

发布时间: 2023.05.03




1、only beauty and lack of self-cultivation is not worthy of praise。只有美貌而缺乏修养的人是不值得赞美的。

2、Exercise, temperance;fresh air,and needful rest are the best of all physicians.运动、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。

3、"Love may fade with the season, but some friendships are year round.爱情也许会随着季节的变迁而褪去,但友谊会为你全年守侯。 ——柯志勇"

4、"In a relationship, you need somebody who’s going to call you out, not somebody whos going to let everything slide. You need somebody who" doesnt want to liv e wi thout you ", but" ca n. No "t somebody that is dependent, but somebody who is stronger with you. A relationship is two people, not one."

5、give re than u planned t.

6、choice is to save time。选择机会,就是节省时间。

7、“live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” (henry david thoreau) 好好地渡过每一个时节,吸气新鲜的空气,喝该喝的,尝该尝的,畅快享用这一切。

8、life is like a road。 the closest shortcut is usually the worst。人生如同道路。最近的捷径通常是最坏的路。

9、The most difficult to stand alone is the lack of true friendship。最难忍受的孤独莫过于缺少真正的友谊。

10、The real quick, not just to do things quickly, but to do a successful and effective people。真正迅速的人,并非事情仅仅做得快,而是做得成功而有效的人。


12、success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. (winston churchill) 取得成功就是你即使跨過一個又一個失败,但也没有丧失熱情。共4页,现阶段第1页1234

13、"Take long walks in stormy weather or through deep snows in the fields and woods, if you would keep your spirits up. Deal with brute nature" . Be col d and hu ngry and weary. — —He nry Davi d Thoreau

14、we should do something when people say it is ‘crazy’. if people say something is ‘good’, it means someone else is already doing it. (hajime mitari ) 大家理应做些大家称作“玩命”的事儿。假如啥事大家说“好”,那么就代表着他人早已在干了。

15、"Love does not always have to be this mountain top experience, but it does need to be as constant as a mountain; never moving, always stead" y and wi lling to sta y. — —T·B· LaBe rge 《Go Now》

16、god, it's hard to be smart in love。就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。

17、"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. ——Neil" Gaiman

18、never lie, cheat r steal. alwas sile a fair deal.

19、Success covers a multitude of blunders. 成功能掩盖大量失误。

20、here\s the rule for bargains do other men, for they would do you. that\s the true precept. (charles dickens. british novelist)这里有一条买卖规律:“蒙骗别人,由于它们也蒙骗你。”这也是真正意义上的经营之道。(英国文学家 狄更斯 c)


21、You can't have everything in this life. 万事如意古来难。

22、There was something in my bones that told me to love you. ——jenn satsune

23、Dont look back on happiness or dream of it in the future. You are only sure of today. 别总留恋曾经的幸福,别总奢求未来的快乐。你唯一能把握的,只有现在 。

24、eep tring n atter hw hard it sees. it will get easier.

25、"You can ask the universe for all the signs you want, but ultimately, we see what we want to see when were ready to see it."

26、Why dont you do your thing? Were gonna do ours. 干你的事儿去,井水不犯河水。

27、If the person that the world had ever appeared,then others will be will ! But I just do not want will!

28、每个人都有不确定性的动能,仅仅非常容易:被习惯性所遮盖,被時间所飘忽不定,被可塑性所消遣。 everyone has his inherent abilities eg. power or capacity which can easily be concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.

29、Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.行动是知识之佳果。 72.Finished labours are pleasant.完成工作是一乐。

30、Let one’s thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world--above, below and across--without any hatred, without any enmity.

31、literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art. (wiliam rplph lnge, birtish writer and churchman)当文学类一半变成貿易,一半变成造型艺术时,那就是它最兴盛的时期。(英国作家和法师 英奇. w.r.)


