句型,what are you going to be when you grow up? i’m going to be a/an ……然后,出示幻灯图片共15幅,让学生根据图片,运用本课的主要句型,进行两两对话,在练习过程中掌握句型。下一步,让学生互相讨论,进行会话,更一步理解、 掌握和运用该句型。进行了几分钟后,让学生进行会话表演,检查学生掌握得如何,如有问题及时进行纠正,做得好的及时表扬,增强学生的学习积极性。为了使学生进一步熟练运用该句型,再出示幻灯图片,让学生进行会话,学生都做得较好。

进行了口头表达训练之后,通过幻灯片出示练习:第一道题是听力练习,listen and fill in the “who” and “what” columns in the chart 。学生听完两次后,检查纠正答案,提高学生的听写能力。第二道题是:finish the words according to the first letter and the sentences meaning 。学生完成后,逐个学生提问答案,并出示正确的答案,提高学生记忆本节课所学的新单词,第三道题是:ask questions according to the line。同样学生先完成后,逐题提问学生,检查其答案是否对错,并指出其存在的问题,出示正确的答案。

练习完成后,对本节课所学的内容进行小结:本节课学习了what are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a/an ……从会话及练习的检查,大部分同学都掌握得好,都能表达自己将来打算干什么,希望大家回去后调查一下自己的同学或朋友将来打算干什么,并能用英语写出来。及完成补充练习,为我们下一节课学习做准备。







Lesson 13

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the comparative and superlatives of adverbs.

2. the comparative forms of long adjectives.

Language Focus:

fast - faster - the fastest well - better - the best interesting - more interesting get home have to kinds of feed, to give food to

Properties: Tape recorder, overhead projector, flash动画

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise be going to.

Ask individual students to open the door, close the window and do other classroom duties. As they stand up to obey, ask What are you going to do? Then ask the class What is he/she going to do?

Step 2 Presentation

Showing the picture of a farm by the overhead projector.

Ask What is this? What can you see on the farm? What kind of work is there on the farm?

Let the students to talk about the farm.


Step 3 Read and act

Get the students to look at the picture on page 16 and describe it.

Teach the new words about the animals on the farm.

Play the tape for the students to listen and ask How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?

Explain the language points:

have to, the plural form of sheep.

Explain the comparative of long adjectives. Give more examples, “My coat is beautiful. Her coat is more beautiful than mine.”

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat.

Have them work in pairs to practise the dialogue. Then ask some pairs to act it out in front of the class.

Step 4 Presentation

Call three students to the front and say, “Mary works hard. Lisa works harder than Mary. Lucy works harder than Lisa. Lucy works hardest of the three.”

Say another group of sentences and get the students to repeat, “Linda gets up early. Kate gets up earlier than Linda. Green gets up earliest of all.”

Step 5 Read and learn

Showing the students the picture of Part 2. Let them to describe the pictures with the comparative and superlatives of adverbs

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat and check their answer.

Step 6 Exercise

Complete the sentences.

1. 我母亲的工作是照看孩子们。

My ______ ______ is ______ ______ ______ ______.

2. 你在家得做些什么?

What ______ you ______ to ______ at ______?

3. 让我帮助你喂鸡。

______ me ______ you ______ the chickens.

4. 吉姆在他们班上每天早晨到校最迟。

Mike ______ ______ school ______ ______ in their class every morning.


1.mother’s job, to look after children 2.do, have, do, home 3.Let, help, feed 4.gets to, the latest

Step 7 Homework

1. Make a group of sentences to compare things.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 13wait sheephave to tractorfeed the animals slowmore interesting slower



Lesson 14

1. 教学目标;

(1)使学生掌握本课重点词组和单词:agree with, in winter, in summer, hear doing, play with.


Which do you like better, A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best, A, B or C? I like A best.


2.教具:Recorder and pictures.


Step 1 Revision

(1)写出下列单词的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形式:High ,bright, interesting, good, beautiful, delicious, fast.


What kind of sport is it?

Which one is riding faster?

Which one is riding the fastest?

出示图片二:Who is taller? Who is the tallest in the three?

Which one is running faster?

Which one is running the fastest?

Is the second sport man running quickly?

Who is younger? Who is the youngest?

Which sports do you like better, the cycling or the running?


Where do Ji Wei and Jone live?

What kind of animals are on Ji Wei’s farm?

What kind of work does he do then?

Step 2 Leading - in

Show students pictures of farms in China and America. They talk about the pictures first, then talk about the questions given in pre - reading in small groups. Teacher calls one group to do it as a model.

Step 3 Presentation

Part 1 Pre –read

(1)Show students a picture of a crowded city to teach the word “city” and a picture of countryside to teach “the country”. Draw a tractor on the blackboard and teach the word “tractor”. Ask them where people use that. Help them to say “in the country” or “in the field” or “on the farm”. Imitate the sound and teach the word “bleat”. Use a picture to teach “lake” and ask them what people can do in a lake, help them to answer “in summer, we can swim, or go fishing; in winter, We can skate on the ice.”



Part 2 Read

(1)Students read the article silently and answer questions

1. What’s the difference between Ji Wei’s farm and John’s farm?

2. Which play does Ji Wei like better, the city or the country? Why?

3. How about John?

4. Who is Cody? Say sth about Cody.


agree with, hear sb doing sth …


Chinese farm American farm

Small, grow more rice than American Big, grow more corn than Chinese, have more tractors and machines, have more animals

Step 4 Practice


Which do you like better A or B? I like A better than B.

Which do you like best A,B,or C ? I like A best 。



(2)Write the topic “The city or the country” on the blackboard for the students to discuss in pairs. (They may read the dialogue in the book as a model) Encourage students to use dictionaries to help them add new reasons. Point out “lots of” means “ a lot of, many.”


Step 5 Exercise

1. Fill in the blanks.

I have a good friend who lives ① the farm.

He has many ② there, dogs, pigs, cows, etc. He uses a ③ to do the farm work , because it works faster and better. He don’t have to ④ the animals because they can find food themselves. He thinks the country is ⑤ (beautiful) than the city. He can hear the birds ⑥ and sheep ⑦ . And he often play ⑧ his dogs.

2. Compare the two farms, and two boys.

Ji Wei’s parents grow ① and ② , John’s parents grow ③ and ④ . Ji Wei likes to sit and looks at the ⑤ and ⑥ . John likes to sit and listens to ⑦ . John’s farm has a ⑧ where he often goes ⑨ in summer and ⑩ in winter.

Answers: 1. ①on ② animals ③ tractor ④feed ⑤ more beautiful ⑥) singing ⑦ bleating ⑧ with

2. ① rice ② wheat ③ corn ④ wheat ⑤blue sky ⑥ the green hills ⑦ the animals ⑧ lake ⑨ fishing ⑩skating

Step 6 Homework



(3)To write out the article “The city or the country.”

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 14Li Wei’s farm John’s farm

use a tractor Use animals

like to sit and look at… Go fishing…



Lesson 15

Teaching Objectives:


Language FOCUS:

help sb with sth like doing sth.

Eating too much is bad for you

Properties: Overhead projector, recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. To talk about the country life.

2. Revise the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives like interesting, beautiful, etc.

Step 2 Compare

Showing the students the pictures to compare. Saying:

The car goes faster than the bike.

The train goes faster than the car.

The plane goes faster than the train.

So the plane goes fastest of all.

Ask Who works carefully in class? Help the students to answer Jim works carefully. Ask Who works more carefully than Jim? Help the students to answer Kate works more carefully than Jim. Ask Who works the most careful of all? Help the students answer Lucy works the most carefully of all.

Write the model on the blackboard

The car runs faster than the bike.

The train runs faster than the car.

The plane runs the fastest of all

Get some pairs to present their sentences.

Step 3 Practise

Students talk about the farm work they can do, write the jobs on the board “feed the animal, pick corn (wheat, etc), grow corn (wheat, etc)” Then they talk about who can do the most work, use the dialogue in the book as a model.

Give more phrases for them to use “have books” “get home early” “eat much” “run fast” “have a good time”, etc.

Step 4 Read and complete

Students do the exercise themselves and then check the answers

(The answers: older, exciting, beautiful, quickly, better, faster, longer, interesting)

Then explain some words and phrases, point out the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs ending with “ly” are “more + adverbs” and “most + adverbs”.

Step 5 Exercise in class

Complete the sentences

1. 公共汽车和轿车,哪个开得快?轿车。

Which goes__________ ______, the car or the bus? The car_______.

2. 所有人当中,我摘的玉米最多。

I can pick ________ ________ corns of ______.

3. 她喜欢住在乡下。

She likes ______ ______ the country.

4. 迈克经常读书到深夜。

Mike often reads ______ ______ ______ ______.

5. 我认为住在城市比城镇有趣得多。

I think ______ in the city is ______ ______ ______ than in the town.

6. 她经常帮她阿姨干农活。

She often ______ her aunt ______ the farm work.

Answers: 1.more quickly, does 2.the most, all 3.living in 4.until late at night 5.living, much more interesting 6.helps, with/do

Step 6 Homework

1. Preview new lessons.

2. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 15 more the quickest the earliest The car runs faster than the bike. The train runs faster than the car. The plane runs the fastest of all



Lesson 16

Teaching Objectives:


掌握元音/u: / /u//uE/的发音。

Language FOCUS:

/u: / u, oo /u/ u, oo, oul /uE/ ure, ua,

What are you going to do after you leave school?

Properties: Tape recorder, pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Revise the comparison of adverbs.

My mother usually gets up earlier than my father.

My father gets up earlier than I.

So my mother gets up the earliest of all.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for students to listen and repeat, then ask students to practise the pronunciations of these words.

Use flashcards to give more words. Get them to practise the words.