33、"Before, I wanted to say: “I found love!” But now, I want to say: “I found a person. And he belongs to me and I belong to him.” ——C·" JoyBell C·

34、The discussion is like stone, thought like blade, two will make thought more sharp temper。讨论犹如砺石,思想好比锋刃,两相砥砺将使思想更加锋利。

35、sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is but also the world as it will be. (isaac asimov) 假如只考虑到世界如今的模样,而不考虑到世界未来如何,便从此做出不来明智的决策。


37、"If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency. 如果你有" 天赋,勤 勉会 使其 更加 完善 ;如果你能 力一 般, 勤勉 会补足缺陷。 ——Reynolds

38、understand urself in rder t better understanding thers.

39、A hedge between keeps friendship green. 交友有度,友谊常青. / 君子之交淡如水.

40、Proverbs can reflect a nation's creativity, wisdom and spirit。谚语可以体现一个民族的创造力,智慧和精神。


41、isn’t it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time.

42、in a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. the learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. (eric hoffer) 在大幅度转变的时期,将来归属于坚持学习的人。不继续学习的人通常只有日常生活在不会再存有的世界。

43、“the world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” (ernest hemingway) 这世界会打压每一个人。但历经之后,很多人会在负伤的地区显得更健壮。

44、business? that\s very simple---- it\s other people\s money. (alexandre dumas, french novelist)做买卖吗? 那太简易了叫他人出钱包。(法国的文学家 小仲马 a)

45、"Determined to run towards the sunshine, I leave the world my footsteps.Nothing more."


47、And all that is too much of a fortune to be wise and wise is the most likely outcome。凡过于把幸运之事归功于自己的聪明和智慧的人多半结局是不幸的。

48、don’t part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist,but you have ceased to live.不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。

49、A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.少量的常识,当得大量的学问。. Sales are being refused from the beginning.销售是从被别人拒绝开始的。

50、The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its weight.Just like the tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain. 雨水落下 来是 因为 天空 无法 承受它的 重量, 眼 泪掉下 来是因为心再也无法承受那样的伤痛。

51、One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible、


53、you are my light and my pinprick pupils speak of where Ive been looking ——Peregrine

54、suspicion is the poison of friendship。疑心病是友谊的毒药。

55、business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life, witness the fact that in the lord\s prayer the first petition is for daily bread, no one can worship god or love his neighbor on an empty stoach. (woodrow wilson. american president)日常生活包含精神生活的基本。毋庸置疑的实际上是,在主祷文中往造物主祈祷的第一件事是使我们天天赢吐司面包。没人能饿着肚子供奉造物主或喜爱他的隔壁邻居。(美国美国总统 威尔逊 w.)

56、to live is to learn, to learn is not to live。活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。


58、Do not teach fish to s friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。




“A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.”工作总结之家按照读者的需求整理出了《英文名言》的相关资料。随着人们生活水平的提高名人名言的价值也逐渐得到了认识,名人格言揭示了人性的复杂性让我们更加理解自己和周围的人。敬请浏览以下网页句子内容!


2、Hope is happiness, create will be happy.

3、He is a fool that forgets himself.

4、Care brings grey hair.

5、thing is so necessary for travelers as languages.

6、Once a thief, always a thief.

7、Having read more than ten thousand books,writing if there is god。光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。

8、A man may dig his grave with his teeth.

9、A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire.

10、Virtue never grows old. 美德常青。


12、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。

13、Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.

14、Prefer loss to unjust gain.

15、It‘s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.

16、Take the world as it is.

17、A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.


19、Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.

20、One mans fault is other mans lesson.

21、A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart.

22、He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself.

23、the hard-yong bees do not have the time of sorrow. - Black

24、Efficiency is the soul of do a good job.

25、god one day. God is equal to everyone!

26、Deal with a man as he deals with you.


28、Ones words reflect ones thinking.

29、Old sin makes new shame.

30、Patience is a virtue.

31、even dare to waste an hour of the time, he does not know how to value the full value of life. - Darwin

32、one today is worth two tomorrows.

33、Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily .(Friedrich Schiller,German Dramatist and poet)。

34、Be willing to prove that anyone who acts good and noble will be able to take the trouble for it.

35、As you sow, so shall you reap.

36、Second thoughts are best.三思而行,再思可也。

37、People do not lack strength; they lack will.

38、The person I love in the heart, always beautiful.

39、a bold attempt is half success.

40、All things will come round to him who will but wait.


42、modesty helps one to make progress and conceit makes one lag behind. - Mao Zedong

43、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

44、Their slow Xu poo abdomen, we know not reading book。 -- Zhang Yuelou自家慢诩便便腹,开卷方知未读书。——张月楼

45、Seek the truth from facts.

46、Rome is not built in a day.

47、Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.

48、From the labor is a crime.

49、sincere person, the road of the day also; think sincere person, the road of the person also. - Meng Zi

50、Saying is one thing and doing another.

51、Comes at a cost to the bold is making progress.

52、Quick at meal, quick at work.

53、All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

54、husband a word, a daughter is not easy. - Zizhitongjian "

55、A little neglect may breed great mischief.

56、Old birds are not caught with new nests.

57、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。

58、We all do fade as a leaf.

59、living man all things can.

60、Laugh before breakfast you'll cry before supper.

61、All is flour that comes to his mill.

62、he cleverest housewife cannot cook a meal without rice.

63、the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.


65、时间是一个多才多艺的表演者。它可以展翅飞翔,前进,治愈创伤,消失,揭示真相。franklin p.jones

66、All are brave when the enemy flies. 敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。

67、Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it.

68、ne are so blind as those who wont see.

69、Power invariably means both responsibility and danger 。(Theodore Roosevelt,American president)


71、Only in the suffering, can know his own self.

72、A good friend is my nearest relation.

73、in all the criticism, the greatest and most correct, the most gifted of the time. - Belinsky

74、Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you.


76、thing dries sooner than a tear.

77、Determine the final result of success or failure of work.

78、woe is greater than unbelief. - Fu Xuan

79、Time is speed, time means strength.

80、White clouds thousands of miles, creek si 3 before the moon.


82、One never loses anything by politeness.

83、how do not know it too. - Confucius

84、Reading to ponder。 -- Cheng Hao读书要玩味。——程颢

85、You must find what you love, and to watch it.

86、All good things came to an end.


88、One false move may lose the game.

89、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

90、Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.

91、Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.

92、Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.

93、Such kind of practice often, especially before repair of shu.

94、truth never fears investigation.

95、Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

96、Still insist on some seemingly ridiculous self.


98、The pursuit of freedom is to high to a great heart.

99、Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom.

100、Wash a dog, comb a dog, Still a dog, remains a dog.本性难移。


102、Great joy of reading, not to invite good name。 -- Wang Yongbin自得读书乐,不邀为善名。——王永彬

103、A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink.

104、spring retention, Dongfeng Meguire evil. - Shakespeare

105、a reasonable time, it means saving time.

106、people do not keep faith, is tantamount to asking others to discredit him.

107、people with sincerity, is inspiring confidence without words. Wang Tong wenzhongzhi - "Duke"

108、Happy is he that is happy in childhood.

109、Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together.

110、Read not books alone, but men.


112、Offense is the best defense.

113、A man cannot serve two masters.

114、Teach your virtues to your children: it is virtue, not money, that makes man happy. This is my wise remark of an experienced person. It is moral to support me in times of trouble, and it is also moral that I have not committed .

115、Once bitten, twice shy.


117、Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don give up.

118、He is lifeless that is faultless.


120、Speech is silver, silence is gold.

121、The real purpose of the book is to induce the mind to think。 -- Mo Li书的真正目的在于诱导头脑自己去思考。——莫利

122、Ideal, can give the world the unfortunate with joy!

123、Hope is in the wind and rain night XiaoXia.

124、A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.

125、Smart is hard work, talent is the accumulation. - Hua Luogeng

126、Health is better than wealth.

127、the time is free from bias, to any person who is 24 hours; time is fair to no one is a round-the-clock. - Huxley

128、Take things as they come.

129、Choose an author as you choose a friend. 择书如择友。

130、A hero is known in the time of misfortune.