Step 3 Rhyme

Play the tape for students to repeat and recite.

Read the chant together as a class.

Then divide the class into two groups to practise the chant.

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen. First make sure the students understand the meaning of the passage.

Then play the tape again and answer the questions.

Step 5 Word puzzle

First explain the word haystack means a large pile of hay firmly packed for storing.

Then students find out the words in pairs.

Step 6 Reading

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask What is John going to do after he leaves school?

Students read the text silently and ask them for the main idea of the passage.

Play the tape again and answer the following questions.

1. Where are Ji Wei and John now?

2. What are they talking about?

3. Where did they do just now?

4. What is John going to do after school? After college?

5. What does he want to learn at college?

6. Who is following them?

Explain some difficult point “college, school for higher education”, “each, every” nobody, not anybody, not anyone .

Step 7 Writing

Showing the students the picture of Aunt Peggy’s farm. Get them to look at the picture carefully. First have them talk about the picture. Then have them write one paragraph about the picture individually.

Step 8 Checkpoint

Revise the adjectival and adverbial comparatives and superlatives.

Read the useful expressions.

Step 9 Exercise in class

Complete the words, using the proper words.

Different people have different ideas.

O______ people like life in the country, but y______ people don’t. They think life in the country isn't i ______. They like to go to the c______, have dinner in the r______ and s______ and dance with their friends.

My uncle and my a______ aren't f ______, but they live in the country. They grow f______ and vegetables for f ______. Every morning they will walk r ______ the fields. They can hear b ______ singing and sheep bleating. They often say, “Life in the country is much b______ now.”

Answers: Old, young, interesting, cinema, restaurant, sing, aunt, farmers, fun, round, birds, better.

Step 10 Homework

1. To write out the description of the picture.

2. Write one passage about the city or the farm you live.

3. Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 16 What is John going to do after he leaves school?(Go to college.)


一、 Analysis of the text教材分析

1、 Teaching教学内容:Talk about personal traits and how to compare people谈论人物的个性特征及如何对比人物

2、Statue of the Text教材的地位和作用


3、Teaching goals教学目标:

1)Language goal知识目标让学生掌握本课的词汇运用。

2)Ability goal能力目标让学生学会用英语与他人谈论人的个性特征和使用形容词进行比较的话题,以及进一步提高学生的英语语言表达能力;

3)Emotional goal情感目标激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互联系。让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。而且通过学习比较级使学生懂得在学习和生活中应相互理解、相互帮助、相互学习。

4、 Important points重点:掌握形容词比较级的变化规则及句型

5、Difficult points难点:使用比较级自如表达

二、Teaching Methods教学方法:




三、Learning Methods学法:


四、Teaching Steps教学程序:

Activity I活动一:Leading in激趣导入


Activity II活动二:Warming up单词热身练习


Activity III活动三:Comparing句子热身练习


Activity IV活动四:A guessing game“猜谜”游戏

——Who is he/she?他/她是谁?


Activity V活动五:Competition小组竞赛


Activity VI活动六:Acting知识的拓展


此项活动后的小结也是本课的总结:“From this story we know,when we are better than others.Don’t laugh at others.When someone is better than you,don’t be frustrated.No one is perfect。 We should learn from each other and help each other.”这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当你比别人强的时候,不要嘲笑别人;当你在某些方面不如别人时,不要自卑。没有人是完美的。在生活和学习中,我们应该相互帮助、相互学习。

Activity VII活动七:Exercises巩固训练





探究性作业:写作文一篇,标题是“My Friend and I”。


六、Blackboard Design板书设计:

They are twins.

They are both lovely.

Xiaoya is calmer than Li Wen.

Li Wen is more outgoing than Xiaoya

A is形容词比较级than B


1、比较的对象不一致。如:My hair is longer than you.



Lesson 37

Teaching Objectives:

掌握there be结构的过去时态的运用;


Properties: Tape recorder. Overhead projector, posters of bands

Language FOCUS: give a concert journalist band the Beatles Sweden-Swedish

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

Revise the past tense forms of the verbs.

move –moved do –did get –got find –found is –was are -were

Step 2 Leading - in

课前教师可准备The Beatles的歌曲:yesterday。先播放这首歌曲,然后告诉学生这首歌曲是The Beatles乐队的演唱的。接着让学生说说他们对这个乐队的了解。教师课前要对这个乐队的背景知识进行了解,在上课时要介绍他们的一些知识。

Step 3 Listen, read and act

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask Why do they call the band “yesterday”?

Teach the words tonight and concert.

Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Ask them to finish the chart, making sure the Ss understand the dialogue.

Explain the words and phrases;

Sweden→Swedish give a concert journalist the Beatles

Have the students read the dialogue to each other and act it out.

Retell sth. about the Swedish rock band according to the dialogue.

Step 4 Practise

Make up a similar interview.

eg. interview “the Beatles” or one’s favourite band.