131、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.

132、Success is a progressive failure and do not lose confidence.


134、man is content.

135、A clear conscience is a soft pillow.

136、You can't eat your cake and have it.

137、One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.

138、Bad news has wings.


140、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them .they make them.(George Bernard Shaw,British dramatist)

141、man(or one)is born wise or learned.

142、w or never.

143、Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

144、The younger, the more can’t compromise with stunt.

145、lifeless, faultless.

146、Virtue is a jewel of great price.


148、Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

149、Time tames the strongest grief.

150、Talking mends no holes.


152、Work with quiet hard application is the first, white is known for the wise old man. Is a good training, a hard one before. - Hua Luogeng

153、Joy put heart into a man.

154、Virtue is fairer far than beauty.

155、All activists are dreamers.

156、Gifts from enemies are dangerous.

157、A great man once said it is necessary to drill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become.

158、God never shuts one door but he opens another.

159、one can only be temporary, and integrity is a long-term strategy. - John Ray

160、man can do two things at once.

161、But has the last word been said?Is all hope to be lost?Is the defeat final No!(Charles De Gaulle,French president)

162、Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

163、While there is life, where there is hope.

164、New wine in old bottles.

165、do not have to eliminate every sigh of years, we must face up to rush away the time. - Brecht

166、money, no honey.

167、Knowing something of everything, and everything of something.

168、Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron.

169、All is fair in war.

170、smoke without fire.

171、Give a dog a bad name and hang him.

172、Mild violence more hope for success.

173、You have no goats, and yet you sell kids.

174、Books contain the whole life…… -- Balzac图书包含着整个生活……——巴尔扎克

175、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

176、Care killed the cat.

177、To attract friends, must have a good character.

178、The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there.

179、A good example is the best sermon.

180、Take the rough with the smooth.

181、Riches do not always bring happiness.

182、Good book is the precious blood of the great heart。 -- Milton好书是伟大心灵的宝贵血脉。——弥尔顿

183、科学的本质是:问一个不恰当的问题,然后走上通往正确答案的道路。jacob bronowski

184、tomorrow after tomorrow is so great!

185、Patience is the best remedy(or medicine)。





2、当你羡慕旁人时,有没有想过也许那不是幸运,而是一种习得的能力。一个人命运中的财富、成就和光环,也许的确有幸运的成分,但是那人展现出来的快乐、热爱和努力,都不是遇上的,而是修炼出来的。所有的美好人生都是修练出来和管理出来的。每一项人生要素背后,都有支撑它的能力。 ----《你的生命有什么可能》

3、dn't give up and dn't give in.




7、还记得启动安全感模式的核心是什么吗?就是你的自信。 ----《拆掉思维里的墙》






13、身体和心灵总有一个在路上,要么旅行,要么看书。 ----《背包十年》


15、enrich ur life tda,. esterda is histr.trrw is ster.















30、唯一保护软时间的方法,就是比硬时间更硬。 ----《你的生命有什么可能》









39、你有多自由,完全视乎你的能力和欲望之间的空间有多大。 ----《你的生命有什么可能》


41、Power invariably means both responsibility and danger .实力永远意味着责任和危险。

42、成功日志就是一个启动自信心的方式每天记得告诉自己,我曾经有多好! ----《拆掉思维里的墙》










52、“society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding.” (ralph waldo emerson) 社会发展便是一个化装舞会,每个人都掩藏着他俩的真正个性化,并以这类方法呈现在旁人眼前。






对于男人来说,最漂亮的女人是不能得到的女人;对女人来说,最潇洒的男人是已经拥有的男人。For men, the most beautiful woman is can't get ~~你也想转发这方面的句子吗?也许以下内容“英语名言名句94句”合你胃口!希望能帮助到你的学习和工作!