Step 5 Ask and answer

Have the students work in pairs-one is the journalist and the other is Erik. Then switch roles and read the dialogue again.

Choose several pairs to say their dialogue for the class

Step 6 Exercises in class

Complete the dialogue according to Lesson 37.

A: Hello! I am a ______ from the CCTV.

B: Hello! I’m Erik, a ______ in the Swedish ______ band.

A: Is this your first visit ______ China?

B: No, we ______ here last year.

A: ______ were you only three singers in your band?

B: Became one of ______ left the band last month.

A: Why do you ______ your band ‘Yesterday’?

B: Because we like old ______.

A: You come from ______. Why do you sing ______ English?

B: Most Swedish people can ______ English. People in many countries can ______ English songs.

A: When are you going to give a ______?

B: We are going to make it ______.

A: This evening? That s great! Can you sing some songs in ______?

B: Sorry, but I want to learn Chinese. Next time I may sing a Chinese song _______ you.

A: OK. Good ______ this evening!

B: Thank you! Bye!

Answers: journalist singer rock to were Why us call music Sweden in speak understand concert tonight Chinese for luck.

Step 7 Homework

Writing: my Favourite Band/Singer

Introduction of the band + why do you like it.

Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 37the Swedish rock band your first visit to…visit China leave the bandgive a concert a band called The Beatles’


由学生感兴趣的The Beatles的歌曲yesterday引入本课两部分要谈论的话题,先入为主的方法使学生对本课的内容一开始就产生了兴趣。

Lesson 38


(1)掌握重点单词和词组:at the end of ,gave a concert , more than





Step 1 Revision.

(1)Dictation:要求学生写出下列单词的过去式:give, enjoy, jump, fall, break, sing, learn,


主语+动词过去式 主语+动词原形(当主语为第三人称单数动词词尾加s)

(3)Ask the Ss to say something about the Swedish band “Yesterday” they knew about from the last lesson, so as to lead to today’s topic.

Step2 Leading - in

课前教师布置学生从网站、杂志、电视等媒体中搜集有关The Beatles的知识,他们演唱的歌曲,联系上一课所学的知识,加深对这个乐队的了解。

T: Last time, we know a Swedish band “Yesterday” is visiting China and is going to give a concert in Kunming. In today’s lesson, let’s go to their concert and find out what happened.

Discuss the following question in small group.

A.Do you like music?

B.Which band does you like best?

C.Why do you like it?

Step3 Presentation

1. Look at the picture and describe what the concert is like. Do you think it’s a successful concert?

2. Have you ever been to a concert? Can you describe one that gave you very deep impression?

3. Answer the questions according to what one heard.

When and where did the Swedish rock band give their concert?

How many people were at the concert?

Why were there so many people?

Were there many old people there? Why not?

How many singers were there at the start of the concert?

What happened in the middle of the concert?

Did the concert go on after Max left?

What did Erik do at the end of the concert?

How did he learn the Chinese song?

Did Elsa sing a song in Chinese?

4. Open the books and ask the Ss to go over the passage slowly by themselves after understanding the general idea of the passage.

5. Explain

(1) more than less than

eg. There’re more than 100 teachers in our school.

(2) fall (fell) down

eg. Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.

(3) go on = continue

eg. Go on trying and you II succeed.

Let’s go on to discuss the next project.

I’m sorry to interrupt you. Please go on with your speech.

(4) at the end of at the start/beginning of

eg. At the start of the new term, I made many plans, but I found few were done at the end at the term.

6. 最后教师让学生根据课文填写此表

7. Retell the passage.

Step 4 Exercises in class

___1___the night of April 21, the___2___rock band “Yesterday”___3___a concert in Kunming. More than 5000 people were at the concert and___4___of them were young people.

___5___the concert an accident happened. The Max___6___and___7___his leg. He was taken to hospital. The other two singers___8___the concert. Eriks even___9___a Chinese song, because he likes___10___Chinese songs.

1. A. on B. at C. in

2. A. Sweden B. Swedish C. Swiss

3. A. gives B. given C. gave

4. A. many B. plenty C. most

5. A. At B. At the end of C. In the middle of

6. A. fell down B. fell off C. fell over

7. A. broken B. broke C. breaks

8. A. went on B. went on to C. went on with

9. A. sang B. sings C. song

10.A. listen B. listening to C. hearing




There are ________ ________ five thousand students in our school.


One of the _______ ______ a ________ ________ in the ________ _______ the concert.


He asked the child _________ _________ jump _________ ________ ________.


I’m very _______, but my brother is very ________.


He ______ ______ from the bike and ______ his leg yesterday.


I’m ______ ______ ______ English and I want to learn it ______.

Answers: 1. more than 2. singers had, little accident, middle of 3. not to, up and down 4. careful, careless 5. fell down, broke 6. trying to learn, well

Step5 Summary



1. Retell the passage

2.Wb. Exercise


The design of the blackboard



Lesson 39

Teaching Objectives:


Properties: Maps, Pictures of Xinjiang and Tibet

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Talk about the Beatles.

Step 2 Leading - in

Have you ever been to Tibet or Xinjiang? Showing pictures of the two places and ask the Ss to say sth. from their own knowledge. Tell Ss Erik has been there.

Step 3 Practice

1. Ask the Ss to do the match exercise by themselves.

2. Check the answer

3.Teach the words part, tourist. Explain the phrases go back and in a hurry.

3. Have the students practise the dialogue together.

4. Act out the interview.要求学生分别扮演Li Weiyin 和Erik,表现Li Weiyin采访Erik的真实情景。

Step 4 Ask and answer

Have the students pretend one is a journalist and the other is either Erik OR Elsa in pairs. Practise the dialogue.

Interview Erik and Elsa. Ask one group of Ss to be interviewers and prepare interview possible questions. The other Ss are Erik and Elsa. They should be ready for being interviewed.

Choose several pairs to act out the interview.

Step 5 Exercises in class



Did you _______ Beijing?


I like Xingjiang’s _________ and ________.


There are ________ _________ _________ _________ in Tulufan.


Did you visit _______ _______ _______ of China before you _______ to Beijing?


He ________ _________ _________ yesterday, so he went to school ________ _______ ______.

Answers: 1. visit 2. music, dancing 3. lots of delicious grapes 4. any other place, came 5. got up late, in a hurry

Step 6 Homework

1. Writing; Interview Erik and Elsa

2.Finish off the workbook exercises.

The design of the blackboard

Lesson 40

Teaching Objectives:

掌握本课的重点短语:get married



Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Objectives:

Step 1 Revision

Ask the Ss to say out the interview between a journalist and Erik and Elsa.

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Ask the Ss to summarize the pronunciation rules of the sounds /s/ /z/ /sp - / /st-/ /sk-/ /sw- / /sm - / give some example words.

Read the words in the book and check their voices to see if they are correct

Then show flashcards with more words and get the students to pronounce the words.

Do Wb Lesson 40, Ex. 1. Have the students practise pronouncing the words.

Step 3 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask What is Max’s problem?

Play the tape two more times and have the students circle the place where Max’s passport is.

Step 4 Reading

Ask the Ss to read the passage by themselves, bearing the following questions in mind.

What band did Elsa’s mother and father like a lot?

What is her father good at? And what isn’t he good at?

Play the tape for the students to listen.

Get the students to guess the meaning of science. Teach subjects by saying, Englsih, maths and science are all subjects in school.

Have the students tell you What other subjects do you have?

Have the students read the passage. Say what happened in each year







Explain the usage of “marry”.

marry, vi. eg. Harry didn’t marry until 50.

marry. vt. ~ sb. eg. John is going to marry Jane.

be/get married eg. They’ve got married for 4 years.

Step 5 Writing

A Family Member

First let the students to talk about a member of his family.

When and where was he born?

What did he do?

What did he like?


Step 6 Rhyme. Friendship

Have the students read over the rhyme and practise it.


Step 7 Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Elsa’s father was born is ______, the capital of Sweden. When he was at school, he was bad at ____ and ______. His _____ sport was football. In 1967, he ______ Elsa's mother. He liked ‘The Beatles’ ______.

Answers: Stockholm maths science favourite manned best

Step 8 Homework

1.Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Writing: A Family Member

The design of the blackboard






(1)掌握Why don’t you get her a scarf ? That’s too boring .这种句型,并认识新单词。














2学生已经学习了camera、hat,flowers 等物品的词。

3学生对 great,interesting,boring 这些评论性的词非常熟悉。










2 本课教材,课件。


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备

Step1: Greeting Hello , cliass! How are you! Are you happy ... Greeting. 拉近教师和学生的距离。

Step2rensentation 1.教师放映幻灯片,设置妈妈的生日快到了,应该送什么礼物的情景引入新课。

2教师提问:Now, which do you want if it’s a gift for you? 学生畅所欲言: scarf/CD/bike/photo al

学生们自由发言,各抒己见bum/… 设置情景激趣引入新课。


Step3earning new words



学生们读(1a)的内容,将描述性形容词与物品一一对应,完成(1a)内容。 学习掌握新单词

Step4:Speaking practice图片展示情景引入句型及对话,展开课堂问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动。同时引导学生们使用所学句型谈论自己关于礼物的.喜好,可采取师生互动带动生生互动的方式。 学生练习句子并作角色扮演 帮助学生熟练的掌握重点句型


practice 1.播放(1b)(部分的录音,引导学生完成(1b)的教学内容。

2.播放(2a)部分的录音,引导学生完成教学听力任务。 学生听录音,完成(1b)(2a)的教学任务。 训练学生的听力。

Step6:Homework 让学生编写一段对话,讨论爸爸的生日时该买什么礼物。 完成作业。 复习巩固所学。



A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半)




milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different maybe, although,


junk food, as for, on weekends, no students, try to do, look after, kind of


1.But my mother wants me to drink it.