1、"Before, I wanted to say: “I found love!” But now, I want to say: “I found a person. And he belongs to me and I belong to him.” ——C·" JoyBell C·


3、That is the essence of science: ask an impertinent question, and you are on the way to the pertinent answer


5、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will-power.-- Balzac



8、请珍惜生命中每一个叫你猪的人,当一个人说你笨得像猪的情况下,他/她大多数觉得你笨得讨人喜欢。并且这类笨仅有爱着你的人才可以觉得到。 when there is someone who say that you are as stupid as a pig, he/she probable think you are lovely. only those who love you have this kind of feeling

9、All time is no time makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。

10、What's done can't be undone.

11、[if you remember me, then i dont care if everyone else forgets. —— 如果你记得我,我不在意整个世界都把我遗忘了。]

12、An apple a day keeps the doctor ae is the best. 东奔西跑,还是家里好。

13、Take not a musket to kill a butterfly. 杀蝶不用枪。

14、Who can lie when everything is true? Who wants old when everything is new?

15、He that labours and thrives spins gold. 劳动聚财如聚金.

16、Only beauty and lack of self-cultivation is not worthy of praise。只有美貌而缺乏修养的人是不值得赞美的。

17、with wisdom is the truth, wisdom exists only in the truth。与智慧相伴的是真理,智慧只存在于真理中。

18、A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money。

19、[life only comes around once. so make sure youre spending it the right way, with the right ones.生命只有一次,我们要以合理的方法,和合理的人一起渡过。]



21、death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do。身亡是生命力的一部分,是大家终究要做的一件事。

22、friendship makes the joy doubled, the sharp drop。友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。

23、all progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income. (samuel butler, british writer)众人无不满怀一种天生的冲动,要把开支超出收益,此乃一切发展的驱动力。(英国作家 勃特勒. s.)

24、suspicion is the poison of friendship。疑心病是友谊的毒药。

25、reading makes people perfect。读书使人成为完善的人。

26、je crois que quelque part dans le monde, quelquun mattend. 我坚信当今世界某一角落里,总有人在等着我


28、The best part of the morning is knowing that someone is waiting for you to wake up.


30、Different sores must have different salves.对症下药。

31、"Determined to run towards the sunshine, I leave the world my footsteps.Nothing more."

32、第条 FuGuiBuYin straw, man is hao male here

33、唯美英文the greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as well. ------人生道路最高的幸福快乐,是察觉自己最爱的人恰好也深爱着自身

34、All are not hunters that blow the horn. 吹号角的未必都是猎人。

35、you smiled and talked to me of nothing and i felt that for this i had been waiting long。你略微地笑着,沒有对于我说什么话。而我认为,为了更好地这一,我已经等候好长时间。

36、Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. 宁要机智的傻子,不要愚蠢的机智人。


38、e out in the flesh.


39、Worrying will never change the outcome.

40、e to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. -- J.H. Neas Addison


42、Wonder Wonder Wonderland

43、“your future depends on your dreams.” so go to sleep.“将来在于理想。”因此赶快入睡去。 ——萧伯纳

44、only beauty and lack of self-cultivation is not worthy of praise。只有美貌而缺乏修养的人是不值得赞美的。



47、He that goeth far hath many encounters. 走得远,见得多.



50、When two people are in love, they are eager to have more sweet kisses But why they are in quarrel, they are hurting each other by the mouths that once used for kissing? Every time when I was upset or tired, I can only kiss by myself

51、Take it and return it:the kiss of love. 对于爱之吻,接受它并立即退回它.

52、因为爱并不是打动,你不是他心中的理想化爱人,即使一时接纳你,未来遇上他心爱的那一位,一样会放弃你。自然,针对喜欢你的人,你也是必须花点想法去取悦他的,由于那样才像谈恋爱,才烂漫。 假如感情和岁月也可以轻轻地撕破﹐扔到海里﹐那麼﹐我愿此后就在深海沉默无言...

53、for years i thought what was good for our country was good for general motors, and vice versa. (charles e. wilison american president of gm)多少年业,我终归是对我国有益的事对大家美国通用汽车公司也有益,相反也是。(美国美国通用汽车公司首席总裁 威尔逊 c.e.)