2.She says it’s good for my health

3.I try to eat a lot of vegetables.

4.Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?









区分How many /how much, health/healthy, different/difference


Step1. Free talk

同桌练习How often do you ……?及其回答

Step 2.1.Talk about the pictures. Practice the key words.完成1a

2. Pairwork Ask the Ss to show their works and perform it.

Step 3.Listening 完成2a,2b Check the answers

Step 4.合作探究

课文解析. 3a 3b

1.Warm up and Lead in: Say something about your eating habits

Talk about their eating habits.

2. Play the recorder. Listen and read 3a

3. Answer the questions .Try to answer these questions

4. Ask the Ss to sum up the language points Sum up the language points Textbook

5. Read and finish 3b Complete the article


1.pretty:adj. 漂亮的,美丽的 adv.很,相当

2. when:conj. 当…的时候. 引导时间状语从句

3. eating habits饮食习惯

4. try to do sth.尽力做/努力做…. Try doing sth.试图做….

5. look after 照顾=take care of ,关注,注重

6. get good grades:得到好的成绩

7. help sb. (to) do sth.

8. the same as和…相同

9. different (adj.)- (n.)difference good –better-best

10. although虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,与though同义,但不能与but 同

时出现在一个复合句中,可与still, yet同用。

11. maybe:或许,大概,常放在句首

Step 5. 梳理归纳 Section B 词组归纳:

1) be good for 对什么有益 2) be bad for对什么有害

3) want to do sth 想做某事 4) want sb to do sth想某人做某事

4) 5)try to do sth 尽量做某事

6) come home from school放学回家

7) of course = certainly = sure当然

8)get good grades取得好成绩

9) some advice

10)hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不

11) keep/be in good health保持健康

12)pretty healthy 相当健康

13) my eating habits 我的饮食习惯

14)drink milk 喝牛奶

15)so you see 正如你所看到的

16)look after 照顾

17)my healthy lifestyle 我的健康饮食习惯

18)help sb.do sth 帮助某人做某事

19)the same as 和….一样

20)be different from 与….不同

Step 6.达标检测 根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。

1. 做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。

Doing eye exercises _______ _______ _______ your eyes.

2. 我们尽量准时到达那里。

We _______ _______ get there on time.

3. 散步有助于保持健康。

Walking helps to keep ______ _______ ________.

4. —你多长时间看一次电影? —我一个星期看两次。

— ______ _______ do you watch TV?

— I watch TV twice a week.

5. 每天运动对我们的健康有好处。

It’s good for our health ______ _______ every day.

Step7. 完成综训section B

Step8. 课后反思






掌握本节课的重点单词:news, educational, plan, hope


find out, talk show,plan to do sth ,go on, around the world


--What do you think of ......?

--I love/don’t mind/can’t stand......








美国电视剧,比较常见的有以下几种:soap opera(肥皂剧), sitcom(情景喜剧), drama(电视剧)。 其中soap opera 有点像是连续剧(serial), 通常各集之间的故事都有关联,而且很会拖戏, 有时候几个星期不看,剧情居然还能接得上!有点居然可以演20年。至于为何叫soap opera, 则是因为当初赞助此节目的是一家肥皂(soap)公司, 故名称一直沿用至今。

sitcom则是所谓的情景喜剧(situation comedy), 顾名思义, 每一集的情景喜剧通常会有一个独立的情景(situation), 而喜剧(comedy)就是要搞笑。另外有一类和sitcom类似, 也是每一集都有独立的故事, 但内容并非以搞笑为主, 这类的节目叫drama.


1.访谈节目xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.介意做...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3.忍受做...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4.计划做...xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

5.制定一个计划 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6.希望做...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7.发现,查明 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8.全世界 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

III. 两人一组,运用所学句型,编写一个新对话

A: Do you like watch TV ? B: Yes, I do / No, I don’t

A: What do you want to watch ? B:I want to watch . . .


Before listening

1. 检查预习II的情况,并大声朗读II的短语。

2. Group work: 小组内交流课前准备III的内容。并两人一组演练。

3. 观察1a中的图画,弄清1a中词语的意义,然后和图片匹配。

4. 做1a,核对答案。然后大声朗读短语。

5. Pair work ---What do you think of talk shows / sitcoms / news...?

---I don’t mind / love / can’t stand them.

While listening

(1) 听1b中的录音, 写出你所听到的顺序。

(2) 再听一遍1b的录音,检测你的1b答案是否正确.

(3) 根据1c的内容,两人一组练习对话。

A: What do you want to watch?

B: What do you think of......?

A: I don’t mind /don’t like/can’t stand/ like them.

B: Then let’s watch a ......


1) 询问别人观点的句型:

What do you think of . . .? = How do you like......?

What does he/she think of . . .? = How does he/she like......?

2) 表达自己的观点:

I love/like/ don’t mind/ don’t like/can’t stand......

I agree with you. / I don’t agree with you.