54、Good at choice points means to save time, and miss the point the Xiamang, is about gun。善于选择要点就意味着节约时间,而不得要领的瞎忙,却等于乱放空炮。

55、Important principles may and must be flexible

56、第条 Genius is the ability to endless work hard

57、企业既没有灵魂可以被咒(mà),又沒有身体可以被踢倒,难道说你寄希望于它有哪些良知吗?(英国刑事辩护律师 瑟洛杉矶市 .e.)




60、when the world says,give up!hope whispers,try it one more time. 当全世界都叫我舍弃, 我还是希望有些人轻语一声:“ 再试一次”。

61、good times, bad times, there will always be advertising, in good times people want advertising; in bad times they have to. (bruce barton british economist)管是兴盛时期或是低迷时期,广告宣传总是会存有。兴盛时,大家想投放广告;低迷时,大家迫不得已投放广告。(英国经济学家 巴顿 b.)

62、sometimes god doesnt give you what you want, not because you dont deserve it, but because you deserve more. /有时,老天爷沒有让你要想的,并不是是因为你不配,反而是可遇不可求更强的

63、男人要是提出离婚,往往是他已经不喜欢她的妻子了;女人要是提出离婚,往往是她丈夫已经不喜欢她了。If a man put forward a porce, is often he didn't like her wife; If a woman filed for porce, tend to be her husband didn't like her。

64、第条 If not unity, no power is weak

65、"to fight, to pursue, to be brave"



68、Do not teach fish to s friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

69、Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.

70、"You can ask the universe for all the signs you want, but ultimately, we see what we want to see when were ready to see it."

71、第条 The wise create more opportunities than he finds



74、id rather be the pain that you remember rather than the love that you forget.” 是否有一个人,你只需想到他(她),心就会隐约的痛。。。共3页,现阶段第1页123

75、the best things in life are unseen,thats why we close our eyes when we kiss cry and dream. ———— 生命中最幸福的全是看不到的,这就是为什么大家会在亲吻,抽泣,祈愿的情况下闭上眼。

76、Too muh spoils, too little is nothing. 饭多会馊,饭少不饱


77、business? that\s very simple---- it\s other people\s money. (alexandre dumas, french novelist)做买卖吗? 那太简易了叫他人出钱包。(法国的文学家 小仲马 a)

78、wind that topples her in a wave without spray,and substance without weight, and leaning fires.her mass of kisses breaks and sinks.风翻搅她,在沒有泡泡的潮汐中,在沒有净重的化学物质里,在歪斜的烈火中。她的千吻,断裂而且淹没。聂鲁达 著 李宗荣 译

79、[if you make a girl laugh, she likes you, but if you make her cry, she loves you.假如她因为你而高兴,表明她对你有感觉;假如她因为你而抽泣,表明她爱着你.]

80、 If you knowledge. Baiyi an YiJing than.


82、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass -- John Ruskin

83、walk into a wrong hostel, no wonder street is wrong,cold is the snack to keep on, why put it around.there is no chord in our song, but there’s a coda clue.承认错误宾馆的招牌,承认错误要逛的街,方便冷了想储存,怎可以乱摆,沒有彼此的和旋,但有末尾伏线。

84、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.--Bernara Shaw

85、Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.--J.H. Newman

86、advertising may be described as the science of arresting human in-telligence long enough to get money from it. (leacock stephen, canadian economist)广告宣传可被视作一种长期迷惑人们聪慧以期从这当中挣钱的方法。(澳大利亚经济学家 史蒂芬 l)

87、Taking the first step stars thousand-mile journey千里之行始于足下。

88、the most painful thing is when someone you cant live without, can live without you——最苦痛的一件事情是,你没法离去的那人,却可以放弃你。

89、唯美英文your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真心朋友会使你振奋起来,原本暗淡、苦闷的全球瞬间越来越光亮和丰富

90、There was something in my bones that told me to love you. ——jenn satsune

91、many people meet and miss, but is the intersection of instant return to mou, would have passed. who let you only 500 preexistence buddies return? --- 很多的人相遇又错过了,不过是一瞬回眸的联系,经过了就过去了。谁让你们上辈子只回眸五百回呢?