(6)模仿秀。跟读, 然后大声朗读听力材料,以练习发音和语音语调。

(7)仿说句子 Eg: sitcoms have fun game shows boring talk shows learn a lotAfter listening.

1. 调查。四人一组调查其他组员对2a中电视节目的看法和原因。

--Do you plan to watch.......tonight?

--Yes. I love / like watching...... I watch them every night.

No, I don’t like........ / I can’t stand.......



2. 两人一组表演对话.


I. 演练平台:补全对话, 每空一词。

A: Do you 1.xxxxxxx to watch TV? B: 2.xxxxxxxxxx, I do.

A: What do you 3.xxxxxxxxxx of soap 4.xxxxxxxxx? B: Oh, I love them.

A: Me, too. And how 5.xxxxxx talk shows? B: They’re 6xxxxxxxx! I like them.

A: And game shows? B: Oh, I can’t 7.xxxxxxxxxthem. They’re too boring.


1.What do you think of Animal World? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2.What does your mother think of Chinese Cooking? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3.What does your father think of Man and Nature? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

4.What do you think of Sports World? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

5.What TV shows do you like best? Why? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



1) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2. 表述自己的观点的句子有哪些?

1) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


1. 背诵1b的对话。




一、 Analysis of the text教材分析

1、 Teaching教学内容:Talk about personal traits and how to compare people谈论人物的个性特征及如何对比人物

2、Statue of the Text教材的地位和作用


3、Teaching goals教学目标:

1)Language goal知识目标让学生掌握本课的词汇运用。

2)Ability goal能力目标让学生学会用英语与他人谈论人的个性特征和使用形容词进行比较的话题,以及进一步提高学生的英语语言表达能力;

3)Emotional goal情感目标激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互联系。让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。而且通过学习比较级使学生懂得在学习和生活中应相互理解、相互帮助、相互学习。

4、 Important points重点:掌握形容词比较级的变化规则及句型

5、Difficult points难点:使用比较级自如表达

二、Teaching Methods教学方法:




三、Learning Methods学法:


四、Teaching Steps教学程序:

Activity I活动一:Leading in激趣导入


Activity II活动二:Warming up单词热身练习


Activity III活动三:Comparing句子热身练习


Activity IV活动四:A guessing game“猜谜”游戏

——Who is he/she?他/她是谁?


Activity V活动五:Competition小组竞赛


Activity VI活动六:Acting知识的拓展


此项活动后的小结也是本课的总结:“From this story we know,when we are better than others.Don’t laugh at others.When someone is better than you,don’t be frustrated.No one is perfect。 We should learn from each other and help each other.”这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当你比别人强的时候,不要嘲笑别人;当你在某些方面不如别人时,不要自卑。没有人是完美的。在生活和学习中,我们应该相互帮助、相互学习。

Activity VII活动七:Exercises巩固训练





探究性作业:写作文一篇,标题是“My Friend and I”。


六、Blackboard Design板书设计:

They are twins.

They are both lovely.

Xiaoya is calmer than Li Wen.

Li Wen is more outgoing than Xiaoya

A is形容词比较级than B


1、比较的对象不一致。如:My hair is longer than you.







(1)掌握Why don’t you get her a scarf ? That’s too boring .这种句型,并认识新单词。














2学生已经学习了camera、hat,flowers 等物品的词。

3学生对 great,interesting,boring 这些评论性的词非常熟悉。










2 本课教材,课件。


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图及资源准备

Step1: Greeting Hello , cliass! How are you! Are you happy ... Greeting. 拉近教师和学生的距离。

Step2rensentation 1.教师放映幻灯片,设置妈妈的生日快到了,应该送什么礼物的情景引入新课。

2教师提问:Now, which do you want if it’s a gift for you? 学生畅所欲言: scarf/CD/bike/photo al

学生们自由发言,各抒己见bum/… 设置情景激趣引入新课。


Step3earning new words



学生们读(1a)的内容,将描述性形容词与物品一一对应,完成(1a)内容。 学习掌握新单词

Step4:Speaking practice图片展示情景引入句型及对话,展开课堂问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动。同时引导学生们使用所学句型谈论自己关于礼物的.喜好,可采取师生互动带动生生互动的方式。 学生练习句子并作角色扮演 帮助学生熟练的掌握重点句型


practice 1.播放(1b)(部分的录音,引导学生完成(1b)的教学内容。

2.播放(2a)部分的录音,引导学生完成教学听力任务。 学生听录音,完成(1b)(2a)的教学任务。 训练学生的听力。

Step6:Homework 让学生编写一段对话,讨论爸爸的生日时该买什么礼物。 完成作业。 复习巩固所学。












重点: 继承学习词汇和习惯用语,语法知识点:频率副词、询问情况、方式状语、提出邀请、形容词比较级、最高级等。 重难点:


2、Wh-引导的特殊疑问句,表示频率的副词,情态动词should/shouldnt的用法,When 引导的状语从句,被动语态。









better ['bet?(r)] adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地

loudly ['la?dli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地

quietly ['kwa??tli] adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地

hard-working [hɑ?d'w??k??] adj.勤勉的;努力工作的

competition [?k?mp?'t??n] n.竞争;比赛

fantastic [f?n't?st?k] adj.极好的;了不起的

talented ['t?l?nt?d] adj.有才能的;有天赋的

serious ['s??ri?s] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的

necessary ['nes?s?ri] adj.必要的;必然的

reach [ri?t?] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸;(伸手)去够

laugh [lɑ?f] v.发笑;笑;嘲笑 n.笑声;笑;笑料

information [??nf?'me??n] n.信息;情报;资料;通知



仁爱英语八年级上册课件 篇1

【Unit6 Enjoying Cycling】

Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip

Section A说课稿


1. 教材分析

仁爱版初中英语教材共六册,每册由四个模块组成,每个模块由单元----话题----功能---任务构成,编写思路清晰,符合学生的认识发展规律.八年级英语下册第六单元Topic1 Section A讲述了让学生学习如何用英语谈论旅游,并收集旅游信息。它由3部分组成,用1课时完成。通过学习Section A,学生可以更多的了解旅游知识并提高实际能力;动词不定式是本节课的重点语法项目。



要求学生牢记Section A所有新学的四会单词.短语和重点句型;掌握不定式“to do”的用法。







(2).重点和难点:不定式“to do”的用法。




3. 学生平时较少用英语与他人交谈并表达信息.。






(1).请两位学生用上节课重点句型号,分别复述Unit 5 Topic3 Section D 1a

(2).教师与学生之间进行问答对话,让学生谈论关于他们最喜爱的旅游方式。 设计意图:巩固上节课学过的知识,为学习新课铺垫。



的新单词,如:field ,trip ,cycle ,vehicle ,airline等。


仁爱英语八年级上册课件 篇2





二、教学目标: (Teaching aims)

1、Knowledge Objects

a. Key vocabulary ____ bank, market, supermarket, pool, swimming pool,

square, structures, left, right, opposite, chairman,

between, turn, corner, along

b. Key structures ____ How do I get to…?

Can you tell me the way to….?

Go straight ahead.

Go along…../Go across….

Turn left into….

It’s opposite…/on the corner of…/


2.Ability Objects

To understand the conversation of giving directions

To understand the sentences telling positions

To learn how to give directions

3.Moral Objects

Students can help the others.


四、教材分析: 本单元是在通过日常的问候和交谈后,自然引出在

仁爱英语八年级上册课件 篇3

1 . 青草芦苇和红的白的紫的野花,被高悬在天空的一轮火热的太阳蒸晒着,空气里充满了甜醉的气息。

2 . 人生是美好的,因为我们可以从中悟出很多道理。我的人生,我自己走,我的命运,我自己掌握,我一定会通过自己让我的人生更加精彩,更加美好!

3 . 寒冷的冬天过去了,温暖的春风吹遍了每一个角落,春天装着满袋的音乐种子来到人间。她把种子撒向林间,林间飞着百灵鸟动听的欢歌;她把种子撒向溪流,溪流荡着青蛙呱呱的鸣唱;她把种子撒向草地,草地飘着蟋蟀轻盈的歌唱。

4 . Theypaidfamousartiststopaintpicturesofthemselves,theirhousesandotherpossessions,aswellastheiractivitiesandachievements

5 . 人们的注意力更多地集中在人类本身,而对宗教的注意力减少了

6 . convincesbofsth使某人确信/明白某事

7 . consideritadj/n+todosth

8 . 春天的阳光格外明媚,春姑娘展开了笑脸,太阳,红红的光束射过来,那温柔地抚摸你,像年轻的母亲的手。

9 . 在这个世界上,无论别人怎么看你,其实并不重要。因为好多时候,你没有必要看别人的脸色生活,那样做只会让你徒增压力。

10 . 人们憎恨那种在共同劳动中不肯出力的行为,却不一定为自己谋私利。

仁爱英语八年级上册课件 篇4


go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains去爬山go to the beach去海滩 stay at home待在家里 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp去参观夏令营quite a few相当多 study for为……而学习 go out出去 most of the time大部分时间

taste good尝起来很好吃 have a good time玩得高兴 of course当然 feel like给……的感觉;感受到go shopping去购物 in the past在过去 walk around四处走走 because of因为one bowl of… 一碗…… the next day第二天 drink tea喝茶 find out找出;查明 go on继续take photos照相 something important重要的事 up and down上上下下 come up出来


buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 taste + adj. 尝起来…… look+adj. 看起来……

nothing…but+动词原形 除了……之外什么都没有 seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来……

arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点 到达某地 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事

try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力去做某事 decide to do sth.决定去做某事

forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记做某事

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事 start doing sth.开始做某事

stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 keep doing sth.继续做某事

Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢? so+adj.+that+从句 如此……以至于……