92、pain makes you stronger, tears makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser, so thank the past for a better future.痛苦使你更顽强,泪水使你更英勇,心痛使你更明智,因此,我们都应当感激以往,它为我们提供了一个更快的将来。

93、better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. 与其说难过追忆,比不上笑容遗忘。

94、对于男人来说,最漂亮的女人是不能得到的女人;对女人来说,最潇洒的男人是已经拥有的男人。For men, the most beautiful woman is can't get a woman; For women, the most handsome man is a man I already have。


"只要目标是销售,我们才能称之为广告。" - 罗斯·勒夫





3、事实的唯一可靠标准总是沿着它。 -世界







10、学生和先生的关系是同志的关系,教师是同志中的领导者,因此就要尊重教师。教师和学生,一切都是相互平等的关系,用中国的老话来说,叫做“教学半”(教者学者各负一半责任,就没有资产阶级的所谓教师本位或学生本位的对立),或“教学相长”,在教和学当中,教师和学生都得到利益,都获得进步。这是新的师生关系的问题。——徐特立 《徐特立教育文集》







17、使生活变成幻想,再把幻想化为现时。 —— 居里夫人

18、健康状况和高体育培训对于有效的精神劳动很重要。 -kurushikaya.




21、看文字须大段精彩看,耸起精神,竖起筋骨,不要困,如有刀剑在后一般。就一段中须要透,击其首则尾应,击其尾则首应,方始是。不可按册子便在,掩了册子便忘。 朱熹引自《朱子语类大全》第10卷






27、圣人之言,不能尽解,说道陈义,不能辄行。不能辄行,宜问以发之。不能尽解,宜难以极之。——王充 《论衡·问孔》

28、不要侮蔑你不知道的真理,否则你将以生命补偿你的过失。 莎士比亚


30、祝愿家人皆团聚,今夜除夕阖家欢。 ----《除夕》


32、I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.


34、既然夫子握着她能否得到频婆果的大权,她当然不能再同他对着干。他为图心中痛快罚她的经书,她也断不能再像往常一样置之一旁,该抄的还是要抄写,要顺他的意,要令他一见她就通体舒坦心中畅快。此外她还审慎地考虑了一番,自觉以往得罪这位夫子得罪得略过,此时不仅要顺从他,还需得巴结。 ----唐七公子《三生三世枕上书》









42、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。 ——西班牙小说家 松苏内吉



45、中国啧称奇,节日食成风。 ----《念蟹》




49、——查尔斯?露华浓 露华浓创办人

50、正因为有了理想,生活才变得如此甜蜜;正因为有了理想,生命才显得如此宝贵。 ——艾特玛托夫 生活不能没有理想。健康的理想,发自内心的理想,来自服务国家和人民利益的理想。 ——季米特洛夫


52、天下之难事,必作于易;天下之大事,必作于细。 韩非(战国末期哲学家)引自《韩非子喻志》

53、如果你浪费你的年龄,它很伤心。年轻人只有迟到 - 一点时间。 - 单词

54、The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. 不管是男士还是女士,如果读优秀的小说不能感到愉悦,那么他或她一定是不可原谅地愚蠢的。



56、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。 韩愈引自《进学解》



59、人们啊,你们在你们的自身之中寻找对你们的那种可悲的补救之道,那是枉然的。你们全部的光明所能达到的只不过是认识到,你们绝不会在你们自身之中找到真理或者美好。 帕斯卡尔

60、古今读清照,潸然泪多少? ----《李清照》


62、没有技能优良的质量,质量更好,而且易于寻求高贵的位置。 - 培根








70、乐观是一首激昂优美的进行曲,时刻鼓舞着你向事业的大路勇猛前进。—— 大仲马(法国19世纪浪漫主义作家)


72、包含着某些真理因素的谬误是最危险的。 亚当斯密

